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车载网VANETs(vehicular ad hoc networks)的隐私安全问题,提出隐私保护安全通信协议PPSCP(privacy preserving secure communication protocol)。PPSCP匿名地认证安全消息,从而保护车辆隐私,阻止非法车辆跟踪,并且平衡了隐私与身份识别的关系。同时PPSCP采用了有效的撤销机制,降低了撤销列表的尺寸。此外,PPSCP能够防御重放攻击和拒绝服务攻击。通过与S3P的安全性能对比分析,结果表明,PPSCP有效地降低了安全消息处理时延,减少了撤销列表尺寸,占用带宽少,提高数据传输率。  相似文献   
提出了一种可靠快速的信息分发(RRMD)协议,该协议采用面向发信者的方案,即由发信者选择下一跳转发者.考虑了车辆的分布特性、信道特征、链路可用性、信号冲突概率、传输时延和排队时延等因素对信息传输的影响,设计了一个端到端时延计算公式,并将其定义为优先级函数,用于下一跳节点的选择.理论分析和仿真结果证明了该协议的优越性.  相似文献   
VANETs为智能交通提供了丰富的便捷服务.介绍了VANETs的网络模型、信道接入技术、路由技术、安全技术等关键技术,探讨了VANETs系统安全面临的挑战与对策.  相似文献   
车载网(vehicular ad hoc networks,VANETs)中多数安全应用常采用多跳广播协议传输安全消息,然而,现有的多跳广播协议存在时延和碰撞问题。为此,首先强调并分析了现有协议所忽略的碰撞和时延问题,然后提出了基于位图的多跳广播协议(bitmap-based multi-hop broadcast,BMB)协议以解决这两个问题。为了降低时延,BMB协议允许候选转发节点以反比于它的转发优先权设置等待时间,而转发优先权依据空闲空间分布(empty space distribution,ESD)位图设置。ESD位图反映着车辆间的空间分布。其次,BMB协议推导了两个相邻候选转发节点间等待时间的最小间隔,基于此间隔,BMB协议调整各候选转发节点的等待时间,保证两个节点间的等待时间差大于此间隔。仿真结果表明,与STF相比,提出的BMB协议具有低的转发时延和碰撞概率。  相似文献   
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) aim to get the intelligent communication for vehicular networks, they can extraordinarily improve the security and effi- ciency issues of road traffic. Data dissemination is the base of communication, it acts as an important role in VANETs system. In this paper, we survey main results of data dis- semination in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications, and expound this review on three parts: routing protocols, mobility model and security, all of which deeply affect the transmission performance in VANETs. We present the main representative research techniques and achievements in each category, and at last, further conclude the research trends and challenges for data dissemination in VANETs.  相似文献   
针对车辆自组织网VANETs拓扑结构的高动态性、节点的高速移动,提出了基于交通信息感知的路由TARP(trafficaware routing protocol)算法。在TARP中,设计了收集实时交通信息的方案,包括节点密度、网络流量信息通过信息,评估每条路段的权值。通过权值选择路由,以维护路由的稳定性和健壮性选取,从而减少网络开销。仿真结果表明,与传统的地理位置路由协议相比,在数据传输率、网络吞吐量性能有均较大的提高。  相似文献   
由于车载网VANETs(Vehicular Ad hoc Networks)在道路安全、车流量管理和娱乐应用具有广阔的前景,VANETs的数据传输技术成为研究的焦点。然而,VANETs的拓扑动态变化、车辆快速移动加速了车间通信链路的断裂,降低了链路的可靠性。为此,提出合作式通信机制以提高通信链路的可靠性,并缓解因车辆移动引起的无线道路的恶化。基于ADHOC MAC 方案,提出合作式的ADHOC MAC方案 ,记为CAH-MAC。在CAH-MAC中,一旦发现数据包未能成功传输到目的节点,邻居节点使用未占用的时隙提供合作模式重传数据。通过理论分析,得出合作模式的概率。理论分析和仿真表明,CAH-MAC提高了成功传输数据包的概率,提升了系统吞吐量。  相似文献   
<正> In this paper,we investigate the connectivity of vehicular ad hoc networks in free-flow traffic situationwith channel randomness.In order to illustrate the realistic environment,we consider that vehiclesare distributed in free-flow highway according to a Poisson point process,and signal propagation betweenconnected vehicles is subjected to log-normal shadowing effects.We obtain the distribution of the spaceheadway between successive vehicles and the distribution of signal coverage,which allows us to use theequivalent M/G/∞ queue theory to model the connectivity of VANETs in the form of average broadcastpercolation distance and average number of connected nodes.Then,extensive simulation studies are conductedto evaluate the obtained results.The analytical model presented here is able to describe the impactof various system parameters,including traffic parameters and signal propagation parameters on the connectivity.We use our analytical results,along with the common signal propagation data,to understandimpact of channel randomness on the connectivity of VANETs.  相似文献   
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