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This paper discusses some philosophical aspects related to the recent publication of the experimental results of the 2017 black hole experiment, namely the first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy M87. In this paper I present a philosophical analysis of the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) black hole experiment. I first present Hacking's philosophy of experimentation. Hacking gives his taxonomy of elements of laboratory science and distinguishes a list of elements. I show that the EHT experiment conforms to major elements from Hacking's list. I then describe with the help of Galison's Philosophy of the Shadow how the EHT Collaboration created the famous black hole image. Galison outlines three stages for the reconstruction of the black hole image: Socio-Epistemology, Mechanical Objectivity, after which there is an additional Socio-Epistemology stage. I subsequently present my own interpretation of the reconstruction of the black hole image and I discuss model fitting to data. I suggest that the main method used by the EHT Collaboration to assure trust in the results of the EHT experiment is what philosophers call the Argument from Coincidence. I show that using this method for the above purpose is problematic. I present two versions of the Argument from Coincidence: Hacking's Coincidence and Cartwright's Reproducibility by which I analyse the EHT experiment. The same estimation of the mass of the black hole is reproduced in four different procedures. The EHT Collaboration concludes: the value we have converged upon is robust. I analyse the mass measurements of the black hole with the help of Cartwright's notion of robustness. I show that the EHT Collaboration construe Coincidence/Reproducibility as Technological Agnosticism and I contrast this interpretation with van Fraassen's scientific agnosticism.  相似文献   
研究太阳目标特性对太阳望远镜相关跟踪图像稳定系统的影响,采用Hinode太阳光学望远镜的观测数据,对以2min为时间间隔采样的5幅太阳米粒组织图像进行相关计算.针对国家天文台正在研制的空间太阳望远镜(SST)主光学望远镜(MOT)相关跟踪图像稳定系统,分析了太阳米粒组织随时间衍化对相关跟踪系统图像移动计算精度的影响以及米粒组织动态变化对望远镜曝光时间的影响.仿真结果表明,更换参考图像时间不能大于2min,并且在保证算法实时性的情况下,选用参考图像的尺寸与相关跟踪系统定位精度成正比.  相似文献   
分光仪是一种能精确测量角度的典型光学实验仪器。在大学物理实验中,分光计的调节和使用是一个重要光学实验。由于分光仪结构较复杂,调节难度较大。其中最关键、最困难的一步是:如何调节望远镜光轴及载物台台面分别与仪器转轴垂直。针对这一难点,文中提出一种简单、快速的调节方法。粗调时使载物台台面紧贴台基,以保证载物台台面基本水平,细调时以望远镜调节为主,载物台调节为辅。  相似文献   
王陆  段洁 《长春大学学报》2014,(12):1644-1647
为了更好地提高舰艇雷达望远镜瞄准线和火炮膛线的平行度,本文提出了一种采用专利激光自动安平水准仪,校炮镜,方管前置镜,在舰艇上调校的方案。该专利产品安平精度为20″,基尺寸小,便于安装,调试灵活方便,能够解决由于舰艇上雷达,望远镜和火炮相距十几米远,该雷达,望远镜控制火炮困难的问题。从而实现雷达,望远镜瞄准轴线和火炮膛线的平行度。  相似文献   
针对当代大型天文光学望远镜机架伺服系统动力学要求,提出高阶滑模控制的方法.在建立机架伺服系统状态空间模型的基础上,将传统滑模变结构控制中的滑模面拓展为高维(三维及以上)微分流形,使系统动态的不连续性仅存在于最高阶,从而有效地抑制传统滑模控制中易产生高频振动的现象.根据大型天文望远镜机架通常运行在角秒级超低速的特性,提出变参数切换律,进一步地提高机架系统的低速跟踪性能.仿真结果表明,用该方法设计的驱动伺服系统具有良好的抑制内外部干扰和跟踪给定信号的效果.满足当代大型望远镜机架伺服系统超低速位置跟踪的要求.  相似文献   
In order to reduce the cost, 3-PRS mechanism is introduced into the application of supporting the active reflector unit of large radio telescope. The kinematic model of 3-PRS mechanism with rotational joint errors is derived to solve the error problem in actual engineering application. Then based on the error model, inverse and forward kinematics are analyzed. Because the solutions can not be analytically expressed, a numerical method is applied. Afterwards, the parasitic motion errors are analyzed using search method and empirical formulas of the maximum parasitic motion error are put forward. Finally, the tolerance is distributed using empirical formulas to avoid interference between adjacent reflector units. The analyses provide a theoretical basis for the design and installation of large radio telescope active reflector.  相似文献   
杨氏模量测定的尺镜组装置研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高杨氏模量测定精确度,从试验误差角度分析,得出因尺镜组调节不当引起误差,从而降低了杨氏模量测量的准确度;从测量不确定度和有效数字处理角度分析,得出杨氏模量的测量精度被尺镜组所制约.因此,对测量方法和尺镜组装置进行了改进,将标尺设计为最小分度值为0.02 mm移动铅直标尺,望远镜设计为准直望远镜,光杠杆镜面到标尺距离为1.236 2 m以上.通过试验,得出测量结果总不确定度由0.07×1011 N*m-2下降为0.025×1011 N*m-2,使测量结果的有效位数增加一位,减小了人为调偏标尺和望远镜的误差.  相似文献   
介绍用成像公式法测量望远镜放大倍数的方法,并对这种测量方法进行改进提高测量的精确度.  相似文献   
自动调焦技术在现代天文望远镜中发挥着重要作用。对于大型的空间望远镜,由于发射和在轨工作环境复杂,且常要求在多波段下工作,从而使得在轨自动调焦成为必不可少的一项关键技术。根据空间太阳望远镜[1](SolarSpaceTelescope,SST)F/39主光路在轨工作的调焦需求,在地面调焦实验系统中,以分辨率板为目标源进行了图像边缘法、图像标准差和图像熵等多种调焦判据的实验研究。结果表明,在所选取判据中,基于Sobel与Prewitt算子的图像边缘法只需加减运算,易于硬件实现且半峰值宽度小,波形陡峭,重复检焦精度达到0.06mm,在选取调焦判据中性能最优。  相似文献   
基于干扰观测器的Fuzzy-PID控制及应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对大射电望远镜(LT)悬索粗调系统为一变结构、非线性、慢时变、大滞后、强耦合、多输入多输出柔性结构系统的特点,提出了一种Fuzzy-PID控制和干扰观测器相结合的控制算法来实现馈源轨迹跟踪策略。这种方法通过构造干扰观测器来预测该柔性结构系统的各种干扰,并根据预测到的干扰信息进行补偿以抑制干扰对系统的影响,同时引入Fuzzy控制算法来自适应整定PID控制器的参数实现具有最佳组合的PID控制。最后,对LT悬索-馈源舱控制系统进行了数值仿真,结果表明该控制算法可以较好地满足馈源系统轨迹跟踪精度要求,同时系统具有较强的适应性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
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