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观赏羽扇豆生根过程中内源IAA和ABA含量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用酶联免疫方法(Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA),对观赏羽扇豆品种尖塔(Minaretie)和奖品(Russell Prize)组培苗生根过程中内源吲哚乙酸(3-Indolyl-acetic acid,IAA)和脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)含量进行了测定,总结IAA和ABA含量与组培生根的相关性,为其微体快繁和工厂化生产提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)IAA含量变化为单峰曲线,呈现“升高-降低-升高”的变化趋势;(2)ABA含量在不定根形成期呈下降并达到最低;(3)IAA含量与生根指数正相关,ABA含量与生根指数负相关,二者协同影响生根。  相似文献   
分析了蓝光介导的高粱航空诱变突变体har1中胚轴伸长抑制过程中,蓝光信号途径关键组分基因SbCRY1 b、SbCOP1和SbHY5的表达水平变化,研究表明,har1对蓝光的超敏感可能与其中SbCRY1 b表达水平升高有关.外源ABA增加了蓝光对R111中胚轴的伸长抑制程度,抑制剂NAP(Naproxen)在一定程度上可以缓解蓝光对har1中胚轴的抑制.同时,蓝光处理后har1中胚轴中内源ABA含量增加程度较R111更为显著,初步表明ABA参与蓝光介导的高粱幼苗中胚轴伸长抑制反应.  相似文献   
将含有PSA-L启动子驱动的荧光素酶报告基因(LUC)表达载体导入拟南芥原生质体中,研究报告基因表达量,证明出脱落酸(ABA)影响了报告基因的表达.在有ABA存在的时候,启动子驱动作用减弱.  相似文献   
青钱柳种子综合处理过程中内源激素的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青钱柳种子属于深休眠类型,在自然条件下,需要经过隔年甚至2年才能萌发,笔者对综合处理的青钱柳种子萌发过程中各种激素的变化进行分析。结果表明:随着层积时间的增长,其脱落酸(ABA)的含量逐渐减少,而赤霉素(GA)、生长素(IAA)、细胞分裂素(CTK)的含量则逐渐增加。赤霉素与脱落酸、生长素与脱落酸和细胞分裂素与脱落酸含量的比值也呈现出基本增加的趋势。进一步证实了赤霉素(GA)是种子萌发的促进物质。同时,生长素(IAA)、细胞分裂素(CTK)在解除种子休眠过程中也起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
The mechanisms for the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced by abscisic acid (ABA) were investigated in suspension culture cells of tobacco BY-2 cells. The results showed that the immediate generation of H2O2, which was mainly derived from superoxide dismutase-catalyzed dismutation of superoxide radical, was significantly induced by ABA. Furthermore, treatment of the cultured tobacco cells with ABA resulted in a time-dependent quick increase in plasma membrane (PM) NADPH oxidase activity, which coincided on time and magnitude with the elevation in ABA-induced accumulation of H2O2. Moreover, these enhanced effects were pronouncedly inhibited by two NADPH oxidase inhibitor, diphenylene iodonium and imidazole, suggesting that PM NADPH oxidase is involved in the rapid accumulation of 2O2 in cultured tobacco cells. In addition, analysis of the expression level of NtrbohD, a PM NADPH oxidase gene in tobacco, by RT-PCR and protein gel blot revealed that the gene at both mRNA and protein levels was upregulated by ABA, indicating that NtrbohD participates in the ABA-stimulated rapid production of H2O2 in tobacco culture cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that ABA induces the rapid accumulation of reactive oxygen species via NADPH oxidase in suspension culture cells of tobacco, and that NADPH oxidase and H2O2 appear to be important components in ABA signal transduction pathway in plants.  相似文献   
水分胁迫对冬麦幼苗激素水平的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水分胁迫初期,2个品种小麦幼苗脱落酸(ABA)只有少量增加,此后ABA迅速累积,胁迫后期,F_ (122)约增加20.7倍,丰8仅增加4.7倍。复水后均很快下降到对照水平。胁迫初期,小麦幼苗出现萎蔫症状之前,玉米素核苷(ZR)便迅速下降,然后再升高,随着胁迫的加剧再次下降,复水后又迅速回升。出现一“反冲”现象。F_ (122)幼苗中ZR在干旱处理的第2天便迅速下降了69.8%,而丰在干旱的第3天只下降了14.6%。这反映了2个品种小麦内源激素水平的变化对水分胁迫反应的差异。  相似文献   
佛手瓜成熟果实富含IAA,ABA,GA和CTK类植物激素,含量〔μg/kg(FW)〕分别为4.62,50.20,44.70,5.81。高含量的ABA可能是种子成熟后不能很快萌发的原因。较高含量的GA可能是佛手瓜这类种子可在果实内萌发和生长的果实的特点。种子开始萌发的果实,激素含量和种子未萌发的果实相比较,IAA,GA和CTK类激素显著增高,但ABA明显下降,这种变化可能是种子在果实内萌动和生长的必要条件。  相似文献   
梭梭幼苗在H氏平衡溶液中培养至第4天时,其细胞膜透性、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量均出现明显的转折变化;甘露醇溶液渗透胁迫引起幼苗的细胞膜电解质渗漏率下降,脯氨酸含量大幅度升高,可溶性糖含量则呈现交替变化;外源ABA则以对上生理指标有不同的影响。因此其作用机制可能与渗透胁迫无直接的相关性。  相似文献   
在水蔗草花序发育时期对花序喷施0.05 g·L-1ABA后,对水蔗草的花粉育性、结实率和无融合生殖的频率进行研究.结果表明用0.05 g·L-1ABA处理,花粉育性、结实率和无融合生殖的频率与对照均没有显著性差异.  相似文献   
The amount of calpastatin directly available in cytosol is under the control of [Ca2+] and [cyclic AMP]. Prolonged calpain activation also promotes degradation of calpastatin. The fluctuation of calpastatin concentration in cell soluble fraction is accompanied by an initial decrease in calpastatin gene expression, followed by a fivefold increase in its expression when the inhibitor protein is degraded. This process can be conceptualized as a mechanism to regulate calpastatin availability in the cell. This conclusion is supported by the fact that calpain, the other component of this proteolytic system, undergoes changes in its levels of expression in a much more limited manner. Furthermore, this process can be observed both in cells exposed to different natural stimuli, or in other cell lines. Modification of calpastatin gene expression might represent a new tool for the in vivo control of the regulatory machinery required for the modulation of Ca2+-dependent proteolysis.Received 18 July 2003; received after revision 3 September 2003; accepted 23 September 2003  相似文献   
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