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指出了组件对象模型(COM)是微软公司用于描述可重用对象的标准规范,是面向对象技术的扩充.也是DCOM和COM^ 的技术基础.提出了遵循COM标准的组件可被组合起来形成应用,而组件的改造主要有包容,聚合和继承等几种技术,并通过实例加以说明.  相似文献   
介绍了在不同的运行工况下磁力驱动离心泵隔离套的结构设计、材料选择,并给出了隔离套的设计计算公式及加工工艺.  相似文献   
The pressure variances in the reactor core and containment of a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) after a primary loop pressure boundary break accident determine the structural integrity and safety of the reactor. Based on mass conservation, energy conservation and state equations, explicit formulae for the transient pressure and temperature variances in the pressure vessels were deduced, and a set of differential equations for the transient pressure and temperature variances in the containment were developed. Numerical simulation was also conducted to investigate the transient pressure and temperature variances in the pressure vessels and containment. The results show that energy transformation due to expansion work cannot be neglected. The maximum pressure in the containment could increase by 40 percent due to blockage caused by air in the containment. Detailed numerical simulations of the transient pressure and temperature variance in the reactor core flow passages were also conducted. The results show that the pressures acting on the reactor core and containment are below acceptable values.  相似文献   
气溶胶取样测试技术研究与实验验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气溶胶过滤效率是衡量安全壳过滤排放系统性能的重要指标。以安全壳过滤排放系统的研制为背景,针对高温空气和水蒸汽混合介质条件下的固体粒子气溶胶取样及测试技术进行研究,解决了水蒸汽存在条件下气溶胶的取样测量中存在的问题,设计完成了一套可用于安全壳过滤排放系统气溶胶过滤效率检测的取样测试系统。通过多角度对比和实验分析,最终确定了采用疏水性聚四氟乙烯滤膜能够满足混合气体的采样需求。此外实验中发现滤膜的吸湿性和静电效应对测量的准确性影响较大,而采用滤膜恒重和使用铝箔纸的方法能有效解决该问题,提高测量的准确度。在此基础上,完成了取样测试回路的实验验证,并对结果进行了不确定度分析,证明了本套系统能够满足实验需求。  相似文献   
本文针对目前高发的“两抢一盗”街面犯罪及全国各省市地区警力资源不足的现状,提出两种基于优化模型的可用计算机编程实现的堵截方案,以实现快速有效的抓捕逃逸犯罪嫌疑人,由此提高公安机关打击街面犯罪的工作效率和破案能力。其中方案一采用的是具有实战价值的最优布控圈模型,适用于突发性的、社会影响恶劣的犯罪案件,确保能将犯罪嫌疑人第一时间围堵和抓捕。而方案二采用的是关键路布控追捕模型,能提高抓捕和破案效率的同时大大降低了对警力资源的需求,两个方案均具有实际意义。  相似文献   
Dynamic spreading behavior of homogeneous and heterogeneous networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The detailed investigation of the dynamic epidemic spreading on homogeneous and heterogeneous networks was carried out. After the analysis of the basic epidemic models, the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model on homogenous and heterogeneous networks is established, and the dynamical evolution of the density of the infected individuals in these two different kinds of networks is analyzed theoretically. It indicates that heterogeneous networks are easier to propagate for the epidemics and the leading spreading behavior is dictated by the exponential increasing in the initial outbreaks. Large-scale simulations display that the infection is much faster on heterogeneous networks than that on homogeneous ones. It means that the network topology can have a significant effect on the epidemics taking place on complex networks. Some containment strategies of epidemic outbreaks are presented according to the theoretical analyses and numerical simulations.  相似文献   
刑讯逼供是一种丑恶的历史现象,在建立社会主义法治国家的进程中必须通过确立疑罪从无,辅以口供补强规则;改革现行刑事侦查体制,规范和控制侦查权利,加强对侦查的监督和制约;取消如实回答义务,赋予犯罪嫌疑人沉默权,确立不被强迫自证其罪规则;强调依法取证,确立非法取证的排除规则,建立法定证据制度;确立举证责任倒置原则;扩大律师在刑事诉讼中的作用;树立正确的执法理念等措施来加以遏制。  相似文献   
日本福岛核事故后,针对其氢气爆炸会带来安全壳失效和放射性物质外泄的严重后果,给出了福清核电厂严重事故下氢气可燃性控制方案的分析,提供了各个方案的介绍,使用方法,由此带来的优点和副作用,以初步确定根据氢气爆炸的风险大小。帮助操纵员认识氢气可燃控制方案,并可恰当地选择方案中最合适的缓解事故后果的措施,给出了相应建议和意见。  相似文献   
对基于有向固定拓扑的多静态领导者的多智能体系统的包容控制问题进行研究。在系统中智能体之间信息传递存在固定通信时延的情况下,应用拉普拉斯变换技术分别研究一阶和二阶连续时间多智能体系统,通过对系统传递函数的稳定性分析而求取系统状态稳定条件,并应用终值定理,最终得到了保证系统实现包容控制的时延限制条件,最后用仿真验证了该结论的有效性。  相似文献   
 针对威斯康辛大学AP600 冷凝实验的实验本体进行结构分析,计算其承压能力和密封性能。因通过计算发现实验本体承压性能不足,提出改进实验本体结构的设计方法。通过ANSYS 有限元计算分析了改进后的实验本体的承压性能。结果表明,改进后的实验本体,具有更好的承压能力,可满足更高的实验参数需要。  相似文献   
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