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供暖工程施工质量直接关系到千家万户的切身利益,要保证良好的供暖效果,就要解决好采暖系统的供热方式,基于对我国现有能源状况和各种供暖方式存在的问题,借鉴国际的先进经验,提出适合我国的分户热计量供暖系统方式。  相似文献   
Two telomere-associated sequences (TAS), named STAS8 and STAS10, were cloned from soybean genomic DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Southern analysis showed that they were sequences with moderate copy number in soybean genome. Sequence analysis demonstrated that STAS10 had tandemly arrayed con sensus sequences of TTTAGGG and TIAGGG . The mapping of these two TAS was performed with a population of F8 re combinant inbred line using restriction fragment length polymorphisms(RFLP). Seven out of nine polymorphic fragments were mapped to the most distal position of five linkage groups, Dla, F, G2, H and Q of soybean, and the other two loci were closely linked and mapped to two interstitial positions within linkage group D1a. The mapping of TAS in soybean is essential for completeness of a molecular genetic map of soybean.  相似文献   
对偶单纯形两阶段法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在用对偶单纯形法解线性规划问题时,必须找到初始正则解.为避免人工约束的引入,利用变量代换,给出不增加变量个数的对偶单纯形两阶段法.  相似文献   
To investigate how a low tone (tone-3, T3) syllable in Chinese can be perceived to be focal accented or not, a total of 156 sentences containing tone-3 words were synthesized and used as stimuli in a perceptual study. The sentences differed in the falling value between the two high pitches, and in the duration and phonation types of the T3 syllables. Thirty-nine subjects were asked to judge where the focus or accent was for each sentence. The results show that at least three degrees of pitch drop are involved in the focus recognition: a big sized drop of about 10 semitones; a middle sized drop of about 6 semitones; a small sized drop of about 2 semitones. The results suggest that the three sizes of pitch drop have different indications in Chinese intonation, depending on both the tone and the tone combination. In perception, there are various ways to realize tone-3 focus in the Tx-T3-Ty sentences series, but in production or for text-to-speech synthesis, the rule simply is making a middle sized pitch drop with a long and creaky T3 syllable. Similarly, to focus on the low tone syllable in the T3-Tx-Ty sentences, a creaky T3 syllable is essential. However, a long T3 syllable is a strong determinant for a low tone focus in the Tx-Ty-T3 sentences.  相似文献   
给出了带算子的有限群π′-闭的两个充分必要条件。  相似文献   
证据在专利无效宣告请求诉讼中具有十分重要的地位。实践中往往出现请求人在规定提交证据的期限届满后提交证据的情形,而这些证据是否能作为无效宣告请求中“新的证据”被采纳,将直接影响专利复审委对审查决定的结果。因此,对“新的证据”展开深入细致的分析研究,准确把握“新的证据”的法定范围,将有助于实现无效宣告请求程序的公正合理,维护当事人的合法权益.  相似文献   
基于MATLAB的语音信号采集和分析系统的可视化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计和开发了一种基于MATLAB的语音采集与分析的可视化系统,该系统通过Realtek Ac'97型声卡和MATLAB的数据采集工具箱低成本地实现了语音信号的实时采集,并利用MATLAB强大的数值计算和信号处理功能高精度地完成了语音信号的分析工作。系统还使用MATLAB的图形用户界面设计工具进行了优化,通过简单的对话框和菜单操作取代了复杂的程序修改和调试过程,使得系统的使用更加方便灵活。  相似文献   
研究了产品设计过程中的知识建模与知识管理问题,提出了面向产品设计的企业知识管理模式.作为设计结果的物理模型不仅表达了设计方案,更是产品设计知识的载体.除了几何信息以外,设计结果还包括产品功能需求、工程约束、设计经验和规则等.基于知识构件建立了产品设计知识库.设计知识能够在两个层次上被重用,一是知识构件层,二是知识项层.  相似文献   
目前电子工程师进行电子设计时,常利用EDA仿真软件对电子电路、信号与系统进行辅助分析,优化电路设计,提高开发产品进程和设计人员的工作效率.结合实例介绍了Multisim2001软件对实际电路进行仿真分析的方法.通过应用该软件观察虚拟结果是否满足设计要求,这在实际的电路板中是难以做到的.  相似文献   
加拿大一枝黄花挥发油成分及其抗菌活性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为研究加拿大一枝黄花挥发油的化学成分及其抗菌活性,采用水蒸气蒸馏法从上海江湾机场9月所产加拿大一枝黄花中提取挥发油,并用GC-MS技术结合计算机检索对其化学成分进行分析鉴定,用色谱峰面积归一化法计算各组分的相对质量百分数.现共鉴定了加拿大一枝黄花挥发油的28个成分,是总挥发油的85.88%,其主要成分为大香叶烯D(Germacrane D),D-柠檬烯(D-Limonene).另采用平板打孔法,测试了加拿大一枝黄花挥发油的抗菌活性.结果表明,加拿大一枝黄花挥发油对大肠杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌具有显著的抑制作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌作用不明显.大香叶烯D(Germacrene D)是其主要的抗菌活性成分.  相似文献   
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