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引用本文:蔡勋,曾亮,王攀. 基于GPU的体绘制流水线优化与预处理加速算法[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2011, 23(3): 511-515
作者姓名:蔡勋  曾亮  王攀
摘    要:提出一种基于GPU的体绘制流水线优化与预处理加速算法。对目前GPU体绘制流水线结构进行了深入地分析,为消除流水线速度瓶颈,采用自适应数据划分剔除算法对体数据进行子划分,剔除空白子块后将子数据块定义成子纹理块,然后使用体纹理打包算法VTP将子纹理块打包成适合GPU纹理内存的纹理,再依次传输至GPU纹理内存中。实验结果表明加速算法能有效提高流水线实际吞吐率,与原始算法相比,加速算法节省了40%~60%的绘制时间。

关 键 词:体绘制  GPU  流水线  纹理

Volume Rendering Pipeline Optimization and Pre-process Acceleration Algorithm Based on GPU
CAI Xun,ZENG Liang,WANG Pan. Volume Rendering Pipeline Optimization and Pre-process Acceleration Algorithm Based on GPU[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2011, 23(3): 511-515
Authors:CAI Xun  ZENG Liang  WANG Pan
Affiliation:CAI Xun,ZENG Liang,WANG Pan(Department of computer Science,National University of Defence Technology,Changsha 410073,China)
Abstract:An accelerated pre-process algorithm for Volume Rendering based on GPU was proposed.The volume rendering pipeline based on GPU was analyzed in order to solve the bottleneck of the speed of pipeline.The proposed algorithm first partitioned the volume data adaptively and eliminated the empty region of sub-data.Then the sub data was converted to sub-textures.Finally,the algorithm called VTP was utilized to pack the sub-textures to volume textures,which was subsequently transferred to the texture memory of GPU....
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