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以常见的服装水洗唛为基材,采用丝网印刷方式印制超高频射频识别(ultra high frequency-radio frequency identification,UHF-RFID)标签天线,并与芯片连接封装制备标签,探讨丝网印刷天线的网板目数、不同类型导电油墨和天线/芯片连接封装的热压温度对印刷质量和标签读取性能的影响。试验结果表明:网版目数为300目的标签天线的印刷精度和尺寸稳定性优于350目的丝印网版;当采用8000A型导电银浆时,标签性能满足读取要求,读取距离在8 m以上;为保证标签天线与芯片形成稳定的电连接,从而使所制备的标签读取距离及外观性能最佳,连接封装时热压温度应与天线印刷固化温度一致。  相似文献   
Emulsion electrospinning as a novel process in spinning core-sheath fibers shows a promising potential in drug release control. The volume ratio of water phase to oily phase is one of the critical parameters in forming core-sheath fibers. In this study, water phase was presented by hydrophilic tetracycline hydrochloride and oily phase by hydrophobic poly (E-caprolactone) (PCL). The effects of volume ratios of water phase to oily phase on fiber morphology and in vitro drug release were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), transmission electron microscopy ( TEM), and eonfoeal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM) were used to observe the morphology, core.sheath structure of the fibers and drug loading in the fibers, respectively. Samples of three different volume ratios of water phase to oily phase, 1: 25, 1:15, and 1:10, were prepared with the same concentration of drug solution. Experiment results showed that, with an increase in the volume ratios of water phase to oily phase, the fiber diameter increased and diameter distribution scattered. The drug entrapment efficiency of the fibers reduces with the increase in volume ratios, L e. , from 73.48 % in the ratio of 1 : 25, 62.23 % in 1 : 15, down to 45.63 % in 1:10. In vitro release tests showed that a higher volume ratio of water phase to oily phase would lead to a lower release rate resulted from thicker fiber sheath.  相似文献   
基于聚吡咯/棉织物电极的超级电容器固态电解质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以聚吡咯/棉织物为电极,H3PO4和PVA-1750分别为基础电解质和凝胶物质,研究电解质的黏度和电导率性能.研究发现,随时间的推移,电解质的黏度增加,同时其离子电导率与电化学特性减弱,而加入质量分数为12%的吡啶后,可使电解质的黏度和电导率分别稳定在1.1Pa·s和53mS/cm左右,且电化学特性的稳定性得到明显的改善.对组装完成的固态超级电容器进行各项电化学测试发现,体系恒流充放电1 000次后的电势保持率为98%,循环伏安曲线在-0.3~0.7V的电势窗口内能够保持稳定,比电容最高可达13.8F/g,表现出良好的电容特性.  相似文献   
Influence of surface topography on the tactile friction of medical compression textiles was studied in this paper. The friction behavior was investigated for three kinds of medical textiles with various structures and compositions by using a textile friction analyzer under dry condition. In order to simulate the contacts of textiles/human finger, a mechanical skin model with similar texture to the skin and applied normal load oflN were selected. Meanwhile, the 3D surface topography of textiles was measured using a digital microscope. The topographical data were analyzed concerning height distribution and material ratio, and the real contact area was estimated as a function of penetration depth. Results showed that the investigated textiles revealed a significant variation on the friction coefficients, which were ( 0.41 ± 0.01 ) ( polyamide, jersey 2 × 2 ), (0.56 ± 0. 01) (cotton, jersey 2×2) and (0. 47 ± 0. 01) (polyamide, jersey 1 × 1 ), respectively. The textile with higher friction coefficient was found to own a relative compact and homogenous surface and larger contact area, vice versa.  相似文献   
分别在触觉单模态和视触觉双模态下,采用平置按压和捏持弯曲的触摸方式,通过与参考织物对比评价织物试样的柔软感.采用相关性分析确定影响织物柔软感的主要物理指标,以该指标为刺激量用logistic函数拟合正确判断率,计算辨别阈值.研究表明,在不同感知模式下,织物柔软感的感官评价符合logistic心理计量函数,且视触觉双模态下捏持弯曲的评价方式对织物柔软性的感知敏感度最高.  相似文献   
目前在织物柔软性的感官评价中,没有讨论感知模式(感觉模态和触摸方式)对评价结果的影响,导致评价结果间没有可比性,且评价方法难以标准化.通过让实验者在不同感觉模态(触觉单模态、视觉单模态和触视觉双模态)和触摸方式(捏持弯曲、弯曲按压和平置按压)下感官评价织物样品,对结果进行多元统计分析,讨论感知模式对织物柔软性感官估值的影响及不同感知模式之间的差异.研究表明,总体上感知模式对织物柔软性的影响不显著,但不同的触摸方式对较厚且压缩性好的织物影响显著;而对薄且弯曲刚度高的织物,柔软感估值在视觉单模态和触觉环境之间有显著差异.另外,就任一织物样品而言,全体实验者对其柔软感强度估值服从正态分布规律.研究结果为织物柔软感评价体系的完善提供依据.  相似文献   
以吡咯(Py)单体为原料、过硫酸铵(APS)为氧化剂、1,5-萘二磺酸(NDSA)为掺杂剂,采用化学氧化沉积法制备聚吡咯/棉织物心电电极.通过改变掺杂剂浓度制备了织物心电电极试样.利用电化学阻抗谱、循环伏安曲线、开路电压法等,讨论掺杂剂浓度对织物心电电极性能的影响.结果表明,当吡咯浓度为0.04mol/L、过硫酸铵浓度为0.02mol/L时,随掺杂剂浓度的增加,织物电极的方阻和极化阻抗均降低,电化学性能变好,且电极稳定性增加;掺杂剂浓度增至0.004 5mol/L,织物电极方阻可降到1kΩ以下,阻抗值相对较小,电极稳定性较好,心电信号测试质量较高,而掺杂剂浓度继续增加,心电电极性能提高的趋势不明显.  相似文献   
采用刺绣的方法制备压力传感装置,根据呼吸时皮肤扩张产生的压力大小监测人体静止状态下的呼吸状况.基于接触电阻压力感应原理,通过增加接触点的数目,提高接触电阻的灵敏度.在接触点处涂覆硅胶,以减少信号的偏移,提高信号的重复性.最后通过实验验证了该传感器能够感应微小压力的变化.将所制传感器附着于弹性腰带中,能够实现对人体呼吸率的测量.  相似文献   
The lack of understanding of the psychometric properties on the basic texture features forming tactile texture sense hinders the development of haptic rendering technology of textiles. The differential threshold and Weber fraction were investigated for a deep understanding of how surface texture features of fabrics affect the perceived roughness sensation by the constant stimulus method and the paired comparison method. The results showed that the differential threshold for the mean deviation of surface profile was0. 86 μm,and that the differential threshold of texture spatial period(TSP) was 2. 48 mm. And also,the difference thresholds and Weber fraction were affected by the reference stimulus intensity. As there is a significant interaction between four extracted texture feature indexes,any of the indexes alone cannot represent roughness sensation of fabrics.  相似文献   
传统研究一般通过测试织物表面的几何粗糙度和摩擦性能来预测粗糙感,而认知科学家发现,栅栏粗糙性的辨别取决于表面纹理波动曲线的谐波成分及纹理间距.为深入揭示织物粗糙感的形成机制,基于织物的表面形貌曲线,计算平均粗糙度,统计不同波动高度下的纹理间距,并采用傅里叶方法提取频域内谐波特征,比较分析这些特征值与粗糙感之间的关系.研究表明,织物的粗糙感差异取决于表面波动曲线频域内谐波的最高峰高度,而粗糙感不仅与平均粗糙度有关,也与表面纹理间距有关.  相似文献   
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