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Comparative studies of co-occurring species using overlapping resources may help in understanding the mechanisms supporting biotic diversity in species-rich regions, such as the Mediterranean region of Europe. Three Papilionidae butterflies, Archon apollinus, Zerynthia cerisy and Zerynthia polyxena, develop on Aristolochia plants and co-occur in Greek Thrace. We used mark–recapture to describe adult demography and dispersal, and searched for eggs and larvae to assess host plants and microhabitat preferences. Adult flight timing followed a sequence from earliest A. apollinus, through Z. polyxena to late Z. cerisy; this was more prominent in 2010 (warm early spring) than in 2011 (cold delayed spring). Population densities were highest for A. apollinus and lowest for Z. cerisy, whereas dispersal ability followed a reverse pattern. Adults of all three species crossed distances > 3 km and used all habitat types present. Four Aristolochia host plants were used at the study locality: small Aristolochia pallida, intermediate Aristolochia rotunda and Aristolochia hirta, and bulky, late-sprouting Aristolochia clematitis. Both A. apollinus and Z. polyxena used all four Aristolochia species, the former preferring Aristolochia rotunda and Aristolochia hirta, the latter Aristolochia rotunda and Aristolochia pallida. Zerynthia cerisy did not use the early-growing Aristolochia pallida while frequently using the late-growing Aristolochia clematitis. Further parameters affecting oviposition were biotope and canopy closure: early A. apollinus tolerated shady sites but late Z. cerisy avoided them. The simultaneous use of several host plants differing in phenology and habitat requirements, combined with rather high dispersal ability, arguably buffers the butterflies’ population dynamics against yearly variation in weather, while allowing efficient occupation of the diverse Mediterranean landscapes. The regional habitat diversity, created during millennia of human activity, is currently threatened by land abandonment, which may diminish the resource base for the studied butterflies.  相似文献   
为研究女硕士研究生主观幸福感的人口学变量影响因素,采用人口学变量问卷、总体幸福感量表和幸福感指数量表,运用SPSS数据分析方法,对武汉七所高校的348名女硕士研究生进行实证研究。结果表明,女硕士研究生的整体幸福感水平较高,个体差异较大。人口学变量中只有生源地、所在年级和家庭经济状况在主观幸福感的总体幸福感、幸福感指数、总体情感指数、生活满意度四个维度均存在显著性差异,而性别、学历、独生子女状况、年龄、所学专业和婚恋状况只在主观幸福感的部分维度存在显著性差异,并根据研究结果建立女硕士研究生主观幸福感的人口学变量影响因素模型图。  相似文献   
教育人口学是一门新的教育分支学科,目前该学科研究处于初始阶段,虽然取得了一些成果,但仍显稚嫩。本文给出了作者关于教育人口学的定义及其知识体系,即:教育人口学是以人口状况为背景,以人口各要素为出发点,探索教育与人口相互关系并揭示相应教育规律的学科;教育人口知识体系包括学科问题,一般原理,特殊人口与教育,人口教育四部分。  相似文献   
果蝇属物种长期以来被作为基础生物学、特别是群体和进化遗传学的模式物种,来探讨生物学中的一些基本问题,如物种形成的遗传机制、新基因的起源及其方式、适应性进化的遗传机制等.群体遗传的方法贯穿于遗传学、生态学、古生物学、系统发育学等领域之中,已渐成为基础生物学研究的重要方法.围绕果蝇群体遗传研究中的3个主要问题,即起源地、群体历史动态和群体遗传结构,就当前用于分析上述问题的方法进行了概述,并强调了发展适用于多个座位数据的分析方法是将来的一个重要发展方向.  相似文献   
国内旅游者人口学特征对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以客源市场问卷调查资料为依据,对不同类型旅游地国内旅游者人口学统计特征进行对比研究.对比发现,不同类型旅游地客源市场的人口学统计特征具有高度的一致性,且与全国市场调查结果基本吻合.统计研究认为,国内旅游者对旅游地吸引物特质不敏感及旅游地在形象策划和市场营销方面缺乏个性是产生该现象的主要原因,加强旅游地形象策划、市场细分研究和目标市场营销等工作是旅游地未来工作的重点.  相似文献   
研究了遮阴条件下3a栲树幼苗(Castanopsisfargesi)枝、叶构件动态和生物量变化,结果表明:幼苗枝、叶构件逐月变化,在春、夏季生长迅速,秋、冬季生长缓慢,而叶调落量在春、秋季各有一次高峰,这可能与光照强度有关;现存叶数、枝构件数目和总生物量均高于对照,可见,适当遮阴有利于栲树幼苗的生长;但遮阴对枝构件大小级分布趋势影响不大,均为“金字塔”型,这表明幼苗正处于旺盛生长阶段。  相似文献   
从图书馆采访业务的角度,对人口学学科的文献资源建设的现状进行了分析,给出了加强人口学学科文献资源建设的几点建议,并指出应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   
分形人口学初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将分形的方法引入人口动力学和人口分布的研究,揭示出人口系统变化的控制参量,人口分布服从多重分形,从而探索了城市演化的分形模型。  相似文献   
In this paper we build the multi-state evolution equation of family population to describe the women's marital statuses, fertility statuses, parity statuses, the number of surviving children statuses, family marker statuses, etc. and the women statuses dynamic transition between different statuses is computed from age-specific transition probabilities. Also we build some family demography indexes. This work is supported by the Management Decision & Information System Research Laboratory.  相似文献   
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