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Summary Two new butenolides, seiridin andiso-seiridin, were isolated from culture filtrates ofSeiridium cardinale, the pathogen of cypress canker, a destructive disease ofCupressus and relatedConiferae These metabolites were characterized as 3-methyl-4-(2-hydroxyheptyl)-2(5H)-furanone and its 4-(3-hydroxyheptyl) isomer, respectively. Chlorotic, and necrotic symptoms were produced on leaves of either host or non-host test plants by absorption of 0.3 mg/ml solutions of either compound. These also showed antibacterial activity.This study was supported in part by the National Research Council, Rome (special ad hoc project Chimica fine e secondaria) and in part by the Ministry of Education, Rome.  相似文献   
During the last decade increasing attention has been directed towards the biochemical mechanisms responsible for the biological activity of phytotoxins. Studies on the mode of action of some non-host-selective phytotoxins, some following on from previous observations, have demonstrated a very specific interaction with particular components of the cell machinery, and have suggested the possible use of these phytotoxins as tools for the investigation of important biochemical processes. This review article reports and discusses results of studies carried out in the 1980s with seven non-host-selective fungal toxins: brefeldin A, cercosporin,Cercospora beticola toxin, fusicoccin, ophiobolins, tentoxin, and zinniol. Each of these interferes with the life of the host by interacting with a different biochemical target.  相似文献   
Bacterial and fungal plant pathogens are known to produce diffusible toxins in infected plants. These phytotoxins are harmful to plants in very low concentrations, and many reproduce at least some of the symptoms of the relevant bacterial or fungal disease. Several phytotoxins have been shown to be involved in pathogenesis. Recent years have seen substantial progress in our knowledge about the nature, structure and mode of action of phytotoxins, and this is briefly reviewed. Finally, possible applications in fields other than plant pathology are mentioned.The Editors wish to thank Prof. A. Ballio and Prof. A. Graniti for coordinating this multi-author review.  相似文献   
Summary The predominant host-selective toxin fromCochliobolus victoriae, victorin C, is a peptide with an apparent mol. wt of 796, representing a cyclic array of the subunits1–6. The structure of the toxin has now been established as in16 through analysis of the degradation products generated by enzymic and non-enzymic partial hydrolysis. The presence of a hydrated aldehydo group requires for victorin C the composition C31H45O13N6Cl3 with an amended mol. wt of 814, for which independent experimental support has been secured.  相似文献   
Many species of phytopathogenic procaryotes produce toxins that appear to function in disease development. The affect the plant in different ways, the end result of which is the elicitation of chlorosis, necrosis, watersoaking, growth abnormalities or wilting. The most extensively studied toxins cause chlorosis. They specifically inhibit diverse enzymes, all critical to the plant cell. This inhibition results in a complex series of metabolic dysfunctions ultimately resulting in symptom expression. Substances causing growth abnormalities consist of known phytohormones and other compounds with plant hormone-like activities, but which have no structural relationship to the known hormones. The former act in the usual manner but, because of their elevated levels and imbalances, the host's regulatory mechanisms are overwhelmed and abnormal growth results (hyperplasia, shoot or root formation); the mechanisms of action of the latter group are unknown. High molecular weight, carbohydrate-containing substances, also acting in unknown ways, cause tissue watersoaking or wilting. Likewise, we know little about toxins causing necrosis except for syringomycin which affects ion transport across the plasmalemma.  相似文献   
Many fungal pathogens of plants adapt readily to changes in agriculture. Among the most revealing is a fungal group whose species produce host-selective toxins as key determinants of disease. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that these fungi evolved from opportunistic, low-grade pathogens by gaining new genetic information leading to toxin production; in some species, toxin production is known to be under single gene control. as a result of this evolution, these fungi became virulent and host-specialized. The best-known model cases belong to the generaCochliobolus andAlternaria; there are suggestions of evolutionary lines among these genera, with species that range from saprophytes to opportunists to specialized pathogens. Host specialization can lead to genetic isolation, a first step in speciation. Ability to produce host-selective toxin has allowed these fungi to exploit the monocultures and genetic uniformity of modern agriculture. Destructive epidemics have been the result.  相似文献   
Summary The phytopathogenic fungusAlternaria eichorniae attacks water hyacinth, an economically significant aquatic weed. The novel phytotoxin alteichin was isolated from liquid cultures of this fungus and its structure was deduced by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Altheichin is a doubly hydrated form of 4,9-dihydroxy perylene-3,10-quinone. A single step dehydration of alteichin to anhydroalteichin is catalyzed both by acid and by a crude enzyme preparation from water hyacinth.We thank Dr R. N. Strange for the protoplast assay. Funding was provided by BARD 1-31-79, NIH-CA 24487, Bristol Laboratories, the Montana Agricultural Expt. Station, and NSF.  相似文献   
Conventional plant breeding for resistance to pathogens, although successful, is in many cases still too slow to keep pace with pathogen adaptation, and suffers from the lack of genetic variability in cultivated varieties. Phytotoxins, because of their role in disease development, have been proposed as convenient markers for early screening of resistant genotypes and as selective agents for in vitro selection. The present review summarizes, firstly, the evidence for a genetic correlation between tolerance to toxins and resistance to pathogens, with particular reference to host-selective toxins (HST) and factors affecting early screening. There follows a discussion of results obtained from the use of phytotoxins for in vitro selection of resistant plants. The conclusion is drawn that this practice, while potentially useful in the case of HST, leads to contradictory results when ill-defined toxins or culture filtrates are used. Finally, prospects for future research are adumbrated.  相似文献   
Little is known about the genetic control of phytotoxin production by plant pathogenic fungi. The production of host-selective toxins known to play a role in disease development has been genetically analyzed in three species ofCochliobolus. InC. heterostrophus, a single genetic locus with two alleles has been identified controlling the production of HMT-toxin. This locus appears to be at or near the breakpoint of a chromosome rearrangement. Single genetic loci have also been identified controlling the production of HC-toxin byC. carbonum and HV-toxin byC. victoriae. The locus inC. carbonum may be a cluster of tightly linked genes.  相似文献   
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