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按照rDNA的结构特点,将DA18S1,7与其他8种生物的rDNA序列进行排列比较,结果表明这2个序列不是恐龙rDNA片段,DA18S7看来更接近一种植物rDNA片段(与金虎尾的同源性达94%以上),而DA18S1与2种参与比较的真菌rDNA序列有很高的同源性(88.3%和89%),它们与脊椎动物rDNA的同源性分别只在67.8%~74.1%之间。  相似文献   
本文建立了一种积分型.Stancu算子,并计算出此种算子对连续函数及Lp空间的函数的逼近度.  相似文献   
2 - ( 8 -羟基喹啉 - 5-磺酸 - 7-偶氮 ) - 1 ,8-二羟基 - 3,6 -萘二磺酸简称 8Q5SAC ,是新合成的一个测定镁的优良试剂[1] .本文利用 8Q5SAC这个试剂建立测定镍的新方法 ,并用双峰双波长法使测定的灵敏度得到提高 .1 实验部分1 1 仪器与试剂UV - 340紫外可见分光光度计 (日本日立 ) ;72 1型分光光度计 (上海第三分析仪器厂 ) ;pHs- 3c酸度计 (上海雷磁电子厂 )镍标准溶液 :将 0 2 5g高纯镍片置于 1 0 0mL的烧杯中 ,加 1∶1的硝酸 ,溶解并煮沸近干 ,冷却后加蒸馏水定容至 2 50mL ,得 1mg/mL镍储备液 ,取镍储备液…  相似文献   
利用计算机首次给出了八次方程笛卡儿做图的一个案例,并据此对笛卡儿方程做图方法中代数的作用及其算法实质进行了分析。  相似文献   
The method of using a narrowband filter to realize matched filtering is derived. A novel method of using spectrum sampling to realize matched filtering is presented, and the method can conquer the disadvantages that the narrowband filter cannot adopt the adaptive scheduling of phased array radars and realize matched filtering for several waveforms. A novel error extraction method is proposed, which uses a time division multipath method to realize the intermediate frequency extraction. This method can save lots of space for vehicle-born radar systems, reduce the influence of amplitude and phase distortion caused by devices, and enhance the system reliability. Simulation results show that the spectrum sampling method is applicable, and the implementation of frequency spectrum sampling is elaborated.  相似文献   
Compressive sensing is a revolutionary idea proposed recently to achieve much lower sampling rate for signals. In the image application with limited resources the camera data can be stored and processed in compressed form. An algorithm for moving object and region detection in video using a compressive sampling is developed. The algorithm estimates motion information of the moving object and regions in the video from the compressive measurements of the current image and background scene. The algorithm does not perform inverse compressive operation to obtain the actual pixels of the current image nor the estimated background. This leads to a computationally efficient method and a system compared with the existing motion estimation methods. The experimental results show that the sampling rate can reduce to 25% without sacrificing performance.  相似文献   
Protease-activated receptors (PARs) play a clear role in the burst of inflammatory reactions and immune responses. However, for PAR-3, the most elusive member of the PAR family, the functional role is still largely unclear. It has been claimed that PAR-3 does not signal autonomously, although the wide expression of human PAR-3 indicates its important physiological roles. We demonstrate that in HEK-293 cells, stably transfected with human PAR-3, thrombin induced calcium signaling, IL-8 gene expression and IL-8 release. We confirmed this finding using human lung epithelial and human astrocytoma cells that express endogenous PAR-3. Moreover, thrombin exposure of HEK-293 cells resulted in ERK1/2 activation coinciding with IL-8 release. The effects of thrombin were not dependent on PAR-1 activation, as confirmed by PAR-1 gene silencing. Thus, we propose that PAR-3 is able to signal autonomously to induce IL-8 release mediated by ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which contributes actively to inflammatory responses. Received 9 December 2007; received after revision 16 January 2008; accepted 18 January 2008  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于ATMEGA8L单片机控制的小型汽油发电机系统的硬件和软件设计,该系统以步进电机为执行器,其最大功率为5kW.系统首先对发电机的转速信号进行采样,经ATMEGASL单片机处理后来驱动步进电机,以控制系统油门,从而实现对转速的电子调节控制,最终达到控制输出电压来稳定输出频率的目的.采用PID算法实现系统的控制.试验结果表明,该方法可以在生产中推广应用.  相似文献   
采用聚合酶链反应及基因测序技术探讨阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer病,AD)早老素-1(Presenilin-1,PS-1)基因第3、4、5、8外显子的突变特点,对13例散发性Alzheimer病(sporadic Alzheimer's disease,SAD)患者、12例血管性痴呆(vascular demendia,VD)患者及31名正常老年人的PS-1基因第3、4、5、8外显子片段进行扩增与序列分析.编号为SAD5的患者PS-1基因第3外显子扩增片段上存在1个缺失突变位点,编号为SAD3的患者PS-1基因第8外显子扩增片段的近3’端处发现2个插入突变位点.12例VD患者与31名正常老年人的PS-1基因第3、4、5、8外显子均未发现突变.实验结果表明,SAD患者PS-1基因中存在第3、第8外显子的突变.  相似文献   
以L-苯丙氨酸为原料制备N-叔丁基-1,2,3,4四-氢异喹啉-3(S)甲-酰胺(T ICC),后者经铑/氧化铝催化加氢制备N-叔丁基(4aS,8aS)十-氢异喹啉-3(S)甲-酰胺(DH IQ)。1H-NMR、M S确定产物的化学结构;GC-M S分析产物中的异构体;单晶X射线衍射确定DH IQ的绝对构型;旋光度的测定表明DH IQ产物的光学纯度达到了98%。  相似文献   
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