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(地物的电磁散射特性一直以来在遥感、探测、反隐身等领域具有重要的应用价值。由于地物类型繁多且分布不均匀, 随着计算场景的扩大, 理论模型变的越来越复杂, 计算量也会直线上升。在这种情况下, 现有计算平台和建模能力不足以模拟并准确地得到场景环境较大时典型地物的电磁散射特性, 导致理论模型的预测值与实验测量数据相差甚远。因此, 急需建立一种高效的全波电磁分析方法, 从而能够精确、高效地分析典型地物的电磁散射特性, 为实际大型地面场景特性仿真提供模型与理论支撑。)本文建立了求解TDS、介质的混合积分方程, 采用周期格林函数技术, 实现大场景下典型植被的雷达散射截面积快速计算。  相似文献   
为分析研究受汶川地震影响下茂县、汶川以及都江堰三县的植被动态恢复状况,通过对中分辨率成像光谱仪-植被指数(MODIS-NDVI)时间序列数据计算2007~2017年各年的植被覆盖度,进一步计算2009~2012年以及2013~2017年植被覆盖恢复率,并结合地形地貌、地质构造、地质灾害、植被类型和人类活动等影响因素探讨该地区植被恢复的时空差异变化。结果表明:研究区植被在2007~2017年这10年内随着时间逐渐恢复,且恢复较好,但震中区域差异明显;结合实地调查滑坡数据,得知研究区与滑坡区植被恢复都表现出明显的滞后性;海拔和道路距离与植被恢复面积比分别存在显著的相关性;不同坡向上的植被恢复面积比也存在差异;研究区内地质构造复杂的区域地质灾害频发,灾害密度越大,植被恢复显著点较少;由于各种植被类型的特性不同,导致植被恢复的快慢不同,其中草甸、针叶林、阔叶林及灌丛自然恢复速率较快。可见,研究区内植被恢复受到自然与人为等多种因素影响,震后绝大部分区域植被在10年内恢复到震前水平,但部分区域需要人类进行政策保护,研究结果可为地震灾后植被恢复的决策干预提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
基于无人机高光谱影像, 建立地形复杂地区植被覆盖度的非参数随机森林回归估算模型。为获得构建随机森林模型所需的足够数量的训练样本, 利用低空无人机搭载的光学相机, 在从地面难以到达的山地、水域和植被茂密区, 通过垂直拍摄获得厘米分辨率的航拍影像, 作为对地面样方采样的补充。首先计算地面数码相机照片和无人机可见光影像的红绿蓝植被指数(red-green-blue vegetation index, RGBVI), 然后使用大津分割法提取样方的植被覆盖信息, 得到构建模型所需的训练样本。在此基础上, 基于2018年8月16—18日在内蒙古自治区察右中旗油娄沟矿区获取的GaiaSky-mini2无人机高光谱影像数据, 利用递归特征消除算法优选参与随机森林回归的特征变量集, 利用空地协同获取的训练样本构建植被覆盖度的随机森林回归估算模型。该模型在测试集上的确定系数R2为0.923, 均方根误差为0.087, 优于常用的像元二分模型, 可用于矿区植被动态信息的精细化监测。  相似文献   
以广州市白洞水库和吊钟水库作为实验样区,研究分析水库库区桉树轮伐对水土流失的影响.研究基于遥感数据对库区桉树轮伐区的植被覆盖度、土壤侵蚀模数以及水土保持作用系数进行反演和统计分析.结果显示:库区桉树林的轮伐行为将导致植被覆盖度从0.8~0.9下降到0.2~0.3;土壤侵蚀模数从2 000~3 000 t/km2上升到8 000~13 000 t/km2,水土保持作用系数从0.7~0.8下降到0.3~0.5;扰动期长达11个月;产生较严重的水土流失影响.  相似文献   
目的:调查黑龙溪和万花溪水生真菌资源,比较其差异性。方法:2013年3月份从黑龙溪和万花溪中各采集沉水腐木50份,采用保湿培养法对水生真菌进行培养,基于形态学特征对水生真菌进行鉴定。结果:共分离鉴定出48种水生丝孢菌,万花溪30种,黑龙溪21种,Kostermansinda nanum、Phaeoisaria clematidis和Sporidesmiella rosae在两条溪中都有出现。结论:黑龙溪和万花溪中水生真菌资源丰富,人工建坝对真菌群落有影响。  相似文献   
Vegetation cover change is critical for understanding impacts and responses of vegetation to climate change. A study found that vegetation in the regions between 45°N-70°N was increasing using normalized difference vegetation index( NDVI) from 1981 to 1991 ten years ago. The global vegetation growth has changed because of climate change in recent twelve years( 2001- 2012). After thorough analysis based on satellite data,it is found that it is evident that the global vegetation changed( NDVI) little,and it is increasing slightly in Northern hemisphere while it is decreasing slightly in Southern Hemisphere. For different latitudes,vegetation is increasing 0.17% every year from 60°N to 70 °N( R~2= 0.47,P 0.013),while the vegetation is decreasing 0.11% every year from 10°N to 10° S( R~2= 0.54,P 0.004). For different continents,the vegetation in South America is decreasing 0.16% every year( R~2= 0.78,P 0.0001) and it is increasing 0.05% every year in Asia( R~2= 0.28,P 0.072) and 0.25% every year in Oceania( R~2= 0.24,P 0.1). The analysis of global vegetation in different seasons indicates that spatial distribution of global temperature and water vapor will affect the spatial distribution of vegetation,in turn,the spatial distribution of vegetation will also regulate the global temperature and water vapor spatial distribution at large scale. The growth and distribution of vegetation are mainly caused by the orbit of the celestial bodies,and a big data model based on gravitational-magmatic change with the solar or the galactic system as its center is proposed to be built for analyzing how the earth's orbit position in the solar and galaxy system affects spatial-temporal variations of global vegetation and temperature at large scale. These findings promise a holistic understanding of the global climate change and potential underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   
Changes in the daily maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) surface air temperatures and the associated temperature extremes have severe consequences on human society and the natural environment. In this study, we assess vegetation effects on mean Tmax and Tmin over China by computing a vegetation feedback parameter using the satellite-sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and observed temperatures for the period 1982–2002. In all seasons, vegetation exerts a much stronger forcing on Tmax than on Tmin, and thus has a substantial effect on the diurnal temperature range (DTR) over China. Significant positive feedbacks on Tmax and the DTR occupy many areas of China with the feedback parameters exceeding 1°C (0.1 NDVI)–1, while significant negative effects only appear over the summertime climatic and ecological transition zone of northern China and some other isolated areas. Also, the vegetation feedbacks are found to vary with season. In areas where significant feedbacks occur, vegetation contributes to typically 10%–30% of the total variances in Tmax, Tmin, and the DTR. These findings suggest that vegetation memory offers the potential for improving monthly-to-seasonal forecasting of Tmax and Tmin, and the associated temperature extremes over China. Meanwhile, the limitations and uncertainties of the study should be recognized.  相似文献   
根据锚索式悬浮隧道的运动特性,假设锚索是两端铰接的非线性梁模型,并将管体运动简化为两自由度的质点运动,将其视作一种参数激励。考虑锚索长期处于海流环境下,其顺流向涡激力和管体横荡运动方向一致,锚索的运动响应可能会产生明显变化。建立锚索的非线性顺流向涡激振动方程,并通过Galerkin方法和Runge-Kutta方法对该方程进行求解,选取典型悬浮隧道的结构进行数值分析,结果表明:在锚索前三阶模态中,相比于一阶模态幅值,二阶和三阶模态幅值是一个很小的量,可以忽略不计;参数激励可以使锚索更快进入稳定状态,且对振动幅值的增加有显著影响;参数激励对顺流向涡激振动的影响程度与锚索顶端的端部激励幅值和频率有关。  相似文献   
唐代夔州地区偏离京城,远离战祸,地理环境特殊,形势险峻,是历代兵家必争之地。境内高江急峡,人口稀少,农业开发水平较低,森林密布,水草丰茂,植物种类繁茂多样。各类植物高矮相依,其参差错落的互生,绚丽多彩的分布,使唐代夔州地区呈现出一派原生态的自然植被风貌。  相似文献   
为了检验X100直缝埋弧焊管的断裂韧性,采用三点弯曲多试样法,在室温、-10℃和-30℃下对该焊管的母材、热影响区和焊缝部位进行了裂纹尖端张开位移(CTOD)试验.测试结果表明:在同一温度下,CTOD试验的表观启裂值δ0.05、条件启裂值δi和最大载荷值δm的分布规律为母材最好,焊缝次之,热影响区最差;采用裂纹扩展阻力和撕裂模量表征的分布规律为母材最好,热影响区次之,焊缝最差;焊接热影响区组织中含有大量呈块状分布的铁素体,而粒状贝氏体等增强相的含量较少,这会造成其韧性下降,使焊管出现局部失稳现象.  相似文献   
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