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崔之久  陈艺鑫  杨晓燕 《科学通报》2009,54(21):3364-3373
黄山花岗岩地貌各种类型分布很有规律, 呈同心状分布模式, 中心区为平坦夷平面残留部分, 向外围山峰依次为穹峰、堡峰、尖峰、岭脊等. 显示流水切割, 溯源侵蚀的裂点还停留在中心区边沿, 放射状水系的共同分水岭即为中心区. 推测中新世、上新世时为黄山花岗岩体升起后的剥蚀时期, 并形成夷平面. 后经历上新世末微弱抬升, 形成浅切割地面, 第四纪初开始强烈抬升、下切, 形成深切割地面, 造成中心区以外的高峰林立、峡谷幽深. 此一过程仍在继续, 但由于中心区集水面积有限, 裂点溯源侵蚀并不强烈, 黄山地貌现状当可长期保持.  相似文献   
通过对东帕米尔高原一冰碛平台上花岗岩漂砾风化穴的仔细观察,根据发生部位和形态特征对风化穴进行分类,并结合当地地形、气温、降水等自然条件对风化穴的成因进行分析,初步认为本区花岗岩漂砾风化穴的主要类型为边墙形、蜂巢型、底穴型、沟槽型,是温差风化(含寒冻风化)、盐风化、风蚀和时间(倒数第二次冰期以来)因素综合作用的结果,其中谷风侵蚀在边墙型风化穴形成过程中起主导作用.  相似文献   
LEE Ben 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(13):2309-2324
The Wenquan molybdenum deposit is associated with a Triassic granite in this area. The Wenquan granite is enriched in LILE and LREE, poor in HFSE, and has significantly higher contents of alkali (K2O+Na2O) and Sr, Ba than those of the island arc volcanic rocks. These geochemical characteristics are similar to post-collisional granites in high K calc-alkaline series. Studies of major elements, trace elements, REEs and chronology of the Wenquan pluton show that, in the geodynamic transition stage of continent-continent convergence to extension, the partial melting of the enriched lithospheric mantle generated the basaltic magma and triggered the partial melting of the thickened lower crust which produceded the acidic magma, and the Wenquan pluton was formed by mixing of the two magmas. Molybdenite Re-Os isotopic dating gave Os model ages of 212.7±2.6 Ma to 215.1±2.6 Ma with a weighted mean of 214.1±1.1 Ma, and an Re-Os isochron age of 214.4±7.1 Ma. These ages are close to K-Ar ages (223 to 226 Ma) and a SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age (223±7 Ma) for the Wenquan granite within the error range, but relatively younger. This implies that the Mo mineralization occurred in a late stage of the magmatic intrusion, and the metallogenesis took place in the transition stage from syn-collision to post-collision in the tectonic setting of the Qinling Orogenic Belt (QOB) after continental collision between the North China Block (NCB) and the South China Block (SCB). This process is also corresponding to the geological events of metamorphism and deformation in South Qinling, closure of the Mian-Lue oceanic basin, and exhumation of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks. The large-scale continent-continent collision between NCB and SCB in the middle Triassic triggered significant crustal thickening and exhumation of subducted slab. In the late Triassic, the tectonic setting was transformed to the transition stage from collision to extension. Materials from the asthenospheric mantle would ascend into the root of the lower crust, which could induce partial melting of the lower crust and generate Mo-enriched granitic magma. The ore-forming elements enriched in the fluid derived from the condensation and fraction of the magma resulted in the Mo mineralization. The Mo deposits in the QOB are mainly formed in two episodes, namely 220± Ma and 140± Ma. The two episodes of metallogenesis were developed in the tectonic transition settings from compression to extension, but they were in the different stages of the tectonic evolution. The occurrence of the Wenquan Mo-bearing pluton indicates that the Triassic tectonic-magmatic belt of Western Qinling is another favorable region for Mo mineralization in the QOB. Therefore, it is significant to pay more attention to evaluation of the ore-forming potentiality in the Triassic granites in Western Qinling.  相似文献   
利用工具显微镜和测力仪观测聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)刀具车削花岗岩的过程,采用扫描电子显微镜观测PDC刀具的磨损断口形貌.研究结果表明:PDC刀具车削花岗岩的磨损过程可以分为初始磨损阶段、快速磨损阶段和稳定磨损阶段;单次受力曲线呈周期性波动上升;PDC刀具的磨损是由于冲击与磨削同时作用的结果,且以磨削为主,冲击为辅;PDC的磨损过程中既有磨料磨损,也有疲劳磨损,是多种磨损形式组合的结果;PDC的磨损与断裂足由于W和Co粘结相承受不住外加载荷,率先发牛断裂而导致与其粘结在一起的金刚石发生了脱落.  相似文献   
通过单轴SHPB实验,对大量花岗岩和大理岩试样的动态抗压强度、纵波波速进行了测试,对实验数据的计算表明:抗压强度的离散性较小,偏离系数只有20%左右,纵波波速和动弹性模量的离散性较大,达到了40%以上.  相似文献   
香港全风化花岗岩的固结特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采自香港地区全风化花岗岩原状土样进行了固结试验研究,结果表明:其先期固结压力及超固结比明显偏大,且先期固结压力在深度上表现出异常现象;在固结压力持续增加的条件下,3种土的压缩系数和固结系数逐步减小,开始减小速率比较大,之后趋于平缓,呈近似负指数关系,但压缩系数的变化幅度比固结系数大;全风化花岗岩由于风化所产生的特殊的物理、化学及矿物成分变化和所具有的结构强度是造成其固结特性的主要原因.  相似文献   
中国与哈萨克斯坦接壤的温泉县青科克一带,花岗岩十分发育,主要岩石类型为斑状二长花岗岩,划分为6个侵入次,侵位于早石炭世阿克沙克组地层。本次在该区获得LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄值为(302±2) Ma、(300±2) Ma、(299±2.3) Ma、(295±2) Ma,属于晚石炭世晚期。花岗岩SiO2含量69.51%~78.34%,铝饱和度指数A/CNK为1.011~1.215,属过铝质岩石;里特曼指数为1.11~2.63;碱度率为2.31~3.37,K2O/Na2O比为0.22~1.59,属于钙碱性钾质岩石。(Rb/Yb)N为1.40~263.82,大于1,属于强不相容元素富集分配形式;Sr、Ba、P、Ti元素亏损,Th、Zr元素从富集到亏损。稀土总量为 (14.14~479.56)×10-6,轻重稀土比值为2.66~6.50;(Ce/Yb)N为0.92~3.89,(La/Yb)N为0.77~5.41,δEu为0.04~0.41,属于轻稀土富集型,且铕亏损明显。综合分析认为,区内花岗岩可能为深熔岩浆成因的S型花岗岩,属造山晚期(后造山)-板内阶段形成的壳源型岩浆,反映了一种相对稳定的构造环境。  相似文献   
德昌县2004年发生的群发性泥石流,给当地居民的生活和生产造成了严重的干扰与损失。此次泥石流灾害区域较集中,地形和水文条件也比较接近,却只有部分沟道发生泥石流。为了研究影响泥石流发生的原因,重点对形成条件中地质因子的岩石坚固程度进行分析;发现造成该区域泥石流发生情况不一的原因是受各流域白云岩、碳质千枚岩及砂岩、强风化的花岗岩的坚固程度不同的影响。在前人的基础上以现场实际情况为主,对部分沟的坚固系数值进行校正,最终得到坚固系数G=5.56为该地区泥石流发生与否的分界线。再结合地形因子、水文因子对该地区进行泥石流的预警预报验证,适用情况较好。该方法可作为某一区域内影响泥石流暴发地质条件中岩性条件的评价指标。  相似文献   
高放核废料处置库在开挖和使用过中围岩不断承受周期荷载,进而影响了高放核废料处置库的安全稳定。基于此,本文使用数值模拟方法研究了高温作用后花岗岩循环加卸载力学行为,在得到一组可以反映高温作用后花岗岩三轴压缩力学行为细观参数的基础上,分析了温度及围压对循环加卸载应力-应变曲线、弹性模量和破裂过程的影响。研究结果表明,常温下循环加卸载应力-应变曲线与单调加载吻合较好,循环加卸载造成宏观裂纹两侧晶粒脱落;600°C高温处理后,单轴循环加、卸载过程都会对应微裂纹增加,导致应力-应变曲线偏离较多。而高围压限制了卸载过程微裂纹数目增加及Felicity效应,循环加卸载峰值强度与单调加载差距明显减小,但循环加卸载会造成宏观裂纹两侧出现晶粒压碎现象。弹性模量随循环次数变化主要分为峰前阶段、峰后破裂阶段及残余强度阶段。600°C处理后试样内存在大量热裂纹,弹性模量峰前阶段会存在明显上升阶段,且对围压更加敏感。  相似文献   
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