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引用本文:孔德宝,于淑芬. 利用非交错矩阵构造带仲裁的认证码[J]. 辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 32(3): 275-279
作者姓名:孔德宝  于淑芬
摘    要:设Fq是q元特征为2的有限域,q是素数的幂.令信源集S为Fq上所有的n×n非交错矩阵的合同标准型,编码规则集ET和解码规则集ER为Fq上所有的n×n非奇异矩阵,信息集为Fq上所有的n×n奇异的非交错矩阵,构造映射f:s×ET|→M g:M×ER→S∪(欺诈)(Sr,P)|→PS,P^t, (A,X)|→{Sr,如果XKAKX^T=Sr,秩A=r 欺诈, 其他 其中K=(^In-1 0 0 0 ).证明了该六元组(S,ET,ER,M;f,g)是一个带仲裁的Cartesian认证码,并计算了该认证码的参数.进而,当收方与发方的编码规则按照等概率均匀分布选取时,计算出该码敌方模仿攻击成功的概率P1,敌方替换攻击成功的概率Ps,发方模仿攻击成功的概率PT,收方模仿攻击成功的概率PR0,收方替换攻击成功的概率PR1.

关 键 词:带仲裁的认证码  非交错对称矩阵  特征为2的有限域

Construction of authentication codes with arbitration by non-alternation symmetric matrices
KONG De-bao,YU Shu-fen. Construction of authentication codes with arbitration by non-alternation symmetric matrices[J]. Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2009, 32(3): 275-279
Authors:KONG De-bao  YU Shu-fen
Affiliation:KONG De-bao , YU Shu-f en (1. School of Mathematical Sciences, Hulunbeier College, Hulunbei'er 021008 ; 2. Tonghua No. 1 Middle School, Tonghua 135000, China)
Abstract:Let Fq be the finite fields of characteristic 2 with q elements, where q is a power of a prime. Suppose the set of source states S is a cogredient normal form of all the n X n non-alternation matrices over Fq, the set of encoding rules ET and decoding rules ER are all of the n )× n nonsingular matrices over Fq, and the set of messages M is all of the n X n singular non-alternation matrices over Fq. Construct the maps f:s×ET|→M g:M×ER→S∪(reject)(Sr,P)|→PS,P^t, (A,X)|→{Sr,if XKAKX^T=Sr,rank(A)=r reject, otherwise where K=(^In-1 0 0 0 ) In this paper it is proved that (S, Er, ER, M;f, g)is a Cartesian authentication codes with arbitration, and the associated parameters are calculated. Moreover, when the encoding rules obey a uniform probability distribution,the probabilities of successful impersonation attack by the opponent, successful impersonation attack by the receiver and successful substitution attack by the receiver are computed.
Keywords:authentication codes with arbitration  non-alternation symmetric metrix  finite fields of characteristic 2
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