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引用本文:朱桠麟,李雷,涂洁磊,杨园静,杨贵良. 中国能源博弈世界能源——解读BP世界能源统计[J]. 文山师范高等专科学校学报, 2013, 26(3): 100-105
作者姓名:朱桠麟  李雷  涂洁磊  杨园静  杨贵良
作者单位:1. 文山学院数理系,云南文山,663000
2. 楚雄师范学院物理与电子科学系,云南楚雄,675000
3. 云南师范大学太阳能研究所,云南昆明,650092
摘    要:通过BP世界能源统计(BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2010)数据,对全球常规能源状况及常规能源发展带动的新能源发展做出分析和比较。结果表明:一是全球常规能源探明储量在增加,可增加相比消耗的增长是缓慢的;二是常规能源输运是全球重要而繁重的输运;三是全球能源处于从常规能源到新能源过渡的转型期,新能源发展迅猛,目前虽然不能和常规能源相比,但未来将超过常规能源。世界能源处于一场新的革命阶段,关注世界能源状况和发展,建构中国能源与世界能源的种种关系极为重要,国家应充分认清世界能源的客观现实,为这一场革命做好准备。

关 键 词:常规能源  石油  天然气  新能源  页岩气

Chinese Energy Competing with World Energy:A Construal of BP World Energy Statistics
ZHU Ya-lin , LI Lei , TU Jie-lei , YANG Yuan-jing , YANG Gui-liang. Chinese Energy Competing with World Energy:A Construal of BP World Energy Statistics[J]. Journal of Wenshan Teachers College, 2013, 26(3): 100-105
Authors:ZHU Ya-lin    LI Lei    TU Jie-lei    YANG Yuan-jing    YANG Gui-liang
Affiliation:1.The Department of Mathematics and Physic,Wenshan University,Wenshan 663000,China;2.The Department of Electronic Information Science and Technology,Chuxiong Normal University,Chuxiong 675000,China;3.Solar Energy Research Institute,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650092,China)
Abstract:Today energy is the lifeblood of the world economy.One country possess sufficient energy which not only profound impact the Industrial,agricultural,military of this country but also changes the structure of people life.Nowadays,more and more country focuses on world energy development for Interest.The data of this paper comes from BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2010;compare the conventional energy sources to renewable energy and analysis the growth of two kinds energy.The research shows that:1.The conventional energy reserves growth is slow;2.Global energy is excessive from conventional energy to sustainable energy,but the quantity of renewable energy is lower than one.In the future,renewable energy has more fast development.In a word,global energy is in a new stage of revolution.Chinese government should recognize objectivity for this energy revolution preparation.
Keywords:Conventional energy  oil  gas  new energy  shale gas
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