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Bearings-only fusion tracking for maneuvering target with wavelettransform in three dimensional space
引用本文:Tian Hongwei,Jing Zhongliang,Hu Shiqiang & Li JianxunInstitute of Aerospace Information and Control,School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,P. R. China. Bearings-only fusion tracking for maneuvering target with wavelettransform in three dimensional space[J]. 系统工程与电子技术(英文版), 2005, 16(2)
作者姓名:Tian Hongwei  Jing Zhongliang  Hu Shiqiang & Li JianxunInstitute of Aerospace Information and Control  School of Electrical and Information Engineering  Shanghai Jiaotong University  Shanghai 200030  P. R. China
作者单位:Tian Hongwei,Jing Zhongliang,Hu Shiqiang & Li JianxunInstitute of Aerospace Information and Control,School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,P. R. China
摘    要:1.INTRODUCTION Passivesensordoesnotgenerateelectromagneticwaveand thereforecannotbefoundbyopponent.Thischaracter madeitplayinganimportantroleintargettrackingappli cationwhereradarhastraditionallybeenused.However,forpassivesensor,thedistancebetween sensorandtargetisusuallynotavailable.Tosolvethis problem,twowaysareusuallyadopted:passivesensor withintermittent workingactivesensortracking[1],two ormoreplatformsbearings onlytracking[2,3].Inthis work,bearings onlytrackingwithtwoplatformsisstud…

Bearings-only fusion tracking for maneuvering target with wavelet transform in three dimensional space
Tian Hongwei,Jing Zhongliang,Hu Shiqiang,Li Jianxun. Bearings-only fusion tracking for maneuvering target with wavelet transform in three dimensional space[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005, 16(2)
Authors:Tian Hongwei  Jing Zhongliang  Hu Shiqiang  Li Jianxun
Affiliation:Institute of Aerospace Information and Control, Schcol of Electrical and Information Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, P. R. China
Abstract:A new fusion tracking algorithm is presented to track maneuvering target in three-dimensional (3D) space with bearings-only measurements. With the introduction of passive location and interacting multiple model (IMM) algorithm based on multirate model, the high-rate sequence measurements of two sensors are utilized. Simulation results show that the performance of tracking has been improved. The new algorithm removes the barrier of processing high-rate bearings-only measurements.
Keywords:multirate model   wavelet transform   bearings-only tracking   passive location   interacting multiple moldel
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