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引用本文:孙兵,俞一彪. 数字信号处理课程多教学模式的探索[J]. 实验科学与技术, 2009, 7(4): 92-94
作者姓名:孙兵  俞一彪
摘    要:针对数字信号处理课程教学中存在的问题,提出如何在注重理论教学的同时,结合实际抓好应用教学的理念。文中从基础学习、提高学习、兴趣学习3个方面采用不同形式的教学模式,使学生从被动学习到主动学习,乃至兴趣学习,旨在提高学生的知识运用能力和独立分析解决问题的能力。

关 键 词:数字信号处理  多教学模式  理论  应用

Research on Multimode Teaching of Digital Signal Processing Course
SUN Bing,YU Yi-biao. Research on Multimode Teaching of Digital Signal Processing Course[J]. Experiment Science & Technology, 2009, 7(4): 92-94
Authors:SUN Bing  YU Yi-biao
Affiliation:(School of Electronics and Information, Soechow University, Suzhou 215006, China)
Abstract:With regard to the existing problems of the teaching "digital signal processing", it is important to emphasize both theory and application. In the three respects as basic, advancing and interesting study, muhimode teaching is adopted. The practical research proves that multimode teaching can cultivate the ability of theory connecting with practice and the ability of analyzing and solving problem independently.
Keywords:digital signal processing  multimode teaching  theory teaching  applied teaching
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