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本研究描述了一件产自辽西建昌九佛堂组的甲龙类化石,代表这一地区的首次记录。化石为一幼年个体骨架,体长约300 mm,以前颌齿发育、下颌关节窝低于齿列、末端尾椎前关节突拉长、指/趾爪背视呈三角形等为特征。依据这些特征,将其归入辽宁龙。辽宁龙化石大量发现于义县和凌源等地区的义县组,之前仅有一例九佛堂组的化石报道。本次发现进一步表明辽宁龙在辽西地区可能具有更为广泛的古地理分布和时代延续。同时,辽宁龙成体化石的缺失和幼体化石的大量发现,暗示了以森林-湖泊为主的热河生态系统或许更适于幼年甲龙的生存。  相似文献   
气候变化是影响生物群演化的关键驱动因素,因此研究陆地生态系统所处的古气候环境背景具有十分重要的意义。滦平盆地作为典型的晚中生代陆相沉积盆地,出露燕辽生物群和热河生物群的代表性化石,是开展古气候演化与生物群更替关系研究的理想场所。然而,前人研究主要聚焦于热河生物群演化中晚期阶段,这限制了对热河生物群早期演化的理解。本研究对滦平盆地晚中生代地层开展沉积学和元素地球化学研究,重建化学风化强度、古温度和古降水等多个古气候环境记录。研究结果表明,滦平盆地在侏罗纪和白垩纪之交为相对干旱的气候,可能驱动了该地区燕辽生物群与热河生物群的交替。基于火山灰层位与热河生物群生物多样性联系,研究发现白垩纪火山活动的增强与古气候逐渐转向暖湿导致湖泊古生产力显著提高,推测热河生物群的早期演化可能受到火山活动与气候演化的双重驱动。  相似文献   
黄迪颖 《科学》2013,65(5):28-30,4
正昆虫化石中最令人困惑的恐怖虫的神秘面纱,随着道虎沟恐怖虫化石的发现而被慢慢揭开,原先认为恐怖虫是带毛恐龙身上寄生虫的观点受到质疑。昆虫是动物界多样性最丰富的类群,而昆虫纲几乎所有现生昆虫的目都可在遥远的中生代(距今2.5亿到6500万年前)找到它们祖先的化石。在我国内蒙古自治区距今约1.65亿年前的中侏罗世道虎沟动物群里,大约已发现25个现生昆虫目之祖先化石。该动物群是世界中生代昆虫多样性最丰富的动物群。除现生昆虫目以外,还存在一些今已灭绝的昆虫,多出现于昆虫演化初期的石炭纪(距今3.6亿到3亿年前)和  相似文献   
The Cambrian explosion was coined to describe the geologically sudden appearance of numerous bilaterian body plans(Phyla)around the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition,around 565-520million years ago.Many explanations and conjectures have been postulated in order to explain the pattern and duration of this explosive radiation of many different phyla of early metazoans.Here,we focus on the evolution of a phylum of marine suspension-feeding animals—the brachiopods,as exemplified by the exceptionally preserved taxa from the celebrated Chengjiang Konservat Lagerst(a|¨)tte(Yunnan,China).The abundant soft-bodied preservation at these fossil quarries gives us the only firm insights into what brachiopods looked like and how they functioned and lived when they first appeared on the Earth.Studies of Chengjiang brachiopods demonstrate that the early animals developed a remarkably varied organization of tissues and organs shortly after the onset of Cambrian explosion.In the marine suspension-feeding brachiopods,most importantly the tentaculate feeding structure of early brachiopods is already differentiated into two shapes of lophophore,anteriorly coiled(spiralled)and posteriorly arching tentacle crowns and the unique latter type was previously not documented from fossil and living brachiopods.Also unlike any known Recent brachiopod,all the known Cambrian brachiopods from Chengjiang have an open digestive tract that was disposed either as a Ushaped gut in linguliform and stem group brachiopods,or straight gut with a posterior anus in some calcareous-shelled stocks.Moreover,in contrast toliving lingulids,all the Cambrian brachiopods have an epibenthic lifestyle either cemented by a ventral valve or attached by variable pedicles to establish complex ecological community encompassing primary tierers and variable secondary tierers.It is therefore assumed that brachiopods were the first benthic metazoan that achieved their success in ecological stratification and tiering complexity by late Atdabanian.The setae are also important for the brachiopod suspension-feeding life style,and in the Chengjiang braehiopods they include two types cilia-like and spine-like setae.The mantle canals of different braehiopod species are also distinctly variable in arrangement,mainly disposed in pinnate,baeulate and peripheral conditions.Of these,the peripheral disposition of mantle canals is for the first time proposed here so as to differentiate from the bifurcate condition in recent lingulids in that the former is devoid of posteriorly extending main trunks of sinus,but possesses a diverging dorsal vascula media in dichotomy.  相似文献   
2013年3月10-11日,国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部在北京召开了重点项目中期检查和结题验收会议,分别对2008年开题的62个重点项目和2010年开题的66个重点项目进行了结题验收和中期检  相似文献   
陆廷龙 《大自然》2009,(5):72-73
抚仙湖又名澄江海,坐落在云南省中部澄江、江川、华宁三县间,明水面积212平方公里,湖面海拔1875米,深达155米。  相似文献   
报道最近发现的华南地区湖南省芙蓉统(上寒武统)三维保存的古蠕虫骨片碎片。描述两个新的形态属和两个新的形态种:Hunanoscolex campus新属新种和Ornatoscolex hunanensis新属新种。大部分标本属于幼体阶段。Hunanoscolex campus体节宽度的巨大差异显示其处于生长发育阶段,因此可以对个体生长对表皮骨片形态的影响进行研究。虫体生长主要依靠增加单个体节中骨片的数量。位于同一排中的大骨板排列变得疏松。新增加的小骨板和微骨板大小和纹饰基本不变,但大骨板的纹饰可能存在变化。这些观察结果有助于更好地理解古蠕虫骨片的种内差异,从而可能提高形态种属分类的准确性。  相似文献   
通过对一类具有竞争机理局部稳定的两种相经作用生态种群模型保解析性的讨论,进一步将生态环境系统的调控严谨化,给一类生态系统的动态分析与调控优化模拟了一种有价值的方法与手段,这不仅对于两种互相竞争和互惠互存的生态系统的建模与分析具有重要意义,而且对于更为复杂的生态环境系统的动态分析与宏观调控也具有较大的指导作用与应用价值。  相似文献   
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