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The Lighthouse and the Observatory: Islam,Science, and Empire in Late Ottoman Egypt
Authors:Jörg Matthias Determann
Affiliation:1. Virginia Commonwealth University, PO Box 8095, Al Luqta Street, Doha, Qatarjmdetermann@vcu.edu
Well-known in his day, but overlooked since, Erasmus King lectured in natural and experimental philosophy from the 1730s until 1756 at his Westminster home and twenty other venues, publicizing his frequent courses exclusively in the Daily Advertiser. In 1739 he escorted Desaguliers's youngest son to Russia, hoping to demonstrate experimental philosophy to the Russian empress. En route, he conducted trials with a sea-guage in the Baltic which were reported by Stephen Hales in his Statical Essays. Various sources testify to King's subsequent experimental research for Hales in the fields of anatomy, respiration and electricity. There is recorded evidence for the exceptional range and quality of King's scientific apparatus and models.
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