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引用本文:丁铸,马大为,汤铭端,张学锋. 基于禁忌退火粒子群算法的火力分配[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2006, 18(9): 2480-2483
作者姓名:丁铸  马大为  汤铭端  张学锋
作者单位:1. 南京理工大学机械工程学院102教研室,江苏,南京,210094
2. 航天科工集团第二研究院,北京,100854
3. 安徽工业大学计算机学院,安徽,马鞍山,243002
摘    要:火力分配问题是典型的NP完全问题,传统的求解算法存在指数级的时间复杂度。给出具体实用的防空火力分配模型,提出一种基于禁忌搜索与退火粒子群优化的新算法,并针对多种空袭规模的实例进行计算机仿真。仿真结果表明,与禁忌搜索、标准粒子群优化、退火粒子群优化等智能算法相比,新算法在解决火力分配问题时具有更优良的收敛精度和时间性能。

关 键 词:火力分配  粒子群优化  模拟退火  禁忌搜索  禁忌粒子群优化

TSAPSO: A Hybrid Search Algorithm of Tabu Search and Annealing Particle Swarm Optimization for Weapon-Target Assignment
DING Zhu,MA Da-wei,TANG Ming-duan,ZHANG Xue-feng. TSAPSO: A Hybrid Search Algorithm of Tabu Search and Annealing Particle Swarm Optimization for Weapon-Target Assignment[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2006, 18(9): 2480-2483
Authors:DING Zhu  MA Da-wei  TANG Ming-duan  ZHANG Xue-feng
Abstract:Weapon-target assignment(WTA) problems are NP-complete, classical methods for them result in exponential computational complexities. A detailed air-defense WTA mathematical model is given. A novel hybrid algorithm based on annealing-embedded PSO and tabu search algorithm is proposed. The performance of the new algorithm is tested by simulations of large-scale air attack. Compared with other intelligent algorithms, the proposed hybrid strategy has the best performance, which is proved by simulations.
Keywords:weapon-target assignment(WTA)  simulated annealing(SA)  particle swarm optimization(PSO)  tabu search(TS)  hybrid search(HS)
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