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The philosophical analysis of chemistry has advanced at such a pace during the last dozen years that the existence of philosophy of chemistry as an autonomous discipline cannot be doubted any more. The present paper will attempt to analyse the experience of philosophy of chemistry at the, so to say, meta-level. Philosophers of chemistry have especially stressed that all sciences need not be similar to physics. They have tried to argue for chemistry as its own type of science and for a pluralistic understanding of science in general. However, when stressing the specific character of chemistry, philosophers do not always analyse the question ‘What is science?’ theoretically. It is obvious that a ‘monistic’ understanding of science should not be based simply on physics as the epitome of science, regarding it as a historical accident that physics has obtained this status. The author’s point is that the philosophical and methodological image of science should not be chosen arbitrarily; instead, it should be theoretically elaborated as an idealization (theoretical model) substantiated on the historical practice of science. It is argued that although physics has, in a sense, justifiably obtained the status of a paradigm of science, chemistry, which is not simply a physical science, but a discipline with a dual character, is also relevant for elaborating a theoretical model of science. The theoretical model of science is a good tool for examining various issues in philosophy of chemistry as well as in philosophy of science or science studies generally.  相似文献   
从中国传统学术的视阈入手,梳理与辨析历史和历史哲学的内涵与外延。考察历史一词的多重含义;指出西方历史哲学乃根据对历史的两分法,即历史事实和历史著述,而有“思辨的历史哲学”和“分析的历史哲学”两大流派;进而指出中国古代对历史有一三分法,即史事、史文、史义,认为史义即为中国的历史哲学,同时史义又包含有“历史之大义”与“吾心之精义”两部分内容。  相似文献   
《广西民族学院学报(哲社版)》引文分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献计量学方法 ,对 1 995~ 2 0 0 2年度《广西民族学院学报 (哲社版 )》全部论文的引文量、引文类型、引文语种、引文年代等进行统计分析 ,揭示该刊论文著者利用科技文献的规律。  相似文献   
明朝前期吴与弼的兼采朱陆之学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴与弼以一位程朱学身份,主要关注的却是心学问题。在他的心学理论中,心既是一个认识主体,又是一个伦理本体。他既认为仁义礼智本具于心中,又认为心之外存在着天命,人有时只能“一听于天”。他的修养方法偏重于“反求于心”,也注意到读书、应接事物一类下达功夫。他在坚持程朱理气学说的同时,又大量吸收陆九渊的心学。他的学说“实能兼采朱陆之长”。他的学说,通过弟子陈献章、再传弟子湛若水影响了王守仁,成为王守仁心学的源泉之一。  相似文献   
无论在革命战争时期还是改革开放以后,实事求是思想一直是我们奉行的实践准则,并以此一步步走向胜利。但在这一过程中,也有人形而上的理解实事求是,难免导致教条与僵化,无法为实践提供正确的指导。因此,我们必须将实事求是置于新时期思想解放运动的语境中来理解,辩证的理解其与解放思想的内在联系,才能真正的把握其哲学意涵,才能充分发挥其指导思想的作用。  相似文献   
I defend the claim that understanding is the goal of explanation against various persistent criticisms, especially the criticism that understanding is not truth-connected in the appropriate way, and hence is a merely psychological (rather than epistemic) state. Part of the reason why understanding has been dismissed as the goal of explanation, I suggest, is because the psychological dimension of the goal of explanation has itself been almost entirely neglected. In turn, the psychological dimension of understanding—the Aha! experience, the sense that a certain explanation “feels right”, and so on—has been conspicuously overemphasized. I try to correct for both of these exaggerations. Just as the goal of explanation includes a richer psychological—including phenomenological—dimension than is generally acknowledged, so too understanding has a stronger truth connection than is generally acknowledged.  相似文献   
冯友兰先生一生从事哲学研究,他的“三史”、“六书”影响广泛,他的“新理学”体系,是对宋明理学的继承和发展,他的《新事训》是一种人生哲学,并融人了中西文化观,他的《中国哲学史》是对中围哲学发展史进行了深人研究,冯友兰先生是一位伟大的哲学家和思想家。  相似文献   
关于地质理论中的思维因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分析地质学理论中思维因素和地质思维的概念、属性、特征以及在构筑地质理论中的作用,对地质思维中的时空域、思维逻辑和地质思维的本质进行了有意义的讨论。  相似文献   
佛教对一切事物或一切现象的基本分析在很大程度上表现在其关于"法"的学说中.在此对佛教中的这一基本概念进行专门研究,探讨了佛教在不同时期对"法"的基本解释,特别分析了小乘佛教和大乘佛教中一些影响较大的流派关于"法"的类别划分的主要理论,从一个重要方面展示了佛教思想体系的基本面貌.  相似文献   
冯友兰在创建"新理学"体系时,有高度的方法论自觉,他不仅用清晰的逻辑分析方法清洗了中国传统哲学的概念,使得中国哲学史的研究获得了学术的现代形态,而且注意到形而上学的重建需要"正的方法"和"负的方法"的结合、逻辑分析和直觉的结合.但是,"负的方法"的引入,造成了"新理学"的内在紧张.单纯的"负的方法"之所得,并未避免用"正的方法"建构形上学所遭遇的悖论.结果"新知言"突破了"新理学"所谓哲学只使用纯粹思辩的限制.但是,理性的逻辑方法如何与直觉相结合,还是一个需要深入研究的问题.在此,辨证逻辑可能是一个更为基本的方法.  相似文献   
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