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从雍正视永明延寿为历代禅德之最,视永明延寿为心心相印者,极为重视永明延寿著作之刊刻流布及以永明延寿思想为其评判的标准与依据等方面,可以见出雍正皇帝与延寿禅师在禅学思想上的密切联系。进而根据清初社会状况及佛教尤其是禅宗演变的大背景,就雍正对永明延寿禅师的极力推崇与高度评价的原因及影响作出系统分析。  相似文献   
清末民初,伴随着中国文化及乡村教育现代化的步伐,中国乡村社会曾兴起一股"废庙兴学"之风。其最初只是一种有知之士个人在民间的自发行为;清末新政将其作为教育改革的重要内容,在全国广泛推行(实际上只是部分地区执行);民国初年,"废庙兴学"进入了一个高潮期,对推进乡村教育发挥了一定作用,但遇到了宗教文化和乡村传统势力等重重阻力。"废庙兴学"是一个多面体,它既有促进国民教育、提高民众教育程度的积极作用,又扩大了我国民间宗教文化自身的影响,加强了宗教文化的发展与壮大;也可能成为激化民众社会矛盾、危害国民教育的有效实施,其消极影响不可低估。  相似文献   
检测早孕蜕膜中淋巴细胞抗原的表达。以几种抗淋巴细胞表面标志的单克隆抗体,采用花环标记、碱磷酶抗碱磷酶(APAAP)法,对23例早孕蜕膜组织中的淋巴细胞进行测定。早孕蜕膜淋巴细胞中CD3+、CD4+、CD16+及B细胞百分率(x±s)分别为29.52±6.80%、23.60±4.80%、20.91±4.06%、1.07±1.00%、7.81±2.56%,CD4/CD8为1.2±0.2,CD3-淋巴细胞呈大颗粒淋巴细胞(LGL)形态。早孕蜕膜中存在较多CD3-、CD16-形态呈LGL的NK细胞,CD4+细胞与CD8+细胞的比值较正常外周血明显降低。  相似文献   
经济预警方法研究综述   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
追溯经济预警系统发展的历史,重点阐述了目前经常使用的经济预警方法,包括景气指数法、ARCH法、基于概率模式分类法、判别式分折法和人工神经网络预警方法,最后指出对经济进行预警应该注意的问题和进一步深入研究的方向。  相似文献   
A new species of Gobiconodon is found from the Yixian Formation of western Liaonlng, China. The new taxa,G zofiae sp. nov., has a confluent opening for branches Ⅱand Ⅲ of the trigeminal nerve on the anterior lamina of the petrosal. G zofiae sp. nov. is similar to Repenomamus in having an ossified Meckel‘s cartilage connecting the lower jaws and ear region. The new species, with enlarged I^1/I1, posteriorly located infraorbital foramen and four mental foramina,distinctly differs from the other species of Gobiconodon. The new material indicates that Gobiconodon has four, not five,upper molariforms. The presence of Gobiconodon in Jchol Biota makes it possible to correlate Jehol Biota with faunas in eastern Asia and North America, and suggests the age of the Yixian Formation to be Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Rhombocorniculum cancellatum from the Lower Cambrian of southern Shaanxi Province (South China) is represented by the dextral and sinistral tooth-like sclerites (both in nearly equal numbers), indicating that the body plan of the organism with these sclerites probably was bilaterian. The main feature of the microstructure of the sclerites is the presence of longitudinally arranged, mutually contiguous hollow tubules, the shared walls consisting of microcrystalline apatite. In transverse cross sections, the sclerite wall mainly exhibits a spongy structure, with pore size decreasing adapically. Functional morphological analysis indicates that the sclerites serve as a defensive rather than a grasping function.  相似文献   
Analysis of the taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of the Early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobites of the Yangtze Platform indicates that species of Tsunyidiscus and Hupeidiscus can be used for biostratigraphic correlation. T. aclis occurs only in the lower Qiongzhusian, T. armatus occurs in the lower and middle Qiongzhusian, while T. niutitangensis and T. tingi occur mainly in the middle and upper Qiongzhusian, with only T. tingi extending upward into the lower Canglangpuian. H. orientalis first appears in the upper Qiongzhusian, reaching peak abundance in the lower Canglangpuian and becoming extinct above the Drepanuroides Zone. Biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic correlations indicate that the limestone in the lower part of the Mingxinsi Formation, the Upper Member of Jiumenchong Formation, and the upper part of the Middle Member of the Huangbailing Formation, can be correlated with each other as Hupediscus, an index fossil of the lower Canglangpuian, is abundant in all these units. The lower part of the Niutitang and Jiumenchong formations in eastern Guizhou, which mainly represent Qiongzhusian strata, can be correlated with the Lower Member of the Huangbailing Formation. The basal part of the Niutitang Formation, which may be equivalent to the Upper Meishucunian Shiyantou Formation in eastern Yunnan, is very condensed. Well-preserved sponge faunas and non-mineralized fossils in the lower part of the Niutitang and Hetang formations are not older than Qiongzhusian in age.  相似文献   
Totally 19 samples of typical Upper Proterozoic-Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks were collected and analyzed for an organic geochemical investigation. Almost all these rocks have high TOCs, super-maturities and similar biomarker distribution. As an exception, however, the Sinian Nantuo Tillite shows much lower TOCs and little phytane and pristane in comparison with those in other strata, which implies a very faint photosynthetic process, and a restricted euphotic zone and quite limited sunlight within the sedimentary water column during the Sinian glaciation age in the western Yangtze region providing an evidence for palaeo-oceanic environment of the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth age.  相似文献   
Profound geotectonic, climatic and biological changes occur during the terminal Neoproterozoic and its transition into the early Cambrian. These are reflected in temporal variations of the chemical and isotopic composition of seawater. We are studying a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Shatan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Sichuan Province of China. This succession comprises, in ascending stratigraphic order, predominantly calcareous sediments of the Sinian upper Dengying Formation and black shales of the lower Cambrian Guojiaba Formation (time equivalent of Niutitang Fm.). Paleoenvironmental setting represents shallow-water shelf deposits. The objective of our study is to provide temporal records for the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon throughout this time interval. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between -35.8‰ and -30.1‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between -3.5‰ and +0.5‰. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the global carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon. However, local conditions have further affected the isotopic signals.  相似文献   
从岩石学特征、成岩作用、孔隙类型、结构特征以及储层性质的主要影响因素等方面 ,对准噶尔盆地陆东地区白垩系储层进行了研究。结果表明 ,储层岩石为长石质岩屑砂岩 ,成岩作用进入早成岩B亚期 ;孔隙类型主要为原生残余粒间孔 ,另有少量的溶蚀孔及微孔隙。该储层孔隙结构非均质性强 ,呼二段中粗孔喉最多 ,呼一段次之 ,连木沁组多为中孔细喉和较细喉 ,清水河组为细孔、细喉。储层性质差别较大 ,呼一段、呼二段为中孔、中渗储层 ,连木沁组为低孔、低渗储层 ,清水河组为低孔、特低渗储层。储层性质主要受沉积相、古气候、压实作用及砂岩粒径等因素的影响。  相似文献   
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