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叶清 《厦门科技》2004,(5):59-60
作为一个从事地球科学工作近40年的老科技工作者.提起笔来写这个题目时.心情是十分沉重的。近年来.作为厦门重点建设的工业区、产业带、海港航运物流园区、高级住宅区.海沧加大开发力度。沿九龙江口北岸建设大型深水码头.环西海域建设滨海大道、未来海岸和梦幻海岸高级住宅区等等。然而,依然采用继续向海域扩张.填海造陆的老方法。这势必进一步影响到厦门周边的海洋动力条件。  相似文献   
本世纪初至“五四”运动之前,上海是我国现代修辞学的发源地;二十年代到四十年代,上海成为全国修辞研究的中心;五十年代至七十年代,上海修辞学失去了在全国的领先地位,但八十年代以后,上海又再度成为全国修辞研究的主战场。本文试图以上海为窗口,来透视我国现代修辞学80年的发展历程。  相似文献   
我国明年经济增长率预期8.5%从国际经济形势来看,前一段时间油价暴涨,各大国际机构均对今年第四季度和明年的经济预测持谨慎态度,普遍认为今年原来预测的增长率很难达到,并相应调低了对明年的预期。美联储最近又一次提高了利率,美国的经济增长将会趋缓;受此影响亚洲国家和地区对美的出口将会减少;受美元走贬和国际能源原材料价格上涨的影响,亚洲国家和地区将不得不提高利率,以控制通货膨胀。这一切都会对我国的经济运行产生一定的影响。从国内经济情况来看,随着宏观调控取得明显成效,经济运行中的某些结构性矛盾有所缓解,为政府在政策上和体…  相似文献   
The discrepancies that if there is any amphidromic point of S2 constituent and its location if there is around the Natuna Islands in the southem South China Sea have suspended for a long time, however, there is always no convincing research to settle them up to now. The TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimeters have been providing a long-term sea surface height data, which can be used to calculate the constants of tidal constituents along the satellite footprint with the harmonic analysis method. Based on more than 12 years altimetry data from T/P and Jason-1, the character of phase lags from harmonic analysis is used to identify if there is a S2 amphidromic point around the Natuna Islands. The result shows that there is no S2 amphidromic point instead of a nodal line of a standing wave, and the amplitude of S2 constituent is close to zero along the nodal line.  相似文献   
雨檐 《今日科技》2005,(1):49-52
2004年12月26日,圣诞节刚过,印尼苏门答腊岛北面海域发生强烈地震引发海啸,席卷东南亚多个国家,造成了数十万人死亡、重大的经济损失。惨痛的损失令人心惊,海底地震的惊人破坏力令人心悸。陆地上的地震我们已经通过媒体见得多了,但是,地震能够发生在深海而且还有这么大的危害人们可能不太了解。  相似文献   
The relationship of species and abundance between the diatoms in the water and sediments from the southern South China Sea (SCS) were discussed, and the key environmental controlling factors were also investigated. Studies show that the diatom abundance is high in both water and sediments in the southeast part of the southern SCS and the varying trend is similar, while in the northwest part, the abundance is low, and the varying trend is different. The dominant diatom species are Thalassionema nitzschioides and Nitzschia bicapitata in water, and T. nitzschioides and Chaetoceros messanensis in sediments. The diatom species of small size and thin shell in water are more than in the sediments, while the diatom species of large size and thick shell in water are less. The percentage of species T. nitzschioides is higher in water of southeast part than in that of northwest part, but it is similar in sediments of both areas. It is shown that the southwest monsoon is the important factor influencing diatom abundance and T. nitzschioides percentage, and when the southwest monsoon is well developed, the distribution of diatom abundance and T. nitzschioides percentage are consistent in both water and sediments of the study area.  相似文献   
“9·11”后,国际局势发生重大变化,美国政府调整国家安全战略;俄美关系发生“质” 的变化;中美关系明显改善。  相似文献   
本文分析了新中国档案事业管理体制改革历史过程中四个阶段的情况、原因 ,认为只有从实际出发 ,坚持拿来主义、洋为中用的原则 ,吸收别国经验中的合理成分 ,才能建立起具有我国特色的档案事业。建议建立文、档统一管理体制 ,妥善处理机构改革中地方各级档案归属和局馆合一带来的档案行政执法问题。  相似文献   
罗洁 《世界知识》2012,(10):17-20
菲律宾挑起事端2012年4月8日,菲律宾海军的巡逻机在黄岩岛附近"发现"了12艘中国渔船。10日,菲海军出动该国最大的军舰"德尔皮拉尔"号,将中国渔船非法堵在黄岩岛潟湖内,试图抓扣在黄岩岛附近作业的中国渔民。菲海军士兵还登上中国渔船检查,并声称在一艘船上查获了"非法"捕捞的水产品。  相似文献   
菲律宾染指中国黄岩岛回溯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江淮 《世界知识》2012,(10):20-22
在北纬15°08′、东经117°45′处,南中国海温暖的海浪在这里激起大片浪花,浪花飞溅处,露出成片的珊瑚礁石。阳光下,那些礁石射出炫目的金光。这就是我国在南海上的重要岛屿之一——黄岩岛。  相似文献   
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