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Theories and Methods of Non-optimum Analysis on Systems
引用本文:He Ping. Theories and Methods of Non-optimum Analysis on Systems[J]. 中国工程科学, 2004, 2(1): 73-80
作者姓名:He Ping
作者单位:Liaoning Policeman College,Liaoning,Dalian 116033
摘    要:
1Introduction Non optimumanalysisonsystemsistheacademicideapro posedbyaChinesescholarin 1985[1].Inthefollowingyears ,theresearchofsystems’non optimumhasdevelopedveryfast,bothintheoryandinpractice ,whichinvolvesnon optimumrecognitionofsystems,evaluationoftheoptimumandnon optimumsolutions ,thenon optimummeasurementofsystems,thenon optimumdifferentiationandinstructionofsystemsintheengineeringareas. Thenon optimumanalysistheoryofsystems ,basedontheresultsoftherecognitionandpracticeofmankind ,es…

关 键 词:non optimum category of system; non optimum syndrome; non optimum measurement; self organization of systems;

Theories and Methods of Non-optimum Analysis on Systems
He Ping. Theories and Methods of Non-optimum Analysis on Systems[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2004, 2(1): 73-80
Authors:He Ping
Affiliation:Liaoning Policeman College, Liaoning, Dalian 116033
The theory of non optimum analysis on systems were discussed in detail. It was pointed out that the main problem of exploring an indefinite systems' optimum lies in the lack of non optimum analysis on the system. The syndrome and empirical analysis based on the non optimum category of the system were established. At the same time, the non optimum measurement of the system along with non optimum tracing and self organization of the systems was also put forward.
Keywords:non optimum category of system  non optimum syndrome  non optimum measurement  self organization of systems
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