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引用本文:田毓英,张有会. 心电图三种指标的灰色聚类评判[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 1994, 14(4): 71-74. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)4-71
作者姓名:田毓英  张有会
作者单位:1. 化工部石家庄管理干部学院;2. 河北师范大学
摘    要:本文采用灰色聚类[1]的方法对某人心电图的三种指标作出是健康人、心肌梗塞症患者(病人)或指标异常人(介于健康人与病人之间的人)的判断, 方法简便, 计算量少, 便于掌握, 精确度高。

关 键 词:灰色聚类  心电图  健康人  判别分析  灰色系统  灰色聚类方法  判别函数  判别指标  河北师范大学  判别标准  

The Judgement from the Three Kinds of
Tian Yuying,Zhang Youhui. The Judgement from the Three Kinds of[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 1994, 14(4): 71-74. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)4-71
Authors:Tian Yuying  Zhang Youhui
Affiliation:1. Shijiazhuang Business Management Institute, The Ministry of Chemical Industry,050031;2. Hebei Teacher’s University,Shijiazhuang 050016
Abstract:This paper is concerned with the method of judging a person whether he is healthy,abnormal or he is a myocardial infarction patient from the three kinds of electrocardiogram index by using grey cluster.It is very simple and easy to master this method with less calcula- tions,and with higher exactitude at the same time.
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