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甲骨文自1899年发现以来,一代又一代的浙籍学者为甲骨文等古文字学的创立、发展和壮大做出了巨大的贡献.从甲骨学研究来说,"草创时期"(1899-1928)和"发展时期"(1928-1937)有孙诒让筚路蓝缕,开拓榛莽;有罗振玉凿破鸿蒙,钩沉索颐;有王国维考地征史,挽世绝尤;有王襄鉴定购藏,首创字汇.1949年以后的"全面展开时期",有唐兰审于点画,多有发明;有陈梦家继往开来,综合研究.今天,裘锡圭先生和曹锦炎先生"退而不休",在甲骨文、金文、战国文字、简牍、帛书等多个领域几十年如一日辛勤耕耘,继续为古文字学的发展贡献着自己的力量.当下"浙学"研究如火如荼,与"蜀学"、"湘学"、"徽学"、"闽学"等相互妍美,共同点缀着"多元一体"的中华民族文化百花园,并且以源泉之姿和活水之势给养着新时期"浙江精神".在大力发展"浙学"的今天,一代又一代浙籍甲骨文等古文字学者所创造的巨大精神财富不应被忽视,纳入"浙学"体系刻不容缓.甲骨文等古文字学研究,不仅是"浙学"的特色,更是开展地域文化研究的"王牌".所以,如何利用好一代又一代浙籍前辈学者宝贵的精神文化遗产开展甲骨文等古文字学的接力和纵深研究,是新时期"浙学"的重要任务.  相似文献   
The TET enzymes     
During the past decade, we have learnt that the most common DNA modification, 5-methylcytosine (5mC), playing crucial roles in development and disease, is not stable but can be actively reversed to its unmodified form via enzymatic catalysis involving the TET enzymes. These ground-breaking discoveries have been achieved thanks to technological advances in the detection of the oxidized forms of 5mC and to the boldness of individual scientists. The TET enzymes require molecular oxygen for their catalysis, making them important targets for hypoxia research. They also require special cofactors which enable additional levels of regulation. Moreover, mutations and other genetic alterations in TETs are found, especially in myeloid malignances. This review focuses on the kinetic and inhibitory properties of the TET enzymes and the role of TETs in cellular differentiation and transformation and in cancer.  相似文献   
Current knowledge on exosome biogenesis and release   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Exosomes are nanosized membrane vesicles released by fusion of an organelle of the endocytic pathway, the multivesicular body, with the plasma membrane. This process was discovered more than 30 years ago, and during these years, exosomes have gone from being considered as cellular waste disposal to mediate a novel mechanism of cell-to-cell communication. The exponential interest in exosomes experienced during recent years is due to their important roles in health and disease and to their potential clinical application in therapy and diagnosis. However, important aspects of the biology of exosomes remain unknown. To explore the use of exosomes in the clinic, it is essential that the basic molecular mechanisms behind the transport and function of these vesicles are better understood. We have here summarized what is presently known about how exosomes are formed and released by cells. Moreover, other cellular processes related to exosome biogenesis and release, such as autophagy and lysosomal exocytosis are presented. Finally, methodological aspects related to exosome release studies are discussed.  相似文献   
By far, the researches on how to distribute blood products among different departments in hospital have not been further studied, though the problem of blood shortage and wastage that caused by improper blood allocation is severe, which may endanger patient’s lives and impose considerable costs on hospitals. In order to solve this problem, this paper mainly studies on how to distribute the blood items among different departments within a hospital and investigates the allocation approach with the novel management method by centralizing the inventory of several different departments. By integrating the blood inventory requirements of some departments, the hospital could reduce the rate of blood shortage and wastage effectively, release the pressure of the occupancy of resources and reduce the bullwhip effect of blood products. This paper illustrates the centralization principle in hospital and formulates the mixed integer programming model to work out the optimal allocation network scheme and the optimal inventory setting for every department. And the results of the numerical example demonstrate that this centralization method could considerably reduce blood shortage and wastage in hospital by about 72% and 90% respectively. Furthermore, it could decrease the total cost by about 108,540 RMB a month on blood supply chain management in the hospital and improve the effect of some certain surgeries by transfusing the fresh blood to patients.  相似文献   
In this paper, views of investor are described in fuzzy sets, and two fuzzy Black-Litterman models are constructed with fuzzy views and fuzzy random views respectively. In the models, expected returns and uncertainty matrix of views are redefined and the views are formulated by fuzzy approaches suitably. Then the models are tested with data from Chinese financial markets. Empirical results show that the fuzzy random views model performs the best, and both the fuzzy models are better than the traditional ones, demonstrating that the fuzzy approaches can contain more information in the views and measure the uncertainty more correctly.  相似文献   
Through molecular dynamics(MD)simulation,the dependencies of temperature,grain size and strain rate on the mechanical properties were studied.The simulation results demonstrated that the strain rate from 0.05 to 2 ns~(–1 )affected the Young’s modulus of nickel nanowires slightly,whereas the yield stress increased.The Young’s modulus decreased approximately linearly;however,the yield stress firstly increased and subsequently dropped as the temperature increased.The Young’s modulus and yield stress increased as the mean grain size increased from 2.66 to6.72 nm.Moreover,certain efforts have been made in the microstructure evolution with mechanical properties association under uniaxial tension.Certain phenomena such as the formation of twin structures,which were found in nanowires with larger grain size at higher strain rate and lower temperature,as well as the movement of grain boundaries and dislocation,were detected and discussed in detail.The results demonstrated that the plastic deformation was mainly accommodated by the motion of grain boundaries for smaller grain size.However,for larger grain size,the formations of stacking faults and twins were the main mechanisms of plastic deformation in the polycrystalline nickel nanowire.  相似文献   
Progress in research on endocannabinoid signaling has greatly advanced our understanding of how it controls neural circuit excitability in health and disease. In general, endocannabinoid signaling at excitatory synapses suppresses seizures by inhibiting glutamate release. In contrast, endocannabinoid signaling promotes seizures by inhibiting GABA release at inhibitory synapses. The physiological distribution of endocannabinoid signaling molecules becomes disrupted with the development of epileptic focus in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and in animal models of experimentally induced epilepsy. Augmentation of endocannabinoid signaling can promote the development of epileptic focus at initial stages. However, at later stages, increased endocannabinoid signaling delays it and suppresses spontaneous seizures. Thus, the regulation of endocannabinoid signaling at specific synapses that cause hyperexcitability during particular stages of disease development may be effective for treating epilepsy and epileptogenesis.  相似文献   
Quantitative analysis has always been a difficult problem in security analysis of intrusion tolerance systems. An intrusion tolerance model based on multiple recovery mechanisms is introduced in this paper and how to quantify the security attributes of the model is proposed. A state transition model with recovery states more accurately describes the dynamic behavior of the system. Considering that recovery mechanisms have a great impact on the security performance of the system, we set up the cost models corresponding to different recovery mechanisms. We propose a feasible security measure based on mean cost to security failure in order to evaluate the system cost during the recovery phase. The experimental results confirmed the feasibility of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
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