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李新宁  韩江波 《创新科技》2021,21(10):37-50
遵循"微笑曲线"和"倒微笑曲线"理论的企业仅聚焦于产业价值链的某一环节获得竞争力,最终要步入差异化内涵的专业化发展路径:遵循"微笑曲线"的企业步入研发、品牌化的路径,而遵循"倒微笑曲线"的企业步入制造专业化的路径.这两种模式皆具有价值创造模式唯一化和高附加值赢利点单一化的弊端.在工业互联网、大数据、云计算等新一代信息技术的影响下,"微笑曲线"逐步发生变化,进一步升级为"元宝曲线"."元宝曲线"集合了"微笑曲线"和"倒微笑曲线"的长处,并在此基础上逐步实现研发专业化、制造专业化、品牌专业化三者的价值融合和价值共生,进而极大地推动企业盈利模式的丰富化和多样化.企业若能在研发、制造、营销三个环节运用创新技术,且相互联系,彼此促进,便可不断提高价值链的整体竞争力,进而逐步增加企业的盈利点、价值分布点,依靠有关不同业务间的密切协同来最终实现"1+1>2"的企业价值最大化目标,进而为企业探索管理运作、经营业务的优化组合提供较佳的理论工具."元宝曲线"的价值创造理念折射出企业未来的经营理念和产业发展方向,其主要体现为推动企业陆续实现价值的多元化经营,不断创造一系列的赢利点,进而在产业价值链的全链条上实现高附加值、高利润率的增长点.苹果公司的价值创造模式就折射出"元宝曲线"的特征,这主要体现为其在专业化和品牌化之间进行有效集成,依靠研发创新的强化、品牌形象的塑造、音乐商店加软件商业业务模式来不断塑造价值链多元化的增长点,从而追求企业价值最大化.华为公司的价值创造模式聚焦于为客户创造价值的硬件产品开发、品牌形象带来的固定客流量以及与安卓系统合作而形成的软件商业生态系统.华为公司若要塑造自主控制、高度协同的"元宝曲线",必须在继续重视研发、品牌的基础上,打造自身掌控自主产权的软件生态系统,进而塑造由自身控制的完整化、系统化、动态化的产业链结构.  相似文献   
In the present research, aluminum metal matrix composites were processed by the stir casting technique. The effects of TiB2 rein-forcement particles, severe plastic deformation through accumulative roll bonding (ARB), and aging treatment on the microstructural charac-teristics and mechanical properties were also evaluated. Uniaxial tensile tests and microhardness measurements were conducted, and the micro-structural characteristics were investigated. Notably, the important problems associated with cast samples, including nonuniformity of the rein-forcement particles and high porosity content, were solved through the ARB process. At the initial stage, particle-free zones, as well as particle clusters, were observed on the microstructure of the composite. However, after the ARB process, fracturing phenomena occurred in brittle ceramic particles, followed by breaking down of the fragments into fine particles as the number of rolling cycles increased. Subsequently, com-posites with a uniform distribution of particles were produced. Moreover, the tensile strength and microhardness of the ARB-processed com-posites increased with the increase in the reinforcement mass fraction. However, their ductility exhibited a different trend. With post-deforma-tion aging treatment (T6), the mechanical properties of composites were improved because of the formation of fine Mg2Si precipitates.  相似文献   
结合数字化创新的特征与发展趋势,基于5W2H的分析思路,本文从数字化创新特征(WHAT)、数字化创新研究时间线(WHEN)、数字化创新场景(WHERE)、数字化创新动因(WHY)、数字化创新参与者(WHO)、数字化创新途径(HOW)以及数字化创新代价(HOW MUCH)七个方面对数字化创新相关文献进行了梳理.研究发现,现有研究缺乏对数字化创新动机、内在机理、影响结果等方面的深度挖掘与分析,未来数字化创新的研究方向应更加关注数字化创新的跨领域研究、数字化创新的跨层次分析、数字化创新的本土化研究、数字生态系统研究等.  相似文献   
This paper combines the perspective of co-evolution with studies in the area of business model, reveals the phenomenon of business model co-evolution and explores the business model coevolution mechanism between firms through a case study. Findings and what other companies can learn from this study are as follows. Firstly, companies, be it leaders or not, can act as enablers for other party's business model innovation. Secondly, companies can enable each other's business model innovation by taking the perspective of business model co-evolution; Thirdly, the interdependence of the business model co-evolution process can be explained by the four levers named novelty, lock-in,complementarity and efficiency. Companies can select novelty, lock-in, complementarity, efficiency or the combination of the four as mediators to achieve business model co-evolution.  相似文献   

Type specimens of 11 species of Chartocerus (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae) from Australia described by A.A. Girault, in the collection of the Queensland Museum, and one species described by W.H. Ashmead, in the United States Museum of Natural History, are redescribed and illustrated. Lectotypes are designated for Chartocerus australiensis (Girault) and Chartocerus hebes (Girault).  相似文献   
本文在分析动车组一级修作业流程特点的基础上,将动车所调车作业计划优化问题构建为整数规划模型并设计了融合"股道均衡分配规则""股道无效占用时间最小化规则""冲突消解策略"的启发式算法对问题进行求解,以动车所实际案例为背景验证了模型和算法的有效性。结果表明,所提出优化模型和算法是有效的;所提启发式算法相比三类常见的调度方法具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   
对兰州深安黄河大桥进行桩基自平衡法试验。在对黄河岸边的岩土层进行桩基试验时,对桩基的极限侧阻力和端阻力标准值的取值提出建议,并在兰州地区进行自平衡法桩基试验时,对桩基侧摩阻力的取值提出建议。  相似文献   
通过SWOT分析法对黑龙江省冰雪旅游的发展进行研究,提出了大力发展以哈尔滨为中心的冰雪旅游产业,强化引领作用;打造独具区域文化特色的冰雪旅游精品线路,增强对游客的吸引力;加强冰雪旅游基础设施建设,提高服务质量;加快区域经济的发展,为冰雪旅游产业的发展助力;加强冰雪体育旅游产业人才培养,使经营管理上水平等对策.  相似文献   
A velocity model is an important factor influencing microseismic event locations. We re-view the velocity modeling and inversion techniques for locating microseismic events in exploration for unconvent...  相似文献   
发表于1976年的《复活节游行》是美国现代作家理查德·耶茨的"女性小说"。在作品中,耶茨从一个男性作家的视角,细致入微地描写了上世纪70年代美国都市普通家庭两姐妹,用犀利但满含怜悯的笔触展示了以主人公艾米莉一家为代表的孤独的女性群体,是作家在其短篇小说集《十一种孤独》之后所描述的"第十二种孤独"——女性孤独。从孤独的女性主题着手,以《复活节游行》的分析为突破口,结合存在主义探讨作家对女性孤独的理解,并试图找到破解现代人孤独的钥匙。  相似文献   
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