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引用本文:陈德春,孟红霞,黄新春,张琪. 岩石动态损伤模拟实验装置的研制[J]. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 31(3): 77-80
作者姓名:陈德春  孟红霞  黄新春  张琪
作者单位:1. 中国石油大学,石油工程学院,山东,东营,257061
2. 中海石油基地集团,采油技术服务公司,天津,300452
摘    要:基于爆燃压裂技术原理,研制了岩石动态损伤模拟实验装置。该装置用一重物自由落体撞击岩心夹持器的内活动柱塞,压缩岩心模拟井眼内的流体,产生动态压强作用于岩心模拟井眼壁面,以模拟油井爆燃压裂时爆燃药爆燃所产生的动态压强对井眼附近油层的影响。根据动量和能量守衡原理,建立了岩石动态损伤峰值压力和加压速率计算模型,并通过实验验证了计算模型的准确性,增压值和加压速率的计算值与实验结果的平均相对误差分别为2.56%和4.04%。该装置的研制为动载下的岩石力学特性研究提供了定量研究手段。

关 键 词:岩石  动态损伤  模拟实验  实验装置  峰值压力  加压速率

Development of experimental apparatus of simulation for rocks dynamic damage
CHEN De-chun,MENG Hong-xia,HUANG Xin-chun,ZHANG Qi. Development of experimental apparatus of simulation for rocks dynamic damage[J]. Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Sciences), 2007, 31(3): 77-80
Authors:CHEN De-chun  MENG Hong-xia  HUANG Xin-chun  ZHANG Qi
Affiliation:1. College of Petroleum Engineering in China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, Shandong Province, China ; 2. CNOOC Oil Base-Oilfield Technology Services Company, Tianjin 300452, China
Abstract:Based on the principle of exploding in the hydraulic fracture front, experimental apparatus on dynamic damage of rocks was developed. A failing weight was employed in the apparatus to impact the inner piston at the top of the testing cell, and the fluid was compressed by the impacted piston and a dynamic pressure intensity was transmitted to the borehole of the testing rocks. The effects of the dynamic pressure intensity generated by propellant combustion on the near-wellbore scale were stimulated. According to the laws of momentum conservation and energy conservation, the calculation models of the peak pressure and the pressurization rates coming from the dynamic damage of rocks were built. The precision of calculation models was proved, and the average relative deviations between the calculation results and experimental results of the pressurization value and the pressurization rates are 2. 56% and 4.04% respectively. The developed apparatus provides a quantitative analysis instrument to study the rock mechanical characteristics.
Keywords:rock   dynamic damage    simulation experiment   experimental apparatus    peak pressure    pressurization rate
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