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引用本文:张旺锋,李正河,李蒙春,蔡红梅,张煜星. 北疆高产棉花(2250kg/hm~2)群体光合、呼吸特性及其与产量关系的研究[J]. 石河子大学学报(自然科学版), 1998, 0(Z1)
作者姓名:张旺锋  李正河  李蒙春  蔡红梅  张煜星
摘    要:在田间自然条件下,研究了北疆高产棉花(2250kg·hm-2)群体光合速率、呼吸速率的变化及与产量之间的关系。结果表明,公顷产2250kg高产棉花群体光合速率在整个生育期的变化呈单峰型曲线,在盛花期以前稳定上升,至盛铃期达最大,值为4.05gCO2·m-2·h-1,吐絮期尚保持较高水平。全生育期平均值为2.63gCO2·m-2·h-1。群体呼吸速率随生育时期的变化亦呈现单峰曲线,在盛铃期达最大值。值为2.69gCO2·m-2·h-1,群体呼吸速率的最大值出现时期较群体光合速率晚15~20天左右。群体光合速率的日变化呈现单峰型曲线。至中午14:00~15:00达最大值。群体呼吸速率日变化的趋势与光合相似,但其最大值较群体光合速率晚出现1h左右。盛花结铃期和吐絮期群体光合速率与皮棉产量呈显著正相关。群体呼吸速率与叶面积指数、干物质重之间的盛花期和吐絮期呈显著正相关,与经济产量也呈正相关,但未达显著水平。

关 键 词:棉花  2250kg·hm~(-2)高产  群体光合  群体呼吸

Studies on the Relationship Between Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis,Canopy Respiration and Yield in Sup High Yield Cotton of North Xinjiang
Zhang Wangfeng Li Zhenghe Li Mengchun Cai Hongmei Zhang Yuxing. Studies on the Relationship Between Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis,Canopy Respiration and Yield in Sup High Yield Cotton of North Xinjiang[J]. Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science), 1998, 0(Z1)
Authors:Zhang Wangfeng Li Zhenghe Li Mengchun Cai Hongmei Zhang Yuxing
Abstract:The relationship between canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP)rate,canopy respiration and yield in high yield of North Xinjiang were studied in 1997.The results showed that the CAP rate of cotton during the entire growth period generally varied according to a single peak curve,where the peak value was usually reached around the time of full boll.The CAP of super high yield cotton(2250kg lint yield/hm 2)usually in creased before full bill and the peak value was higher than the high yield (2250kg lint yield/hm 2),and the super high yield was maintains of the CAP in the boll opening.The changes of CAP at various times of day generally varied according to a single peak.The CAP rate at full boll and boll opening stage was highly significantly correlated with lint yield.
Keywords:cotton  high yield  canopy appatent photosynthesis  canopy respiration
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