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引用本文:荣喜民 夏江山 王峥. 一种有交易费用的交互式组合证券投资方法[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2004, 37(6): 540-543
作者姓名:荣喜民 夏江山 王峥
作者单位:天津大学理学院,天津大学理学院,天津大学理学院 天津300072,天津300072,天津300072
基金项目:南开大学 天津大学刘徽应用数学中心资助项目(2001T07).
摘    要:针对Markowitz组合证券投资模型计算复杂、可操作差等缺陷,基于收益和风险满意度,试图提出更符合市场要求且更可操作的组合投资模型.通过分析提出了一种新的交互式组合证券投资方法,即将不可微的双目标规划问题转化为一个线性规划问题.该方法可以充分考虑投资者的要求.在考虑交易费用的前提下,在整个投资方案达到投资者要求底限的同时,实现收益和风险的权衡,并给出了数值算例.

关 键 词:组合证券投资  交易费用  收益满意度  风险满意度

An Interactive Approach for Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs
RONG Xi-min,XIA Jiang-shan,WANG Zheng. An Interactive Approach for Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs[J]. Journal of Tianjin University(Science and Technology), 2004, 37(6): 540-543
Authors:RONG Xi-min  XIA Jiang-shan  WANG Zheng
Abstract:By analyzing existent problem that computation is complex and operation is difficult in Markowitz's model of portfolio selection,based on profit satisfaction degree and risk satisfaction degree,this paper presents a new model that more actual and more easy to operate.By research of security market,presents a new interactive method for portfolio selection.With a transformation,we transform equivalently this no-differentiable and bi-(objective) optimization problem to a linear program.Themethod can meet investor's subjective desire sufficiently.Under the hypothesis of transaction cost,It gets a balance between profit and risk while satisfying the lower bound value of investor's requirements.And a numerical example is given.
Keywords:portfolio  transaction cost  profit satisfaction degree  risk satisfaction degree  
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