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引用本文:陈理. 抗日时期国民政府开发西部的经济政策及其影响[J]. 广西民族大学学报, 2004, 0(4)
基金项目:国家民委院校科研基金资助项目 :“清末民国西部开发与少数民族社会变迁”研究成果之一
摘    要:
抗日时期 ,出于建设“抗日建国”大后方的需要 ,国民政府相继制定与实施了一系列开发西部的经济政策 ,取得了明显的成效 ,并藉此而推动了西部地区经济的发展。但随着抗日战争胜利目标的日益临近 ,国民政府不仅渐趋停止了对西部的经济开发 ,反而又进一步加紧了对民众的盘剥。因此 ,这一时期国民政府所实施的开发西部的经济政策 ,事实上主要是应对民族危机和时局变化的产物 ,并非长久国策。

关 键 词:国民政府  开发西部  经济政策  抗日战争

Economic Measures A dopted by the National Government to Develop the Western Regions during the Period of Anti-Japanese War and Their Influences
CHEN Li. Economic Measures A dopted by the National Government to Develop the Western Regions during the Period of Anti-Japanese War and Their Influences[J]. Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalities, 2004, 0(4)
Authors:CHEN Li
During the period of anti-Japanese war, for the s ake of building a strong rear for resisting Japanese invasion, the national gove rnment successively formulated and implemented a series of economic measures to develop the western regions, and attained remarkable achievements, which greatly promoted the economic development in the west. However, with the approach of vi ctory, the national government not only ceased economic development of the weste rn regions, but also intensified its exploitation of the people. Therefore, the economic measures adopted by the national government during this period are mere ly a makeshift to deal with the national crisis and changes of circumstances.
Keywords:national government  develop the western regions  economic measures  anti-Japanese war
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