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Studying animal space use patterns can help increase our understating of ecological processes such as competition and community dynamics. To quantify space and habitat use in an isolated and patchy cloud forest community in Mexico, we evaluate the vertical stratification, home range and habitat selection of two arboreal rodents: Habromys schmidlyi and Reithrodontomys microdon. Using live-traps at ground level and different forest strata, we radio-equipped nine individuals of H. schmidlyi and seven of R. microdon, and evaluated fine-scale space use and broad-scale habitat selection between cloud forest and oak forest. We found an average home range of 0.24 ha for R. microdon males and 0.72 ha for females, with a preference for higher canopy in the cloud forest. For H. schmidlyi the home range was 0.83 ha for males and 0.29 ha for females, with a preference for the understory level in the cloud forest. Home range is three-dimensional for these rodents, so we estimate that on average, individuals of both species used eight trees in the time they were tracked. We characterised the vegetation at the trap sites, and used recursive partitioning to relate the presence of different plants with the probability of finding these two species and Peromyscus aztecus, a third rodent species also present in the area and considered in our analysis of habitat use. The highest probability of finding R. microdon (96%) was related to the presence of Brachythecium occidentale and Renauldia mexicana, while H. schmidlyi (95%) was found in close proximity to Fabronia ciliaris and Everniastrum. We highlight the importance of arboreal trapping in biodiversity assessments, and the role of arboreal rodents in maintaining tropical forest ecosystems. We suggest that these rodent species could avoid or reduce competition by using the vertical strata differentially, and that H. schmidlyi and R. microdon can be biological indicators for cloud forest management and conservation.  相似文献   
借助ARM微处理器硬件平台,结合Web Service技术和Android系统平台,提出了一种基于B/S和C/S架构的智能家居系统.该系统的嵌入式Web服务器是基于Linux平台,保证了系统的健壮性及安全性.同时可以根据需要拓展服务功能,将智能手机作为智能家居系统的一部分,借助移动通信网络实现用户手机到家居环境的互联互通,可以随时随地控制和管理家居环境状态,让用户享受可靠的智能家居服务.系统相对传统的智能家居通用性强、组网方便、操作更加简单,远程控制能力增强,且市场应用价值高,易于推广.  相似文献   
利用物联网Zig Bee技术实现对老人的身体状况、居家安全、环境能耗等方面的智能监测,并实时将这些监测数据传输到社区监护中心,社区监护中心再根据这些实时数据为老人提供相对应的服务,从而形成一个家庭、社区为一体的智能社区居家养老系统。  相似文献   
针对周期性服务需求的居家医疗与护理资源管理问题,提出一种基于插入法和节约算法的禁忌算法。该算法综合考虑客户接受服务的日期、客户的服务等级和客户访问次序,在初始解基础上进行邻域搜索,每次邻域搜索选取部分客户,搜索其所有可能的服务日期、服务等级对应的调度方案,选择成本最低的方案作为邻域搜索的最新解。邻域搜索中变换过的客户将列入禁忌表,在禁忌步长内不予变换。通过多次迭代,求解结果向最优解方向收敛。对随机生成的算例及基于标准 Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)算例构造的算例进行仿真验证,并与 Rolling Horizon Myopic Planning Approach (RHMPA)算法求解结果对比,实验结果表明,该算法在一定运行时间内适合求解客户规模低于500人的案例,且求解结果优于 RHMPA 算法,多次求解的结果相对误差仅为0.94%。该算法为家庭护理管理和计划调度问题提供了新的算法设计优化思路,对提高当前我国相关产业的管理和调度水平具有现实意义。  相似文献   
The use of space by animals is determined by environmental conditions, biological and ecological adaptations and interactions and mostly by resource availability. We sampled two species of Neotropical mammals to investigate their use of different strata in Atlantic Forest habitat in Brazil, as well as the home range sizes and movements of both sexes of each species. We found no difference in home ranges and movements between the sexes and species, but we found differences in the use of strata, with Gracilinanus microtarsus mostly using the canopy and Marmosops incanus using the ground. Gracilinanus microtarsus males mostly use the understorey in the wet season and the canopy in the dry season. We believe that these patterns of strata use reflect intrinsic characteristics of the species; and the shifts in resources and interspecific competition, which are lower in the dry season, seem to be responsible for the shifts in space use observed for G. microtarsus males. We recommend studies with spool-and-line techniques or radio tracking to further test refined hypotheses regarding the use of space, including the role of territoriality in females.  相似文献   
本文考察了当资产存在暧昧不确定性时的国际资产组合选择问题.本文以Maccheroni,Marinacci和Ruffino提出的模型框架为基础,对世界上26个主要国家和地区的跨国资产组合选择进行了实证情况的度量和判断,利用横截面和短面板存在异方差的OLS回归模型(包括混合OLS和加入固定与随机效应考虑的回归).可以发现,国内投资者更倾向于持有与国内资产相似、但纯风险更小,暧昧风险补偿为正的国外资本.另外,在选取的样本国中发现存在本地偏好的情况.  相似文献   
我国现代化基本路径是城镇化,而其中最迫切和最重要的是实现新生代农民工的城镇化。基于老年父母的抚养、子女入学、文化认同及其社会身份获得等多种因素的考量,返回户籍地城镇置业安居成为新生代农民工城镇化的主要选择。在城镇化的推进过程中,应从历史和现实出发,尊重新生代农民工的这种主体性选择,将新生代农民工返乡置业纳入到城镇化的规划和发展思路上来,合理引导新生代农民工在老家中小城镇置业、定居,并为新生代农民工在老家中小城镇置业、定居提供制度性的保障。  相似文献   
针对以往靠中心线提取速度较慢导致车模方向控制不稳,容易跑出赛道等问题,设计以K60微控制器为核心控制单元,利用CMOS摄像头对路径信息进行采集,在提取赛道边界和控制车体方向时创新性的使用了"窗口检测法"和"双比例"PD控制方法。"窗口检测法"能够缩短赛道边界的提取时间,提高搜索效率。双比例PD控制能够对比例参数P进行实时调整,进而更及时、准确地控制车模的运行方向。  相似文献   
通过对安徽省部分城市敬老院调查,研究城市敬老院体育发展状况,并提出对策.运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法研究安徽省城市敬老院体育发展状况.结果表明安徽省城市敬老院老人参加体育活动动机多样,但以增进健康、抵抗疾病、改善情绪和消磨时间为主.安徽省城市敬老院老人参加文体活动形式多元化,但老年女性参加体育活动的比例高于老年男性.不知道如何锻炼和没有合适的场地和设施是阻碍安徽省敬老院老人参加体育活动的主要原因.因此应加强健康教育,提高敬老院老人体育锻炼健身意识,增加敬老院社会体育指导员数量,加大敬老院体育活动场地和适合老年人健身活动的器材设施.  相似文献   
介绍了台湾著名作家齐邦媛的回忆录《巨流河》,认为其是恢弘的家国史诗与沧桑的人生悲歌。指出,《巨流河》写尽了中华民族饱受异族凌辱、战乱与分离之苦;写尽了家的颠沛流离与生离死别;写尽了人世沧桑与人生感怀。  相似文献   
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