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Leaf senescence as an active process is essential for plant survival and reproduction. However, premature senility is harmful to agricultural production. In this study, a rice mutant, named as psl3 (presescing leaf 3) isolated from EMS-treated Jinhui 10, displays obvious premature senility features both in morphological and physiological level. Genetic analysis showed that mutant trait was controlled by a single dominant gene (PSL3), which was located on rice chromosome 7 between SSR marker c7sr1 and InDel marker ID10 with an interval of 53.5 kb. The result may be useful for the isolation of the PSL3 gene.  相似文献   
Pseudogenes share sequence similarities with functional genes, but in general they have lost their protein-coding ability. The identification of pseudogenes is a very important step in genome annotation. Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a marine diatom that is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The genome of P. tricornutum has been completely sequenced. To identify pseudogenes in P. tricornutum, we developed a pipeline to discover and characterize pseudogenes. We identified a total of 1654 ‘true’ processed pseudogenes, 714 duplicated pseudogenes and 4729 pseudogene fragments. The results of the bioinformatics analysis indicated that the genome sequence of P. tricornutum contained many pseudogenes and pseudogene fragments.  相似文献   
The leaf blade consists of color and shape traits. Studies of leaf-blade development are important for improvement of rice yield and quality because it is an essential organ for photosynthesis. A narrow and upper-albino leaf mutant (nul1) was identified from among progeny of the indica restorer line Jinhui10 raised from seeds treated with ethyl methane sulfonate. Under field conditions, the mutant displayed narrow and upper-albino leaf blades with significantly decreased photosynthetic pigment contents throughout their development. The narrow-leaf trait is caused by a decreased number of small veins. In contrast to the wild type, the growth period was extended by approximately 8 d and agronomic traits, such as effective panicle number, percentage seed set and 1000-grain weight, declined significantly in the nul1 mutant. Genetic analysis suggested that the narrow and upper-albino leaf characteristics showed coseparation and were controlled by one recessive gene. The Nul1 gene was mapped onto chromosome 7 between the Indel marker Ind07-1 and the Simple Sequence Repeat marker RM21637. The physical distance between the markers was 75 kb and eight genes were annotated in this region based on the rice Nipponbare genome sequence. These results provide a foundation for cloning and function analysis of Nul1.  相似文献   
Based on geographic division over the western North Pacific (WNP), the interdecadal relationships between summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) and tropical cyclones activity (including number, track and intensity) are examined. In the past several decades, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and tropical westerlies contribute to the interdecadal variation of TC number in the northwest and southeast of WNP respectively. The increased TC occurrence density to the east of Philippines related to TC track appears during the 1990s, in terms of both steer flow induced by WPSH and genesis location. From the interdecadal viewpoint, the tendency of TC intensity, measured by averaged accumulated cyclone energy, does well agree with that of SST, implying that SST plays an important role in TC intensity. Supported by Special Scientific Research Project for Public Interest (Grant No. GYHY200806009) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB421505)  相似文献   
In this work, the photosynthetic performances of Enteromorpha prolifera thalli collected from the surface and bottom of the sea of Qingdao sea area were studied with chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygraph technology. The samples with the highest photosynthetic activity among their kinds, the floating thalli from the sea surface of the south of the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center and the sedimentary thalli from the mud surface of the bottom Tuandao bay, were chosen as representatives of surface thalli and bottom thalli, respectively. The results showed that the maximal PSII quantum yield of the floating thalli was significantly lower than the normal level although their photosynthetic activities were relatively high; the photosynthetic potential of the thalli form the mud surface was extremely low. Thus, it is indicated that the floating thalli are seriously stressed by their environment and the thalli from the mud surface are already dead or are dying. On the other hand, the results of the laboratory cultivation showed that the sedimentary thalli cannot regain normal photosynthetic activity even under normal illumination conditions. Thus, the thalli from the mud surface cannot become reproductive source of the alga even if they can reach sea surface again. Therefore, a preliminary conclusion can be reached that, up to mid-July 2008, the environmental conditions of the Qingdao sea area are not suitable for the growth of the alga E. prolifera and for this reason the biomass of E. prolifera, in the area, could be declining. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30830015), Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program in the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period (Grant No. 2006BAD09A04) and National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2006AA10A402, 2007AA09Z406, 2006AA05Z112, 2006AA10A413)  相似文献   
In this work, the photosynthetic performances of Enteromorpha prolifera thalli collected from the sur- face and bottom of the sea of Qingdao sea area were studied with chlorophyll fluorescence and oxy- graph technology. The samples with the highest photosynthetic activity among their kinds, the floating thalli from the sea surface of the south of the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center and the sedimentary thalli from the mud surface of the bottom Tuandao bay, were chosen as representatives of surface thalli and ...  相似文献   
尽管分形在图像处理中已被广泛地采用,但是将分形技术与分形维数用于语音的表征与识别则是相对新的概念。本书介绍了开发用于语音及声频信号处理的基于分形技术所进行的研究成果。这一成果已经在诺基亚通讯公司和一些机构中得到了实际的商业应用。本书的作者M.阿尔一阿凯迪是英国De Monffort大学工程与技术学院的院长,  相似文献   
Acid, alkali, heat-shock, KNO3 and control pretreatment methods applied to anaerobic sludge were evaluated for their ability to selectively enrich the marine hydrogen-producing mixed microflora. Seawater culture medium was used as the substrate. The hydrogen yield of pretreated microflora was higher than that of the un-pretreated control (P 〈 0.05). Among the pretreatment methods studied, heat-shock pretreatment yielded the greatest hydrogen production, which was 14.6 times that of the control. When the effect of initial pH on hydrogen production of heat-shock pretreated samples was studied, hydrogen was produced over the entire pH range (pH 4 -- 10). The hydrogen yield peaked at initial pH 8 (79 mL/g sucrose) and then steadily decreased as the initial pH increased. Sucrose consumption was high at neutral initial pH. During the process of hydrogen production, pH decreased gradually, which indicated that the acquired microflora consisted of acidogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
落粒性是水稻非常重要的农艺性状,适度落粒有利于减少产量损失和水稻机械化收割,提高生产效率.因此鉴定落粒基因对水稻生产具有重要意义.本研究以日本晴为受体亲本、优良恢复系R225为供体亲本,采用高代回交和SSR标记辅助选择相结合的方法,鉴定了一个携带易落粒主效单基因的水稻染色体片段代换系Z481.Z481含有4个染色体代换片段,位于第1,3,6染色体上,其代换片段长度分别为8.30,6.17,3.12和10.79 Mb,平均为7.10 Mb.与受体日本晴相比,Z481的株高、穗长、倒一节间长、倒二叶宽显著降低,剑叶宽和结实率显著增加,其他重要农艺性状如叶长、有效穗数、每穗粒数和千粒重均无显著差异.扫描电子显微镜观察表明Z481的护颖和枝梗之间的离层在成熟时期已被完全降解,而日本晴的离层完整,在细胞学上解释了Z481易落粒性产生的原因.进一步利用日本晴与Z481杂交产生的F_1和F_2群体对易落粒基因进行了遗传分析和分子定位.该易落粒性状受单基因隐性调控,最终将该基因定位于第6染色体RM253和ZTQ53之间824 kb的区域,暂命名为SH6(t).目前,在第6染色体尚无落粒基因克隆的报道.由于染色体片段代换系除代换片段外与受体亲本的遗传背景一致,且Z481易落粒遗传行为简单,基本未携带育种不利性状.因此,本研究无论对SH6(t)的克隆,还是进行基因聚合育种培育适度落粒新品种均具有重大利用价值.  相似文献   
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