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为了掌握义马煤田水害规律以正确指导煤矿的防治水工作,分析研究了历次突水资料、地质构造、小煤矿分布、河流流经区域、主要含水层和隔水层、采煤厚度及采后导水裂隙发育情况等,指出:随着小煤矿的关闭、河道疏浚、浅部地裂缝充填和大矿采掘活动向深部转移,矿井主要水害由大气降水、地表河水和小窑水转化为顶板水;顶板水威胁主要在义马向斜的核部、采深大于700 m的区域,断层尖灭端和断层带富水性较强,顶板突水及其强度与采厚、周期来压关系密切。针对顶板水害,提出了采用"三图—双预测法"对顶板突水的水源、通道和强度做出预测和评价;采用井上下物探方法,圈出顶板疑似富水区,并进行采前预疏放;完善工作面排水系统,提高抗水灾能力等防治水技术。  相似文献   
针对软件安全风险传播难以直观描述的问题,应用小世界网络理论对其进行了研究.首先,介绍了软件安全风险的相关概念和小世界网络的性质及模型.其次,在分析软件系统网络拓扑结构的基础上,基于小世界网络理论建立了软件构件间安全风险传播的动力学模型,得到软件安全风险的传播结果,并分析影响软件安全风险传播的关键因素.最后,以某型飞机软...  相似文献   
水污染致癌作为环境公害犯罪的典型代表,应以以危险方法危害公共安全罪处罚。传统的条件说无法排除水污染以外的致癌因素,疫学因果关系要求被告人举证倒置,无法适用到中国的刑法领域。为达到"排除合理怀疑"的证明标准,需借助客观归责理论中的危险升高理论来进行环境公害案件的客观归责。现代刑法理论中的"故意"呈客观化趋势,可根据客观证据认定被告人主观上具有故意及证明被告人有不法认识可能性,从而完成环境公害案件的主观归责。  相似文献   
铅的危害及排除初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水质与土壤富集的铅可以通过食物链影响人的身体健康。本文对铅的富集作用及影响进行了阐述,并对除铅现状进行了分析,通过研究我们提出了防御措施,以减少铅对人们的危害。  相似文献   
已查明滑坡灾害点59个、崩塌灾害点22个,其控滑结构面以松散盖层与基岩接触面、黄土土性差异面及节理裂隙面为主要结构面,滑坡的动力学特征以蠕滑缓动滑坡为主,影响滑坡和崩塌灾害形成除了地貌一岩土类型、地质构造、降雨等因素外,人类工程经济活动也是造成滑坡和崩塌灾害的重要因素。针对不同灾害特点,分别提出了监测、工程治理、搬迁避让、生物工程等防治对策。  相似文献   
Based on the practical application of Geology Information System(GIS) throughout the world, combined with the characters of road’s geological hazard and it’s supervision, the paper introduces on the importance of the research on road’s geological hazards information management and decision-making support system. The paper also analyzes the system’s target, the principles and key techniques in developing the system. In the research, we developed the GIS-based road’s geological hazard information management and decision-making support system and applied it to one speedway in the west of China where contains typical geological hazards. The system based on the database of road’s geological hazard on the grounds of spatial graphic information and attribute information. By virtue of the scientific assessment and prediction mathematical model, integrating the GIS’s strongpoint on spatial analyzing, the system is capable of visualizing the regionalization of road according to the geological hazards it contains, and accurately assessing and predicting geological hazards, thus efficiently assists the road construction and management units in the decision making on controlling the geological hazards and reducing the related loss. Biography: WANG Weidong (1971–), male, Associate professor, Ph.D. candidate, research direction: road and railway engineering, management science and engineering.  相似文献   
采用可拓分析方法研究轨道车辆齿轮箱在线路运行时的可靠性评估问题.基于可拓理论的蕴含及可扩分析方法对齿轮箱可靠性物元进行分析,设定其可靠性评估的上位目标和下位目标;建立基于齿轮箱结构部件运行状态的比例故障率模型,应用粒子群优化算法对故障率模型进行参数的极大似然估计;以参数估计结果为基础,构建各部件的可靠性物元,进而实现对齿轮箱可靠性的整体评估.分析实例表明,在齿轮箱的当前运行状态下,大齿轮轴承Ⅰ和小齿轮的可靠性相对较低,是行车中应重点监测的部件.  相似文献   
According to the engineering investigation of long-distance oil and gas pipelines, the criterions and measures of route selection are drawn as follows: the flat landform is the first choice in route alignment. The foot of mountain is the first choice when the route passes by the valley. The route should pass by but the shady and deposited slope and not in sunny and erosive slope as possible as it can. The pipeline should be vertical to contour climbing and descending the mountain except steep slope. Tunnel can be used in crossing foothill. Perpendicularly traversing the river is better than beveling; the worst choice is to put the pipeline along the river. Bypass is the best choice in karsts area. The order of route selection should be pre-choosing, investigation, optimization and adjustment.  相似文献   
结合陇海铁路增建二线工程,归纳分析了在铁路工程地质选线、勘测、设计过程中利用地质灾害评估新技术所取得的成绩,阐述了地质灾害危险性评估在铁路建设中的重要性.  相似文献   
小城镇建设中的地质灾害问题研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
甘肃省小城镇建设中的地质灾害尤为频繁,县及其以上城镇受灾面达59.3%,灾害损失十分严重.为减轻和避免小城镇建设中的地质灾害,应在小城镇选址及规划阶段加强地质环境及灾害危险性的勘查,采取合理的避让措施,并加强开发建设项目中地质灾害危险性评估工作,同时结合小城镇建设进行地质灾害开发性治理.  相似文献   
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