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Two characteristics of traffic flows make the vehicle departure headways in Beijing, China different from that in Atlanta, USA. Urban traffic flows in China are often hindered by pedestrians at intersections and queuing vehicles often cannot be totally discharged during the green time, so most signalized intersections are over-saturated in the day time. The first characteristic makes the departure headways of the first and second vehicles in Beijing depend heavily on the start-up situations (with or without interference). The departure headways of the 3rd to 5th vehicles in Beijing have similar characteristics to those in Atlanta. The second characteristic makes the departure headways after the 5th vehicle significantly different from those in Atlanta. These comparisons show that the conventional delay estimate methods and signal control algorithms may not fit Chinese scenarios, which makes imported intelligent traffic control systems not work well in China without calibrations.  相似文献   
为了深入探究影响高速公路桥梁路段风险的显著因素,论文应用交通秩序指数综合评估交通安全风险,并以此为因变量,研究桥梁路段交通流、道路属性及外部环境等要素和交通安全风险间的关系。在构建安全风险识别模型的基础上,通过个体条件期望图挖掘影响高速公路桥梁路段的安全风险关联因素。结果表明:相较于梯度提升决策树模型,随机森林模型对于交通安全风险识别的准确性更高;此外,在影响因素中,拥堵是影响桥梁路段安全风险的重要交通流因素;在能见度较低及不良天气情况下,交通风险较高;并且,跨河桥上、下游过渡段是高速公路桥梁路段中交通安全风险最高的区域。研究结果为高速公路桥梁路段的交通安全风险识别及影响要素挖掘提供了新的思路和方法,有助于交通管理部门精准实施靶向治理。  相似文献   
基于导航数据的交叉口进口道安全风险评估及诊断方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以导航软件采集的驾驶行为、空间位置、交通状况及用户量等大数据为基础,应用交通秩序指数评价道路安全性。通过分析与进口道相关的道路几何特征、交通执法设备以及信号控制设施的安全性特征,构建交叉口安全性结构方程模型,深入挖掘交叉口进口道风险致因。结果表明,交叉口各方向车道总数、信号相位,与进口有关的进口道车道数、调头车道数、横断面类型、中央分隔带类型、违法监控设备数量,都对交叉口安全性具有显著影响。拥堵状态对于交叉口安全性的影响最大,且在不同时段交叉口安全性存在较大差异。其次,信号控制设施与道路几何特征,交通执法设备对交叉口的安全影响最小。在改善交叉口进口道的安全性时,首要是鼓励错峰出行、改善拥堵状态,尽量采用带有全红时间的信号配时方案。道路设计过程中,在进口方向增加车道数量并设置硬性中央分隔带,尽量设置调头车道。提出一种基于导航数据的进口道风险与交叉口相关属性间量化关系的挖掘方法,进而实现交叉口进口道风险的评估与诊断,为其他类型道路及交通网全域风险防控和安全改造提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Delay Estimates of Mixed Traffic Flow at Signalized Intersections in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Two characteristics of Chinese mixed traffic invalidate the conventional queuing delay estimates for western countries.First,the driving characteristics of Chinese drivers lead to different delays even though the other conditions are the same.Second,urban traffic flow in China is often hindered by pedestrians at intersections,such that imported intelligent traffic control systems do not work appropriately.Typical delay estimates for Chinese conditions were obtained from data for over 500 vehicle queues i...  相似文献   
The modeling of headway/spacing between two consecutive vehicles in a queue has many applications in traffic flow theory and transport practice.Most known approaches have only studied vehicles on freeways.This paper presents a model for the spacing distribution of queuing vehicles at a signalized junction based on random-matrix theory.The spacing distribution of a Gaussian symplectic ensemble(GSE)fits well with recently measured spacing distribution data.These results are also compared with measured spac...  相似文献   
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