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通过手工搜集2003-2017年公司跨界经营数据,本文检验了公司跨界经营对分析师盈利预测的影响及其市场后果.实证结果表明,随着公司跨界程度的提高,分析师对其盈利预测的准确性下降,预测报告发布频率和预测修正幅度则会提高.同时,公司信息披露质量的提升有助于缓解公司跨界经营对分析师预测行为带来的不利影响.上述结果支持了信息处理成本假说和信息不确定性假说.最后,本文对跨界经营的市场后果做了检验,结果发现公司跨界经营程度越高,对分析师预测行为产生的消极作用越大,公司的市场折价程度越高.  相似文献   
水量的分配方案在一定程度上影响因水量短缺引发的跨界水资源冲突的发展进程.从政府强互惠的角度入手,设计水量协调方案,寻求漳河流域跨界水资源冲突的协调途径是一个新的视角.基于这一思想,从政府的强互惠政策角度对漳河流域跨界水资源冲突系 统建模,从经济效益和社会效益两方面建立政府Agent和用水Agent 的目标函数,以强互惠表现的节水激励和水权交易为例,分别建立强互惠下的节水激励模型和水权交易模型,通过粒子 群优化算法求解,得出两种政策下漳河流域跨界水资源冲突的水量协调方案.水量的协调方案表明:政府强互惠的表现——节水激励和水权交易可以重新调整漳河流域的水量分配方案,以此来减少缺水量,协调漳河流域的跨界水资源冲突.  相似文献   
我国跨界水污染治理的体制矛盾及其协商解决   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
跨界水污染问题具有危害大,影响范围广,难治理,易反复,易诱发跨界水事纠纷等特点,是目前我国各区域政府有关机构一直头痛的问题.文章分析了我国跨界水污染发生的系统性和我国跨界水污染治理机制的运行特征,深入剖析了我国跨界水污染治理体制的内部矛盾,提出建立基于多层协商的跨界水污染综合治理对策.  相似文献   
跨界流域水污染利益主体博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了上、下游地区的序贯博弈模型,并通过比较有、无流域管理机构实行税收政策和双向补偿机制的情况,验证了流域管理机构有效介入的重要性.结果表明:流域水环境的整体性与行政区域分割的矛盾是流域跨界水污染冲突的根源所在.关键是理顺流域管理机制.  相似文献   
 跨界含水层是指其组成部分位于不同国家的含水层。妥善管理并合理利用跨界含水层,对水资源可持续利用,以及国家之间的睦邻关系具有重要意义。本文论述了跨界含水层世界研究概况,标定了亚洲跨界含水层,并完成了亚洲跨界含水层图。对涉及中国的两个实例——黑龙江—阿穆尔河中游盆地和澜沧江—湄公河流域跨界含水层进行了典型研究,提出了跨界含水层评估指标体系,并实践于澜沧江—湄公河流域4个跨界含水层。  相似文献   
跨区域污染排污税管理调控模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当不对称跨区域污染存在的情况下,自由交易的排污权市场将无法实现社会财富最大化.以电力行业排污权交易市场为例,建立了自由交易的排污权市场以及征收排污税的排污权市场的效益模型并分别讨论了其一阶最优性条件.通过分析认为:中央政府可以在统一分配初始排污权的前提下,设置地方排污税对区域排污权交易系统进行干预,进而纠正市场的无效性.最后作为结论的直接应用和说明,给出了电厂跨区域污染的一个实例分析.  相似文献   
作家墨白数十年来一直致力于通过跨文体写作进行文体革新实验。《手的十种语言》就是其中的代表作,该小说借助对小说、诗歌、绘画、书信、日记、评论、新闻报道、案件调查手记等诸多文体的融合与拼接,推陈叙事形式和叙事手段,进而呈现作家对欲望的的解剖展现,异化传统小说以情节为结构中心的范式,转向小说"反文体"的多种融合、多重图式,追求写作手法的移植与联姻。可以说,《手的十种语言》的结构和文体都是对小说创作的新探索。  相似文献   
Ecological and socioeconomic issues in the Greater Mekong Subregion have in recent years attracted increasing regional and global attention. Much of this concern has been centered on construction of a cascade of hydropower dams on the Lancang River (upper Mekong River) in southwestern China's Yunnan Province, This article uses monthly runoff data of hydrologic monitoring stations in the Lancang River watershed from the 1950s onward and key data of the partially completed 2-dam cascade on the main stream of Lancang River to perform a comprehensive analysis of possible transboundary hydrologic effects of dam construction on Lower Mekong River. Results of the analysis show the following: (1) changes in flows over the Lancang-Mekong river's 4880 km course are exceedingly complex, and the two existing dams on the mainstream of Lancang River are but one of many factors influencing those flows, not a major factor; (2) significant downstream impacts of the two existing dams are limited in scale to changes in daily flow stages, and are limited geographically to the narrow channel north of Vientiane; (3) over timescales of several days or more, the primary factor in flow changes is climate change; (4) below the Yunjinghong hydrologic station in Lancang River basin, flow volumes can be as great as 113.7×10^8 m^3, or 15.44% of the average annual total runoff out of China, now are not influenced by the dam construction. These results provide a scientific basis for reasonable assessment of transboundary impact of dam construction on the mainstream of Lancang River to the lower Mekong River.  相似文献   
Based on the case study of Lancang-Mekong river, analyses have been made on the database of bilateral and multilateral treaties/agreement of transboundary water resources in the world and the regional agreements of Mekong River, the principles of the equitable and reasonable utilization, and causing no significant harm, index system and related models on transboundary water allocation have been worked out, and the key ecologic thresholds of the maximum and minimum water flow and water level of water allocation have been defined. By using the data of water resources development and utilization at present and development objectives of the riparian states, to ensure the ecological environment demand of water in the river basin and based on the water yields in the riparian states, 5 types of 3 kinds of water allocation schemes with water volume as the core have been set up, viz., the whole allocation, the project allocation and the river-basin-integrated allocation. By comparing the scheme, the results show tion scheme can equitably beneficial effect of each that (1) the whole allocadefine the available water consumption volume of each state, but cannot sustain the ecological objectives in the river basin; (2) the project allocation scheme can meet the needs of the most riparian states, but cannot meet the drainage ecologic need (esp. to prevent the intrusion of saltwater in Mekong Delta) and the development objectives of Vietnam; (3) the integrated allocation scheme can meet the development need of each state in the predictable period and sustainability of drainage ecology, but the beneficial countries should make compensation to the others so as to materialize the fairness of transboundary water allocation.  相似文献   
考虑碳捕获与碳封存过程中知识积累的影响,扩展Bertinelli等的跨界污染控制微分博弈模型,分析两个对称国家在开环战略、马尔科夫纳什均衡战略以及合作3种博弈战略下的碳捕获与碳封存博弈行为及博弈结果。研究发现,在合作战略下博弈参与国捕获与封存的二氧化碳数量最多,马尔科夫纳什均衡战略次之,开环战略下捕获与封存的二氧化碳数量最少。此外,知识积累对跨界污染治理行为具有重要影响,随着知识积累的增加,碳捕获与碳封存的成本降低,尤其是知识积累效率的提高,促使博弈参与国进行更多的碳捕获与碳封存。  相似文献   
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