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引用本文:徐汉祥,周永东,贺舟挺. 用营养动态模式估算东海区大陆架渔场渔业资源蕴藏量[J]. 浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版), 2007, 26(4): 404-409
作者姓名:徐汉祥  周永东  贺舟挺
摘    要:引用在东海区渔场进行的"海洋生物资源补充调查和资源评价"获得的初级生产力调查结果,综合已有的研究数据,采用PARSONS和CUSHING营养动态模式,对东海区渔场的渔业资源蕴藏量进行了估算。结果表明:1996~2005年东海区大陆架渔场渔业资源平均营养级为3.531级,近10年渔业资源年平均蕴藏量为836×104t,可捕量为418×104t左右;其中东海陆架渔场平均资源量为591×104t,可捕量296×104t;黄海南部平均资源量为245×104t,可捕量123×104t。2002~2005年东海区大陆架渔场平均资源蕴藏量为855×104t,可捕量为428×104t左右;东海区大陆架单位面积渔业资源蕴藏量为14.59t/km2,可捕量7.5t/km2;有机碳与鱼的比例为10.32:1,在世界各渔场中均属于较高水平;东海的单位面积渔业资源蕴藏量为8.89t/km2,东海区海域单位面积渔业资源蕴藏量为10.20t/km2,可捕量分别为4.5t/km2和5.1t/km2,高于黄渤海区和南海,略低于福建海区。目前东海区大陆架渔场的年渔获量已达750×104t左右,远远超过估算的420×104t左右年可捕量水平,使渔业资源始终处于过度捕捞状态。要使渔业资源恢复到良好状态,至少要减少目前40%的渔获量。

关 键 词:营养动态模式  资源量  可捕量  营养级  大陆架渔场  东海区

Biomass Estimation of Continental Fishery Resources in the East China Sea Using Trophic Level Method
XU Han-xiang,ZHOU Yong-dong,HE Zhou-ting. Biomass Estimation of Continental Fishery Resources in the East China Sea Using Trophic Level Method[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition), 2007, 26(4): 404-409
Authors:XU Han-xiang  ZHOU Yong-dong  HE Zhou-ting
Abstract:Based on the survey results of primary production and other research data in the fishing grounds of the East China Sea,biomass of continental fishery resources were estimated using Parsons and Cushing trophic level method.Results showed that average trophic level of continental fishery resources were 3.531 during 1996-2005,and that annual biomass amounted to 8.36 million tons and allowable catch 4.18 million tons for the recent decade in the East China Sea.Average annual biomass of continental fishery resources in the East China Sea reached at 5.91 million tons and allowable catch 2.96 million tons.In the southern areas of Yellow Sea,average annual biomass of fishery resources were estimated at 2.45 million tons and allowable catch 1.23 million tons.But during 2002-2005,annual biomass of continental fishery resources went up to 8.55 million tons and allowable catch 4.28 million tons in the East China Sea.Abundance index of continental fishery resources were 14.59 tons per square kilometer and catchable rate were 7.3 tons per square kilometer.The ratio of organic carbon to fish was 10.32:1,which belonged to considerable high level in the global fishing grounds.Abundance index of fishery resources were 8.89 tons per square kilometer in the whole East China Sea and in the fishing areas were 10.20 tons per square kilometer.Catchable rate were 4.5 and 5.1 tons per square kilometer respectively in the above two areas,which was higher than that of Yellow Sea and Bohai and South China Sea,but slightly lower than that of Fujian areas.So far,annual catch of continental fishery resources had hit 7.5 million tons and far exceeded the allowable catch of estimated 4.2 million tons,which make the fishery resources overfishing status.In order to make the fishery resources in heathy status,current catch should be at least reduced 40%.
Keywords:trophic level method  biomass  allowable catch  trophic level  continental fishing grounds  East China Sea
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