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引用本文:陈漪. 反思性教学与语文教育改革[J]. 杭州师范学院学报(自然科学版), 2002, 0(2)
作者单位:杭州师范学院人文学院 浙江杭州310012
摘    要:反思性教学是 2 0世纪 80年代在西方率先兴起的一种教育思潮。现试图以此为参照系 ,在反思性教学的理论视野中观照当代中国语文教育改革 ,从教师研究身份的确立、教育背景价值的深入认识、教育过程中反思因素的渗透三方面入手 ,找出具有启发性的因素。

关 键 词:反思性教学  语文教育改革  教师—研究者  教育背景与价值  反思因素

Reflective Teaching and Reform of Chinese Education
CHEN Yi. Reflective Teaching and Reform of Chinese Education[J]. Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Natural Science), 2002, 0(2)
Authors:CHEN Yi
Abstract:Reflective Teaching"being a trend educational of thought sprouted and grew quickly in the Western in 1980s'. On the theory of Reflective Teaching, The thesis studied contemporary reform of Chinese Education. The outhor analysed and pointed out some enlightening factors from three aspects: teachers to do researches, realizing deeply educational background and value, penetrating reflective factors into educational processes.
Keywords:reflective teaching  Reform of Chinese Education  being teacher|and|researcher  background and value of education  reflecting process
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