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The lack of continuous connectivity and a complete path from source to destination makes node communication quite difficult in Delay-Tolerant Networks(DTNs). Most studies focus on routing problems in idealized network environments without considering social properties. Communication devices are carried by individuals in many DTNs; therefore, DTNs are unique social networks to some extent. To design efficient routing protocols for DTNs, it is important to analyze their social properties. In this paper, a more accurate and comprehensive metric for detecting the quality of the relationships between nodes is proposed, by considering the contact time, contact frequency, and contact regularity. An overlapping hierarchical community detection method is designed based on this new metric, and a tree structure is built. Furthermore, we exploit the overlapping community structure and the tree structure to provide message-forwarding paths from the source node to the destination node.The simulation results show that our Routing method based on Overlapping hierarchical Community Detection(ROCD) achieves better delivery rate than SimBet and Bubble Rap, the classic routing protocols, without affecting the average delay.  相似文献   
Through electrospinning,La_2Co Mn O_6 nanofibers were prepared from a polyvinylpyrrolidone/lanthanum nitrate–cobalt acetate–manganese acetate(PVP/LCM)precursor and were used as electrode materials.The morphologies and structures of the samples were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD),and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)specific surface area analysis.The results show that the prepared La_2Co Mn O_6 nanofibers are stable,one-dimensional structures formed from interconnected La_2Co Mn O_(6 )nanoparticles with a diamond-like crystal structure.The specific surface area of the fibers is 79.407 m~2·g~(-1).Electrochemical performance tests with a three-electrode system reveal the specific capacitance of the La_2Co Mn O_6 nanofibers as 109.7 F·g~(-1) at a current density of 0.5 A·g~(-1).After 1000 charge-discharge cycles at a current density of 1 A·g~(-1),the specific capacitance maintains 90.9%of its initial value,demonstrating a promising performance of the constraint capacitance and good cyclic stability.  相似文献   
动画片《熊出没》不仅获得了极高的收视率,还获得了“金猴奖”中动画系列片金奖和动画形象金奖两个重量级奖项。该动画片成功的关键在于动画角色的塑造,通过三个主要角色:聪明的熊大、好吃懒做的熊二及顶着大光头的伐木工人,角色设定相对单调,但仍然受到大众的喜爱,原因就在于“创意”独特,符合受众的感知能力,满足了受众群体的视觉需求。在形象塑造上通过故事情节现代化的演绎、夸张动作安排、独特的地方口音和流行化语言风格等富有人性化的艺术表现形式,刻画了三个角色的性格,符合读者的审美期待,实现了虚拟动画和真实受众之间的沟通。  相似文献   
针对列车通信在越区切换过程中切换触发率和切换成功率均较低的问题, 提出一种基于改进遗传算法的自适应联合判决切换算法. 首先, 以遗传算法为基础, 在高速特性下对切换判决过程中的相关参数进行优化, 针对列车的不同运行速度动态选择出满足快速切换需求的迟滞容限值; 其次, 引入满意通信概率(SCP), 当列车在小区之间移动时, SCP值达不到要求的将不能接入下一个小区, 以保障通信质量的优良. 仿真结果表明, 与传统切换方案相比, 该方案可实现提高切换触发率和切换成功率的目标, 具有较高的满意通信概率.  相似文献   
沈鹏  王艳  纪志成  张建华 《系统仿真学报》2020,32(11):2235-2243
为解决具备间歇过程特点的零等待发酵工艺调度过程中易变质的难点,提出了一种超启发式差分算法,并将最小化最大完工时间设置为优化目标。此算法分为2层,高层为改进的自适应差分进化算法,来对低层的启发式操作进行选择排序。而低层组合排序成了新的算法对问题域进行操作,加入模拟退火算法避免陷入局部最优。所提出的方法具有学习的机制,对不同问题具有较强的泛化能力。通过测试算例和实际生产进行算法的比较和求解验证了此算法的有效性,结果表明所提出的算法比传统的启发式算法性能更优。  相似文献   
形象思维在医学英语术语的命名中发挥着重要的作用。借助植物、动物、自然现象、物品、古希腊罗马神话中的人物形象对医学英语术语进行命名,可以增加医学英语术语的美感、趣味性和准确性,利于理解和记忆。  相似文献   
多铁材料是一类由自旋、电荷、晶格和轨道等多种自由度的相互作用引起的具有2种或者2种以上铁序的功能材料.近年来关于多铁性的报道屡见报端杂志,表明越来越多的研究人员关注着这一领域的研究进展.在这些研究成果中,第一性原理研究在解释实验观测,发现新物理机制和预测新型多铁、磁电材料方面都扮演着先锋角色.本文回顾了第一性原理在材料领域,尤其是多铁性、磁电效应和隧道结研究中的广泛应用和主要成果.结合最近发展的理论研究方法,例如选择性轨道加场法,评述了这些手段在解释多铁和磁电材料中奇异物理现象方面的有效性.由于电控磁性是多铁领域和自旋电子学领域追求的共同目标,因此总结了第一性原理研究在电控磁性方面所取得的成果.最后,本文概述了多铁和磁电材料在实际应用中亟待解决的问题,并且着重展望了若干种利于解决多铁和磁电材料领域实际问题的研究方法.本文通过深入探讨过渡金属氧化物中的铁电起源以及多铁体中铁电性和磁序的共存现象,期望能有益于新型多铁和磁电材料的探索.  相似文献   
针对影响和制约膜分离技术大规模推广应用的关键材料与技术瓶颈,中国科学院过程工程研究所"生化工程介质与设备"创新团队经过多年自主创新,在高性能分离膜材料、膜过程强化关键技术和高效膜分离装备等方面取得了系列科研成果,部分成果在调味品、水处理、中药等行业实现了产业化应用,创造了显著的经济效益和社会效益,为提高我国膜工业研发与应用水平,缩短我国膜分离行业与国外先进水平之间的差距,促进膜分离技术的大规模工业化应用做出了贡献。  相似文献   
在图书馆的五要素中,人力资源是图书馆的重要组成要素,没有高素质的人力资源队伍,高效图书馆的建设也就成了一句空话,文章论述了人力资源的含义,对人力资源建设的重要性进行了分析,对图书馆人力资源建设方面提出了一些建议和方案。  相似文献   
Graph clustering has a long-standing problem in that it is difficult to identify all the groups of vertices that are cohesively connected along their internal edges but only sparsely connected along their external edges. Apart from structural information in social networks, the quality of the location-information clustering has been improved by identifying clusters in the graph that are closely connected and spatially compact. However, in real-world scenarios,the location information of some users may be unavailable for privacy reasons, which renders existing solutions ineffective. In this paper, we investigate the clustering problem of privacy-preserving social networks, and propose an algorithm that uses a prediction-and-clustering approach. First, the location of each invisible user is predicted with a probability distribution. Then, each user is iteratively assigned to different clusters. The experimental results verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our method, and our proposed algorithm exhibits high scalability on large social networks.  相似文献   
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