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引用本文:张田. 论媒体对社会性别的文化建构[J]. 长春师范学院学报, 2006, 0(5)
作者单位:黑龙江大学新闻学院 黑龙江哈尔滨150000
摘    要:在当今的商业化社会中,大众传媒领域也存在着对女性的性别成见、贬抑甚至歧视成分的报道和表现。大众传媒将女性刻板泛化为观赏的对象,进一步加深了女性的“他者”角色。社会性别的差异及性别的传统印象,是被社会文化所赋予、培养的结果。因而,我们在审视大众传媒时,需要用社会性别的批评眼光进行反省,同时需要女性积极行动为自身呐喊。只有这样,才能提高公众的构建平等社会性别意识,以促进社会的性别平等。

关 键 词:社会性别  他者  刻板印象  身体文化

Shallow Theory About Medium''''s Cultural Construction to Social Gender
ZHANG Tian. Shallow Theory About Medium''''s Cultural Construction to Social Gender[J]. Journal of Changchun Teachers College, 2006, 0(5)
Authors:ZHANG Tian
Abstract:In nowadays the commercial society,the mass media realm also exists prejudice to the female's sex and devaluation to suppress report way and performance of discriminating against the composition even.The mass media object that the female is inflexible to be suffused with to change in to appreciate,deepened the female's"the other"role further.The difference of the social gender and the traditional impression of the sex is given,developed by the social culture.As a result,we examining the mass media,the animadversion taste which needs to use social gender carries on a self-reflection,needing a female to act actively to shout for themselves.When we take action,it can raise the equal and social gender consciousness of the setting up of public to promote social gender equal.
Keywords:social gender  the others  social stereotype  body culture  
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