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A new method for targeted heating of deep tissue was developed by using an ultrasound phased-array system which can generate various multiple foci patterns by electronically changing its amplitude or phase pattern. This method involves using a technique of combining switching and rotating of multiple foci patterns to create a uniform temperature over tissue volumes in various size. Using this method, the target tissue deep in the body can be heated to a specified temperature, which gives conditions for thermo-sensitive liposomes release. A simulation study for a 108-element, spherically sectioned array was performed to determine an optimal heating scheme from a set of multiple focus fields which were produced by inputting different combinations of phases and amplitudes. Comparisons of a static multiple foci field, the switched fields and the switched-rotated fields indicated that the technique of combining switching and rotating of multiple foci patterns has advantages of both lowering the peak temperature and evening the temperature distribution. The simulation results also show that the therapeutic heating zones in various size employing the combined method. These results offer significant data for designing thermotherapy equipment for tumor-specific drug release with thermo-sensitive liposomes.  相似文献   
Research on data combination for Phased-array Ground Penetrating Radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0 IntroductionGroundPenetratingRadar (GPR)isanewandefficientex ploringmeanstodetecttheobjectinshallowsubsurface.Comparedwithotherdetectingmethods,GPRhasmanyadvan tages,suchasquickness,highresolution ,convenientoperationetc.SoGPRisappliedtonationaldefenseandnationaleconomy .IndevelopmentofGPRtechnology ,therecomeforthcontinuous waveradar,FMcontinuous waveradar,andshockpulseradar.Amongoftheseradars,shockpulseradarsendsgreatamplitudeimpulsewithperiodinns,receivingequivalentsamplingtoreali…  相似文献   
论述了相控阵扬声器系统的设计原理,结构、特色及工程应用.一般的扬声器系统,利用基于机械震动的物理、声学方法来获得良好性能,目前广为流行的线阵列扬声器系统,是将物理、声学技术发挥到极致,而相控阵扬声器系统则是将电子技术、数字技术、计算机技术、电声技术结合并创造性地运用DSP技术,研制适用的算法,对扬声器阵列中的所有单元的各个频段,分别进行适当的相位调控、音效处理,从而实现实时调控扬声器阵列辐射主瓣的辐射角、指向性和放声效果.  相似文献   
对AN/FPS-115型远程相控阵雷达,运用目前最常用的系统效能分析模型对其进行效能参数计算,得出该型号雷达系统效能值。将脉冲压缩雷达与常规雷达的增益系数进行对比,对该型号雷达的干扰压制系数与增益系数的大小关系进行研究,再利用该型号雷达的参数代入雷达干扰方程对此雷达的抗干扰能力进行分析,得出了该型号雷达抗干扰能力和对其实施有效干扰所需要的功率,购买这种价格昂贵的雷达系统对于反制导弹是无效的。  相似文献   
A novel adaptive sampling interval algorithm for multitarget tracking is presented.This algorithm which is based on interacting multiple models incorporates the grey relational grade (GRG) into the particle swarm optimization (PSO).Firstly,the desired tracking accuracy is set for each target.Secondly,sampling intervals are selected as particles,and then the advantage of the GRG is taken as the measurement function for resource management.Meanwhile,the fitness value of the PSO is used to measure the difference between desired tracking accuracy and estimated tracking accuracy.Finally,it is suggested that the radar should track the target whose prediction value of the next sampling interval is the smallest.Simulations show that the proposed method improves both the tracking accuracy and tracking efficiency of the phased-array radar.  相似文献   
对基于类1-3-2型压电复合材料的高频相控阵换能器进行了理论分析和实验研究.通过切割与填充去耦材料制作类1-3-2型压电复合材料,并对类1-3-2型压电复合材料的基元进行布阵,在二维方向上形成4个子阵.通过对子阵适当相移,抑制主瓣和保留栅瓣,在空间上形成所需的发射与接收波束.实现了通过一个多元平面阵列形成4个所需的指向性波束,测速时避免了声学补偿.与传统使用4个活塞型收发换能器形成指向性波束的方法相比,相控阵换能器的几何尺寸显著减小.研究结果表明,基于类1-3-2型压电复合材料高频水声相控阵换能器具有高发射响应,宽频带,波束一致性好,结构紧凑,制作工艺简单可靠等优点.  相似文献   
针对相控阵雷达目标跟踪和资源调度问题,给出了基于后向概率的后向递归概率数据关联滤波(PDAF),以及基于后向概率最大的多维数据关联(N-D)方法。推导了预测位置偏离波束指向、且误差是相关的情况下,估计目标平均信噪比和目标检测概率的方法。通过仿真,比较了不同测量窗口数据长度和不同杂波环境下,相应算法对目标维持跟踪的性能和雷达能量需求。仿真结果表明,基于后向递归的PDAF优于常规的PDAF和N-D方法;虽然基于后向概率最大的N-D方法比常规的N-D方法好,但当维数较少时仍然比PDAF性能要差。  相似文献   
Two parallel methods for magnetic resonance tmaging (MRI) using radio frequency (RF) phased array surface coiks, named spatial loca! Fourier encoding (SLFE) and spatial RF encoding (SRFE), are presented. The MR signals are acquired from separate channels across the coils, each of which covers a sub-FOV (field-of-view) in a parallel fashion, and the acquired data are combined to form an image of entire FOV. These two parallel encoding techniques can accelerate MR imaging greatly, yet associated artifact rnay appear, al-though the SLFE is an effective image reconstruction method which can reduce the localized artifact in some degrees. By the SRFE, RF coil array can be utilized for spatial encoding through a specialized coil design. The images are acquired in a snapshot with a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) without the costly gradient system, resulting in great saving of cost. Both mutual induction and aliasing effect of adja-cent coils are critical to the success of SRFE. The strategies of inverse sourc  相似文献   
According to the frequency property of Phasedarray ground penetrating radar (PGPR), this paper gives a frequency point slice method based on Wigner time-frequency analysis. This method solves the problem of analysis for the PGPR‘s superposition data and makes detecting outcome simpler and detecting target more recognizable. At last, the analytical, results of road test data of the Three Gorges prove the analytical method efficient.  相似文献   
基于相控阵雷达组网的多传感器管理算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
信息化条件下的防空作战,建立一体的探测预警网络是夺取信息优势的技术保证,而实现传感器资源科学合理的分配则是提高防空探测预警网络信息获取效率的重要手段。为了充分发挥防空探测预警网络的功能及性能,必须在环境条件容许的情况下,对相控阵雷达组网有限的传感器资源进行科学合理的分配,提高探测预警网络的整体效能,进而提高防空作战效能。针对相控阵雷达组网的多传感器资源管理优化问题,介绍了相控阵雷达的特性和组网的意义,提出了基于相控阵雷达组网的相对熵多传感器管理算法。该算法通过计算传感器对目标的相对熵不确定性,获得每个传感器对每个目标最大的信息量,以此作为代价函数,进行多传感器对多目标的优化分配,仿真结果表明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
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