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引用本文:陈国庆. 试述罪犯人权的法律保障[J]. 长春师范学院学报, 2006, 0(9)
作者单位:广东司法警官职业学院 广东广州
摘    要:以美国为代表的西方发达国家往往把人权保障问题作为攻击中国,遏制中国发展的战略和手段之一。其中,罪犯人权保障是一个重要方面。人大八届十一次会议通过的《中华人民共和国监狱法》,充分体现了“尊重与保障人权”的政策精神,对罪犯的人权保障提供了基本的法律制度。

关 键 词:罪犯  人权  司法  保障

On Human Rights Protection of Criminals
CHEN Guo-qing. On Human Rights Protection of Criminals[J]. Journal of Changchun Teachers College, 2006, 0(9)
Authors:CHEN Guo-qing
Abstract:Western developed countries,taking the United Stated as their representative,have an inclination to attack China on the groundless basis of her human rights protection so as to contain her development.What the hostile forces strain their efforts to do is to look for a pretext before they make charges against China's human rights protection,especially that of criminals.To counterattack their assault,we need to conduct researches in the Prison Law of the People's Republic of China adopted by the Eleventh Session of the Eighth National People's Congress,which fully reflects the spirit of respecting and safeguarding the criminals' human rights and provides a legal foundation for them.
Keywords:criminal  human rights  judicature  protection
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