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引用本文:董大明,钱祥麐. 润滑脂的流变性及线接触脂润滑的弹流分析[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 1989, 0(6)
作者姓名:董大明  钱祥麐
摘    要:本文提出一种根据脂的实测表观粘度拟合成四参数流变模型的方法。运用加权残量法导出了纯滚动脂润滑一维流动的当量雷诺方程,并采用Chris-tensen的简化全数值解,通过多次迭代使表征非牛顿效应的参数收敛,以逼近不同工况下的实际流动,进而得出了脂润滑线接触中心膜厚公式。由光干涉实验证明本文理论计算结果与实际非常接近。

关 键 词:脂润滑  流变性质  弹性流体动力学  非牛顿流体  润滑膜厚

Rheological Properties of Grease and Grease Lubricated EHD Theory
Dong Daming Qian Xianglin. Rheological Properties of Grease and Grease Lubricated EHD Theory[J]. Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 1989, 0(6)
Authors:Dong Daming Qian Xianglin
Affiliation:Research Institute of Tribology
Abstract:An algorithm by fitting apparent viscosity test data to obtain a four-rheological-parameter constituent equation of grease is advanced. Makinguse of weighted residue method, derived is the equivalent reynolds equation. Numerical complete solution is acquired adopting Christensen's rigid stamp model. Iteration scheme is employed until finally the non-Newtonian effect parameter is satisfactorily converged. The agreement between theoretical and experimental results is good.
Keywords:grease lubrication  rheological property  elastohydrodynamics  non-Newtonian fluid  lubricant film thickness  
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