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引用本文:闫妍,朱晓武,熊爱民,李权葆,陈晓松. 金融危机前后世界主要股票指数的金融风险:基于t分布的实证研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, 31(5): 841-847. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2011)5-841
作者姓名:闫妍  朱晓武  熊爱民  李权葆  陈晓松
作者单位:1. 中国科学院研究生院管理学院, 北京 100190;2. 国家信息中心 博士后科研工作站, 北京100045;3. 中国政法大学 商学院, 北京 100088;4. 宁波大学商学院, 宁波 315211;5. 中国科学院 理论物理研究所, 北京 100190
摘    要:选取2004--2006年(平稳区间)和2007--2009年(危机区间)全球28支股票指数作为样本, 计算标准化后的日对数收益率,利用t分布和正态分布对概率密度分布 函数进行拟合. K-S检验显示,t分布的拟合优度高于正态分布. 计算股指对数收益率t分布的自由度数ν和标度参数b. 研究表明:股票指数的风险在金融危机期间 大幅升高; 在平稳期,自由度$nu$一般大于2, 中位数为2.64, 与“自由度近似等于3”的结论相符, 但是金融危机期间, 股票指数大幅波动,自由度ν一般小于2, t分布曲线的性质发生改变.由于中国对股票交易设立了涨跌停板制度, 上证综指和深圳成指的ν值在金融危机前后没有显著变化, 均在3附近.

关 键 词:t分布  自由度  风险  金融危机  

Financial risks of global main stock indexes before and after financial crisis: An empirical study based on t-distribution
YAN Yan,ZHU Xiao-wu,XIONG Ai-min,LIQuan-bao,CHEN Xiao-song. Financial risks of global main stock indexes before and after financial crisis: An empirical study based on t-distribution[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2011, 31(5): 841-847. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2011)5-841
Authors:YAN Yan  ZHU Xiao-wu  XIONG Ai-min  LIQuan-bao  CHEN Xiao-song
Affiliation:1. School of Management, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2. Post Doctoral Research Center, State Information Center, Beijing 100045, China;3. Business School, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China;4. Business School, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;5. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Abstract:This research selected 28 main stock indexes of the world as a sample,in which the year of 2004-2006 was viewed as stable period,and the year of 2007-2009 was viewed as crisis period.The probability density distributions of daily logarithmic returns were fitted with normal distribution curves and t-distribution curves,calculated with the number of freedom degrees v and scale parameter b.The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that i-distribution fits the data better than normal distribution.The investigation show...
Keywords:t-distribution  degrees of freedom  risk  financial crisis  
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