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在心理学领域有很多心理学家探索研究的成果,将这些成果运用在艺术教育的教学实践中,会更有效地达到教育的目的。艺术教育工作者可以就"罗森塔尔效应"、"晕轮效应"、"破窗效应"三种效应给艺术教育的启示作一些探讨。  相似文献   
斯蒂文森的儿童诗集《一个孩子的诗园》是英国乃至世界文学中著名的儿童诗,包括以下内容:可爱的童心童趣,使身边平淡无奇的日常事物兴味盎然;天真的想象和幻想使平淡的生活富有生气;儿童对规矩的不满与守规矩;纯真的感恩之心与爱心。这些,都是可爱的童心的表现,可以说童心是太阳,为一切披上了诗意的金辉。  相似文献   
The seventeenth century witnessed the replacement of an Aristotelian worldview by a mechanical one. It also witnessed the beginnings of significant experimental enquiry. Alerted by the fact that the methods involved in the latter, but not in the former, resemble those employed in later science, I argue the historical case that the emergence of the mechanical worldview and the emergence of science were not closely related and that it was the latter that was to develop into science as we have come to know it. The details are explored in the context of the philosophical and experimental work of Robert Boyle and the relationship between them.  相似文献   
目的揭示能量转换与守恒定律发现的过程。方法采用历史的、分析的、逻辑的科学方法。结果能量转换与守恒定律的发现过程曲折而艰辛,涉及到德国的迈尔、英国的焦耳、德国的亥姆霍兹等科学家开创性的研究工作。结论指出了能量转换与守恒定律的重要性:了解能量守恒定律发现的历史过程,对于理解自然科学发展中理论的形成是有益的。强调了对于能量守恒定律还需要更进一步深入的认识和研究。  相似文献   
罗伯特。弗罗斯特(RobertFrost1874--1963)的许多诗歌都表现出关注自然、回归自然的主题,倡导人文关怀和生态关怀。他的诗歌创作是在自然的滋润下完成的,清新而纯朴,给人一种宁静、独立的感受,展现了他浓厚的东方生态智慧,体现了对人类生存状态的终极关怀。文章从生态审美的三原则即“自然性原则”、“整体性原则”和“交融性原则”入手,探讨弗罗斯特自然诗中浓郁而又朴素的生态审美意蕴,启迪人们不仅要关注人与自然的关系,还应当思考人与社会、人与自身的关系,构建一个“绿色、健康”的新家园。研究弗罗斯特诗歌中的生态美学意蕴,不仅反映出东方传统生态智慧的普遍价值和现代意义,也为我们重新审视自己的传统文化提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
William Newman construes the Scientific Revolution as a change in matter theory, from a hylomorphic, Aristotelian to a corpuscular, mechanical one. He sees Robert Boyle as making a major contribution to that change by way of his corpuscular chemistry. In this article it is argued that it is seriously misleading to identify what was scientific about the Scientific Revolution in terms of a change in theories of the ultimate structure of matter. Boyle showed, especially in his pneumatics, how empirically accessible, intermediate causes, as opposed to ultimate, mechanical ones can be explored and identified by experiment. Newman is right to observe that Boyle constantly sought intimate links between chemistry and the mechanical philosophy. However, by doing so he did not thereby significantly aid the cause of attaining experimental knowledge of chemical phenomena and the support that Boyle’s chemistry provided for the mechanical philosophy was weaker than both Boyle and Newman imply. Boyle was intent on articulating and defending a strict, mechanical account of the ultimate structure of matter to be sure, but his contributions to the new experimental science in general, and chemistry in particular, are best seen as distinct from that endeavour.  相似文献   
弗罗斯特将一首小诗《牧场》作为序诗反复出现在他多本诗集的卷首,一些意象,譬如“树林”和“雪”,经常反复出现在同一首诗歌或多首诗歌之中。这种递归象似的手法是弗罗斯特阐述哲理思想与抒发情感的有效手段,也是他的诗歌之所以具有魅力的一个缘由,从这一视点切入,读者或许可以在新层面上体会诗人的哲思与诗情。  相似文献   
弗罗斯特并不盲目相信进化观,他在诗歌创作中对于进化观的思考,主要体现在日常生活、科学与宗教、自然世界与人类世界等主题的作品中。于弗罗斯特而言,由于有了对世界的科学认知,外在世界变得有规律可循,科学与日常生活是融合为一体的。他认为科技的发展未必总能真正提升人对于世界的理解,时间的变迁也不总是意味着由低等向高等的进步;人不应对抗自然,而应坦然接受自然法则,适应环境,顺势而为,并不断取得进步;对待宗教化的题材,他采取实用主义的态度,理性地审视观照对象,并以去神圣化的手法加以表现。弗罗斯特对于诗歌主题及表现方式的选择,亦是进化思想在英美文学传统中的体现。  相似文献   
This paper tracks the development of Boyle's conception of the natural world in terms of the popular “book of nature” trope. Boyle initially spoke of the creatures and phenomena of nature in a spiritual and moral register, as emblems of divine purpose, but gradually shifted from this ideographic view to an alphabetical account, which at times became posed in explicitly cryptographic terms. I explain this transition toward cryptographic metaphors in terms of Boyle's social and intellectual milieu and their concordance with the reductive and conjectural character of the mechanical philosophical program.  相似文献   
自1913年罗伯特.弗洛斯特的第一部诗集出版并获得成功以来,他的诗为全世界所传诵。在此,将罗伯特.弗洛斯特的两首代表作置于现代意境中重新加以诠释,从中感受作品不同凡响而寓意深刻的现实意义。  相似文献   
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