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研究了不同加工工艺、不同镁含量对Al-Mg-Mn-Zr-Er合金冲击韧性和拉伸性能的影响。用金相显微镜和透射电镜对冲击变形前的合金进行了原始组织分析,并用扫描电镜分析了冲击断口形貌。结果表明,在相同的加工状态下,随着镁含量的提高冲击韧性下降,而合金的抗拉强度和屈服强度明显增大;在相同的镁含量的情况下,热轧板的冲击韧性明显高于冷轧板,而抗拉强度和屈服强度显著下降。  相似文献   
高风险语言测试负面后效产生的主要原因是测试目的不明确、测试目标和教学目标不一致、测试内容与实际语言运用不一致。测试开发者应通过准确定位高风险测试目的和使用范围,开发更多语言测试,提供多种选择等措施改善测试方法,减少高风险语言测试负面后效。同时,社会、政府、学校都应对测试后效的复杂性有充分认识,科学利用测试对教学的调控作用。  相似文献   
Pollen assemblages of 53 surface pollen samples from farmlands and wastelands in Northeast China were analyzed. Tree pollen percentages were usually higher than 30%, with Pinus (26.9%), Quercus (0.9%), Betula (0.9%) and Populus (0.7%) as the major types, and herb pollen percentages were usually higher than 50%, with weedy Poaceae (8.7%), Chenopodiaceae (7.1%), Artemisia (1.9%) and Compositae (3.5%) as the major taxa. Thus, the pollen assemblages were consistent with the regional vegetation compositions. However, there were differences in pollen assemblages among regions, especially among different geomorphological units. For example, in the mountains, there were more types of tree pollen and higher total percentages (average 42%) than in other areas, while cereal pollen percentages were lowest (11.2%). In the hills and high plains, herbs made up more than 60% of the pollens, with cereals (average 53.6%) the dominant type. In the low plains, pollen types were similar to those in the hills and high plains, but total pollen concentrations and the proportion of Concentricystes were much higher, while cereal pollen percentages were slightly lower (average 41.6%). Pollen assemblages in different land use types also differed. For example, in farmland, cereal pollen percentages were more than 40% and Chenopodiaceae was usually less than 2.5%, while in wasteland, weedy Poaceae was usually less than 10% and Chenopodiaceae was usually higher than 25%. Total pollen concentrations in farmland (average 3909 grains/g) were much lower than in wasteland (average 15074 grains/g). Redundancy analysis revealed that pollen assemblages were significantly negatively correlated with mean annual temperature (-0.73) and July mean temperature (-0.81) and significantly positively correlated with mean annual precipitation (0.48), indicating that pollen assemblages in the artificial or human-disturbed vegetation reflect regional climate well. Comparison of pollen assemblages in different areas of northern China showed that pollen concentrations reflect the intensities of human impact to some degree. For example, pollen concentrations decrease as human impacts increase in intensity. The cereal pollen proportions in farmland differed by area. In Northeast China, cereal pollen proportions were distinctly higher than in most other areas of northern China, suggesting differences in planting habits and climate.  相似文献   
网络环境下,语言文字有其独特的应用特征,网络语言的广泛流传对汉语言文字和人们的语言生活产生了正反两方面的影响。语言使用者和语言管理者都要积极行动起来,采取相应的规范措施使用和管理网络语言,从而扬其长避其短,为网络语言提供更好的发展前景。  相似文献   
含砾岩样中切削齿冲击载荷变化规律试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过直径为19 mm的单齿切削含砾岩样试验,研究砾石直径、胶结强度、切削深度、切削齿后倾角等对切削齿所受冲击载荷的影响规律,分析PDC钻头钻进砾石层的损坏机制。结果表明:切削齿受到的冲击力随着砾石层胶结强度、砾石直径的增加而增大,随切削齿切削深度的增加呈指数增加;相同切削面积下,切削齿受到的冲击力随着后倾角的增大而增大;当冲击载荷大于切削齿的极限冲击强度时,切削齿将直接产生碎裂;即使冲击载荷不能达到切削齿的极限冲击强度,周而复始的冲击载荷达到切削齿的冲击韧性时,切削齿将发生冲击疲劳损坏。  相似文献   
冲击地压是一种特殊的矿山动力现象,而冲击倾向性是煤岩体发生冲击地压的内在因素和必要条件.对松树镇煤矿主采煤层进行冲击倾向性试验,对冲击能量指数、弹性能量指数和动态破坏时间三个煤层冲击能量指标进行分析,得出煤层无冲击倾向性.但对开采煤层数值模拟,得出深部煤层顶部最大主应力值、顶板下沉较大,需要实施一定的防治措施.这为该矿防治冲击地压提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
我国环境影响评价中存在问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外环境影响评价的特点,分析了我国现行环境影响评价中存在的一些问题,并提出了解决对策.  相似文献   
刘过在南宋以“诗侠”著称,到元末,其人格精神在以杨维祯为首的“铁崖”派手中被大为肯定,这种肯定一直影响到明清。其诗词也屡被收选入集,这正说明了他在后世引起了较广泛的注意,产生了较大的影响。后世对其褒贬不一,也印证了他的复杂性和他并不寂寞的地位。  相似文献   
朝鲜文学家柳梦寅受韩愈的影响,他的《送黄圣源洛出宰尚州序》与韩愈的《送董邵南序》在文体、内容、艺术等方面有异曲同工之妙。二者都以宽慰友人、抒发政治怀抱为主要内容。不过,前者意在"勉",后者意在"留"。前者如一位老友娓娓道来,饱含政治智慧,后者则如一位师长,循循善诱,显现大儒赤心。两篇序都有一波三折、错落有致、微言大义、语短情长的艺术特征。从表达上看,前者坦诚、直率,通俗平易,后者含蓄委婉,令人深思。  相似文献   
介绍了涂装类建设项目环境影响评价的重点,分析了产污环节和筛选评价因子,评价了污染防治措施的可行性,指出应着重注意含重金属原料的使用、涂料的性质种类和喷漆室等效排气筒的计算等问题.  相似文献   
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