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 随着激光的诞生,光学已渗透到人类生活的方方面面。盘点了未来可能会对人类生存及生活方式产生巨大影响的微纳光学、超强激光、成像技术、量子通信、太赫兹技术、光学通信、生物光子学、人工智能用于光学检测8个光学技术研究领域,回顾了这些领域在2019年的重大进展。  相似文献   
针对VDSR模型卷积核单一和DRRN模型不能全局利用的问题,提出了基于并行残差卷积神经网络的联合卷积图像超分辨重建模型。模型首先利用原始卷积层和扩张卷积层融合,建立联合卷积层,然后利用跳跃链接,将多种抽象层次的特征进行融合,最后完成整个超分辨网络的模型构建。提出的模型具有以下优点:①扩张卷积神经网络与原始卷积神经网络融合,在计算机复杂度不变的情况下,可以获取更多尺度的信息,因此具有更强的表达能力;②跳跃链接方式,将抽象层度较低与较高抽象层次的信息融合,获取更多的信息,使得模型具有更强的学习能力。通过在多个数据集上进行实验,模型在大多数任务中与VDSR、DRRN和SRCNN等先进模型相比,IFC值取得了大于0.1的提升。  相似文献   
为解决当前物联网部署过程中存在的流量过滤效率低、传输受限等难题,提出了一种基于超极特征匹配机制的人工网络安全流量过滤算法。首先,基于能量最优原则,并针对sink节点与准分区节点之间的应答响应关系,构建一种网络初始化方案,使用分组问答-响应方式建立节点拓扑初始化关系并进行能量排序,实现网络快速建立及拓扑收敛。随后,综合考虑能量冗余、距离等超级特征并进行区域匹配,通过设计更新周期方法实现对区域节点稳态化控制,稳定区域传输质量,提高算法在超宽带传输条件下的适应能力。最后,采取扫描方式进行分区节点二次筛选,选取转发代价最小的分区节点进行组网,降低分区节点因能量受限而出现瘫痪的概率,进一步稳定算法对流量的过滤及传输质量。仿真实验表明:与当前常用的超宽带一体化传输过滤稳定算法(Ultra Wideband Integrated Transmission Filter Stabilization Algorithms,UWITFS算法)及分区流量综合过滤算法(Partition Flow Comprehensive Filtering Algorithms,PFCF算法)相比,所提算法具有流量过滤强度高、超宽带传输能力强的特性,实际部署价值较高。  相似文献   
以邻苯二胺和水杨酸为原料,β分子筛负载SO2-4/Fe2O3固体超强酸催化剂,微波辐射促进合成了2-(2-1H-苯并咪唑基)-苯酚。实验结果表明:n(水杨酸)∶n(邻苯二胺)=1.0∶1.1(水杨酸6.90 g,邻苯二胺5.70 g),固体超强酸相对用量0.10 g,微波辐射功率500 W,微波辐射时间5 min。产率达87.8%,与常规加热方法相比,具有反应速度快、转化率高等优点。  相似文献   
20世纪以来,精神分析学一直是西方现代派文学的重要理论基础,它对存在主义、超现实主义、荒诞派、表现主义等现代主义流派都产生过直接或间接的影响。英国现实主义作家托马斯·哈代在其小说封笔之作《无名的裘德》中,用深刻、犀利的写作手法将几位主人公的心理活动表现得淋漓尽致。哈代对心理问题的积极探索与透彻研究,堪称精神分析小说家之先驱。  相似文献   
The light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel was developed through composition design and optimization based on multiplex alloying, multiplex micro-alloying design ideas and complex phase structure strengthening theory. The puzzle how to avoid the quenching deformation problem of super high strength thin sheet was solved through heat treatment in a die with a set of cooling system. Such B-grade bulletproof steel plate has fine tempered lath martensite structure. The shooting and certification test results showed that the shoot resistance of B- grade bulletproof steel plate can meet the protection demand of Protection specification for cash carrying vehicles (GA 164--2005). In comparison with B-grade bulletproof steel plate made by one of the companies in Sweden, the weight of the developed B-grade bulletproof steel plate can be decreased by 8 % under the same shoot resistance condition. It will be meaningful for cash truck and anti-hijacking vehicle to realize light weight, energy conservation and emission reduction.  相似文献   
With the increase of span length, the bridge tends to be more flexible, and the wind stability be- comes an important problem for the design and construction of super long-span cable-stayed bridges. By taking a super long-span cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 1 400 m as example, the aerostatic and aerodynamic stability of the bridge are investigated by three-dimensional nonlinear aerostatic and aerodynamic stability analy- sis, and the results are compared with those of a suspension bridge with a main span of 1 385 m, and from the aspect of wind stability, the feasibility of using cable-stayed bridge in super long-span bridge with a main span above l 000 m is discussed. In addition, the influences of design parameters including the depth and width of the girder, the tower structure, the tower height-to-span ratio, the side-to-main span ratio, the auxiliary piers in the side span and the anchorage system of stay cables, etc on the aerostatic and aerodynamic stability of su- per long-span cable-stayed bridges are investigated numerically; the key design parameters are pointed out, and also their reasonable values are proposed.  相似文献   
利用Fourier变换和周期化技巧,给出Fourier域上L~2(R~d,C~L)中约化子空间上的超仿射小波对偶框架的一个充分条件,从而将L~2(R~d)中约化子空间上的结果推广到向量值空间L~2(R~d,C~L)的约化子空间上.  相似文献   
研究了对?n∈N*图 S*的边幻和标号以及超边幻和标号,得到了两种标号的算法 A 和 B,给出了对?n∈N*图 S*具有超边幻和常数 C1=5n+6以及边幻和常数 C2=7n+6,其中图 S*由具有 n+1个顶点星图 S(u)和 n+1个顶点星图 S(v)组成,从而证明了 S*不仅是边幻和图,而且还是超边幻和图等结论。  相似文献   
结合上海地区某工程项目开展2组钢管桩试桩现场试验.根据静载试验实测数据,分析Q-s曲线和桩身轴力分布曲线以研究承载变形特性.研究成果对该地区及类似地质条件下超长大直径桩的设计提供有益的参考.  相似文献   
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