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引用本文:郑献之,俞存根,郑基,王迎宾,陈小庆,覃涛. 舟山黄大洋海域春夏季鱼类种类组成和分布特征[J]. 浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版), 2012, 31(2): 114-122
作者姓名:郑献之  俞存根  郑基  王迎宾  陈小庆  覃涛
摘    要:根据2010年5月、11月对黄大洋进行的2次拖网调查所获鱼类资料,分析了该海域鱼类种类组成、数量分布和多样性特征。结果表明:黄大洋春秋两季共出现鱼类48种,隶属于13目、28科,其中春季出现鱼类28种,秋季35种。春季优势种主要为六丝钝尾虾虎鱼、龙头鱼、棘头梅童鱼等,秋季龙头鱼和黄鲫在尾数和生物量上都占绝对优势。根据不同季节ABC曲线变化,黄大洋春秋季鱼类的丰度曲线均在生物量曲线之上,说明其鱼类群落处于不稳定的状态。秋季鱼类渔获率普遍高于春季,这主要与鱼类的生态习性有关,水平分布上黄大洋东面站位的渔获率两个季节均高于西面站位渔获率,其主要受水文环境影响。

关 键 词:黄大洋  鱼类  多样性  优势种

The Species Composition and Distribution Characteristics of Fishes in Huangdayang
Affiliation:ZHENG Xian-zhi,YU Cun-gen,ZHENG Ji,et al(Fisheries School of Zhejiang Ocean University,Zhoushan 316004,China)
Abstract:Based on data from two fishery investigations in May(Spring) and November(Autumn) 2010,analyzed the speices composition,quantitative distribution and diversity of fishes in Huangdayang.The results suggested that there were 48 species of fishes been identified in the survey area,belonging to 13 orders and 21 genera.35 species were catched in spring,and 35 in autumn.The dominant species in spring were Amblychaeturichthys hexanema,Harpodon nehereus,etc.,while in autumn,H.nehereus and Setipnna taty were the most dominant both in numbers and biomass.According to the Abundance and Biomass Curves,the fish community in Huangdayang was in an unstable state,for the Abundance Curves were always on the top of Biomass Curves in the two seasons.The average CPUE of fish in autumn was higer than that in spring,and it correlated with the life history of the fishes.The CPUE of survey stations in the west were higher than that in the east,and this mainly dealt with the hydrological environment in Huangdayang.Besides that,human economic activities were the another important factor that affected the horizontal distribution of fishes.
Keywords:Huangdayang  fish  diversity  dominant species
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