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Zn-5wt% Al eutectic alloy was directionally solidified with different growth rates (5.32–250.0 μm/s) at a constant temperature gradient of 8.50 K/mm using a Bridgman-type growth apparatus. The values of eutectic spacing were measured from transverse sections of the samples. The dependences of the eutectic spacing and undercooling on growth rate are determined as λ=9.21V-0.53 and ΔT=0.0245V0.53, respectively. The results obtained in this work were compared with the Jackson-Hunt eutectic theory and the similar experimental results in the literature. Microhardness of directionally solidified samples was also measured by using a microhardness test device. The dependency of the microhardness on growth rate is found as Hv=115.64V0.13. Afterwards, the electrical resistivity (r) of the casting alloy changes from 40×10-9 to 108×10-9 Ω·m with the temperature rising in the range of 300–630 K. The enthalpy of fusion (ΔH) and specific heat (Cp) for the Zn-Al eutectic alloy are calculated to be 113.37 J/g and 0.309 J/(g·K), respectively by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) from heating trace during the transformation from liquid to solid.  相似文献   
The influences of 2.5wt% Mn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the Cu-11.9wt%Al-3.8wt%Ni shape memory alloy (SMA) were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The experimental results show that Mn addition influences considerably the austenite-martensite transformation temperatures and the kind of martensite in the Cu-Al-Ni alloy. The martensitic transformation changes from a mixed xed β1→β'1+γ'1 transformation to a single β1→β'1 martensite transformation together with a decrease in transformation temperatures. In addition, the observations reveal that the grain size of the Cu-Al-Ni alloy can be controlled with the addition of 2.5wt% Mn and thus its mechanical properties can be enhanced. The Cu-Al-Ni-Mn alloy exhibits better mechanical properties with the high ultimate compression strength and ductility of 952 MPa and 15%, respectively. These improvements are attributed to a decrease in grain size. However, the hardness decreases from Hv 230 to Hv 140 with the Mn addition.  相似文献   
The mechanical and physical properties of concrete specimens obtained from replacing natural coarse aggregate with waste vehicle rubber tires at levels of 2vol%, 5vol%, 7vol%, and 10vol% were studied, and the corrosion behavior of reinforcing steels was investigated in these specimens. Corrosion rates were determined by measuring the galvanic current between steel-reinforced concrete specimens both with and without chloride addition. The change in electrode potential of reinforcing steels in these concrete specimens was measured daily for a period of 60 d in accordance with the testing method in ASTM C876. The results show that the use of waste vehicle tires in concrete instead of coarse aggregate decreases the mechanical strength of the specimens, and increases the corrosion rates of the reinforcing steels embedded in the concretes.  相似文献   
为研究变截面波形钢腹板的抗剪性能,首先,在正交异性板理论和薄板小挠度理论的基础上,运用伽辽金法对波形钢腹板弹性整体剪切屈曲强度的计算公式进行推导;其次,将推导公式计算值与ANSYS有限元计算值及规范公式计算值进行对比分析,并将公式推导值与文献试验值进行对比;最后,运用有限元法研究不同波纹型号、腹板厚度和梁高变化形式对变截面波形钢腹板弹性剪切屈曲性能的影响规律.结果表明:推导公式计算值与有限元值试验值吻合良好,规范公式由于忽略了扭转刚度Dxy对波形钢腹板整体剪切屈曲强度的贡献,规范值计算偏于保守;随着波纹尺寸的增加,剪切屈曲强度总体呈先增大后减小的趋势,其中1600型波形钢腹板的抗剪性能达到最大;随着腹板厚度的增加,剪切屈曲强度逐渐增大;变截面波形钢腹板的剪切屈曲强度大于等截面波形钢腹板的抗剪强度,并且随着梁底与水平方向的夹角β的增大,变截面波形钢腹板剪切屈曲强度增加.所得结论可为变截面波形钢腹板的抗剪设计提供参考依据.  相似文献   
采用多区域网络模型数值模拟方法,结合风洞试验和CFD数值模拟结果,对一栋340 m超高层建筑的烟囱效应及风压联合作用问题进行了模拟分析.研究发现:1)纯烟囱效应导致的建筑内部电梯与室外压差曲线为线性分布,符合理论分布规律;随风速增大,电梯与室外压差分布逐渐受到风压主导,压差分布曲线由线性转向非线性,风速越大效应越显著.2)建筑中性面位置受风速影响较小,密闭性较差的避难层对避难层电梯以及上下层电梯的压差分布影响明显.3)不同风向对烟囱效应压差表现出不同的作用:在冬季高频风向ENE下,整体上风压抑制热压;而在风向为N时,风压增强热压;在夏季高频风向ESE下,避难层以外楼层风压抑制热压,避难层风压增强热压.4)提高幕墙密封等级及增加电梯前室门阻隔单元等措施,可有效缓解烟囱效应过大压差.  相似文献   
海洋对人类社会文明和进步产生着重大影响,而如何利用表面工程技术提升海工装备关键部件多环境条件下的高效、持续减摩和耐磨性能以满足近海绿色可替代能源开发、远洋捕捞以及深海资源钻探需求是近年来摩擦学领域的热点问题之一。本文利用多靶共聚焦反应磁控溅射技术设计并制备出了一系列不同碳(C)含量的Ti–C–N自润滑复合薄膜材料,研究了其在空气、水以及海水环境下的摩擦磨损行为,揭示了各环境条件下因薄膜各相交互作用而产生的润滑、耐磨规律。主要研究结果表明,C的添加诱发非晶相(amorphous, a)的产生,导致薄膜两相共存,为面心立方(face-centered cubic, fcc)TiN+a-C。复合薄膜(<19.1at% C)中具有优异润滑性能的a-C相显著提升了其在空气和水环境下的摩擦磨损性能,但C含量的进一步升高降低了薄膜的力学性能,最终导致薄膜摩擦磨损性能有所降低。海水摩擦环境下,因a-C于fcc-TiN间产生微区原电池而使TiN相优先腐蚀,大量磨蚀产物黏附在磨痕表层,从而极大提升了薄膜的耐磨损性能。  相似文献   
We theoretically investigate terahertz (THz) emission and detection from (ll0)-oriented electro-optic (EO) crystals adapted for Yb-doped femtosecond pulse laser. According to the principles of phase-matching condition, the dispersion relation between optical velocity and THz pulse, THz absorption spectra, and coherence lengths of CdTe, GaP, and GaAs crystals below the phonon resonant frequency are calculated correspondingly. The optical rectification and EO sampling process of above crystals with the same thickness of 0.1 mm are simulated. As a consequence, we found that the optimal emission frequency of CdTe is at 2.65 THz, however, it reaches 6.56 THz of GaAs and 4.77 THz of GaP. With the help of frequency response function, the calculated cut-off frequency of CdTe is only 3.45 THz, while GaAs and GaP achieve 7.15 and 6.37 THz correspondingly. Finally, the EO sampling sensitivity of GaAs is higher than CdTe and GaP when the crystal's thickness exceeds 1.58 mm. The strong THz absorption of CdTe saturates distinctly the EO sampling sensitivity with its thickness increasing.  相似文献   
在合成孔径雷达图像舰船目标检测中,由于背景复杂多变,传统的基于人工特征的目标检测方法效果较差.基于深度学习中的单阶段目标检测算法RetinaNet,结合合成孔径雷达图像本身特征信息较少的特点,采用了多特征层融合的思想,改进了网络特征提取能力,提出了相适应的损失函数的计算方法.采用SAR图像舰船目标检测数据集(SSDD)对网络进行训练,并通过样本增强和迁移学习的方法提升算法的鲁棒性和收敛速度.通过实验与其他基于深度学习的目标检测算法所得结果进行比较,结果表明本算法具有更高的检测精度.  相似文献   
本文叙述在SG400-140/555/555型锅炉启动调试过程中,对汽包应力的试验研究。提出通过测取壁面温度来分析汽包热应力的半经验方法,列出了计算框图。  相似文献   
考虑水胶比(0.40、0.45、0.50)、NMK掺量(0、1%、3%、5%、7%)、减水剂掺量(0、0.04%、0.08%,0.12%)及温度(10 ℃、20 ℃、30 ℃、40 ℃)的影响,采用静态屈服应力试验方法和小振幅振荡剪切试验方法获得了纳米偏高岭土(NMK)水泥浆静态屈服应力、储能模量等参数,通过静态屈服应力和储能模量随时间的演变规律讨论了水化早期(10~90 min)NMK水泥浆内部结构的建立过程.试验结果表明:NMK能够促进水泥浆在水化早期的内部结构建立.在水化90 min内,掺3%NMK水泥浆静态屈服应力的平均增长速率约为普通水泥浆的2倍;掺7%NMK水泥浆储能模量的平均增长速率约为普通水泥浆的4倍.水胶比越高、减水剂掺量越大,NMK水泥浆内部结构建立速率越低;NMK加速了不同温度环境中水泥浆内部结构的建立;温度升高,NMK水泥浆静态屈服应力和储能模量的增长速率增大.  相似文献   
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