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Summary Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine whether cannibalistic hatchling of the land snailsArianta arbustorum andHelix pomatia discriminate between eggs of the two species. Hatchlings from both species showed a significant choice for conspecific eggs and consumed on average 1 egg in 4 days. Eggs from the other species were only occasionally eaten.  相似文献   

Summary In hibernating snailsHelix lucorum, the effect of 5-HT on neurons of an identified group is mainly hyperpolarization associated with a conductance increase, while, in active snails, the effect is depolarization and a decrese of the membrane conductance.  相似文献   

Summary It has been demonstrated by cytophotometric measurements of the DNA-content in glial- and nerve cells of the snailsHelix pomatia (Stylommatophora) andPlanorbarius corneus (Basommatophora) that the giant nuclei of nerve cells in the central ganglia contain more than tens of thousands of DNA compared with sperm nuclei. According to the DNA-content of sperms (=n), the values for glial cells are between 2n and 4n for both species.

Herrn Prof. Dr. W.Dittrich, Institut für Strahlenbiologie der Universität Münster, danke ich für die Möglichkeit, am UMSP I arbeiten zu dürfen; Frl. A.Stipproweit danke ich für sorgfältige technische Assistenz.  相似文献   

Summary A bioassay was developed inHelix aspersa to study the effect of known endocrine centers on the twomonth-old gonad, using organ culture. The incorporation of14C leucine and3H fucose in the juvenile gonad almost doubled over control levels, in the presence of the brain and the dorsal bodies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den Eiern der SchneckePila ovata wurde ein Agglutinin aufgefunden, welches in «inkompletter» Weise mit einem Blutgruppen-B-ähnlichen Antigen von verschiedenen Erythrozyten reagiert. Agglutinations-und Agglutinationshemmtiter werden mit denen von den verwandten SchneckenPomacea urceus undPomacea canaliculata verglichen.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nell'epatopancreas di due Gasteropodi marini:Aplysia depilans eA. limacina è presente un emocromogeno assai simile al citocromoh di Helix. Il pigmento è stato estratto e purificato e le sue proprietà fisiche, chimiche e biologiche sono state confrontate con quelle dell'emoproteina di Helix.  相似文献   

Summary The tyrosine is decarboxylated in vitro by the central nervous tissue and by the intracardiac nervous tissue ofHelix pomatia by aromatic amino-acid decarboxylase. The tyramine obtained is the partially transformed into octopamine by tyramine--hydroxylase. The inhibition of monoamine oxidase favours apparition of the 2 amines. The monoamine oxidase seems able to regulate their synthese and to assure their inactivation.
Biosynthèse in vitro d'octopamine par le système nerveux et le cur du mollusque gastéropodeHelix pomatia

Summary Injection of cAMP and more rarely cGMP into the neurones of the snailHelix pomatia induces an increase in membrane conductance, membrane depolarization and excitation. The effect is theophylline-dependent and has a reversal potential near — 10 mV.  相似文献   

Summary A strong immunological crossreactivity between the extracts of the albumin gland of snails (Helix pomatia) and the content of snail eggs is described, suggesting that the former supplies the eggs with protective substances (agglutinins, protease-inhibitors).  相似文献   

Summary The hepatopancreas of the garden snail (Helix aspersa) contains basophil cells which produce intracellular granules of CaMgP2O7. A variety of metals are incorporated into these granules either by direct substitution or by the synthesis of new pyrophosphate material.Supported by NERC grant GR3/3063.  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine antagonists which affect the ergometrine-sensitive type of dopamine receptors produce characteristic motor disorders in a land snail,Helix pomatia L.Acknowledgment. We are grateful to Dr L. Hiripi for valuable suggestions and Dr I. Varanka for help in photography.  相似文献   

Summary An interneurone, making excitatory synaptic connections with a second neurone has been identified in the brain ofHelix pomatia. The results suggest that the connection is monosynaptic.We thank the M.R.C. for a Training Grant to S.E.J.  相似文献   

Summary Ablation of the brain from hibernatingHelix aspersa maintained at 25°C causes a significant increase in the proliferation of male cells in the gonad, whereas the ablation of the optic tentacles has no effect. The brain, therefore, produces a factor which specifically inhibits the multiplication of spermatogonia and spermatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Lipopolysaccharides from several bacteria were selectively degraded by gut juice of the snailHelix pomatia with extensive loss of anticomplementary activity and changes in the electrophoretic pattern in polyacrylamide gels. The gut juice had little effect on ketodeoxyoctonate content or immunodominant sugars. The lipid A moiety of the lipopolysaccharide appeared to be the main site of attack.  相似文献   

Summary Microchromatography of dansylated substances was used to estimate the serotonin content of the penis retractor muscle (PRM) ofHelix pomatia. Pharmacological data in connection with the biochemical results suggest that 5-HT plays a role in the regulation of the mechanical activity of the PRM.  相似文献   

Résumé L'octopamine est présente dans le tissue nerveus l'escargot,Helix aspersa. Elle a un effet fortement inhibitoire sur certains neurones. Ces neurones sont aussi sensibles à la dopamine et à la noradrénaline. Le mécanisme possible de l'action de l'octopamine est discuté.  相似文献   

Summary Snails (Helix aspersa) contain sulphate-reducing bacteria in their crops. Feeding such animals on food containing sulphate and molybdate ions does not induce a copper deficiency and in fact the bacteria appear to facilitate metal absorption. This is in contrast to the effects of these bacteria in ruminant cattle.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Gewebekulturen vonBombyx mori -Gonade und und vonHelix aspersa-Bindegewebe abimpfbare Fibroblasten-Zellenstämme wurden erhalten. Die Zusammensetzung der Nährflüssigkeiten ist gegeben, und es wird auf Schwierigkeiten in der Gewebekultur Wirbelloser hingewiesen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von den im Schneckenhirn (Helix pomatia) wahrscheinlich als Neurotransmitter wirkenden Substanzen führen Dopamin und Acetylcholin zu einem erhöhten Einbau von32P in Phospholipide; Serotonin zeigt eher einen gegenteiligen Effekt und Noradrenalin bleibt ohne Einfluss. Phosphatidylinositol weist die höchste Einbaurate auf. Die Resultate unterstreichen die Bedeutung von Dopamin, Acetylcholin und Serotonin als Neurotransmitter im Schneckenhirn und deren Einfluss auf den Metabolismus von Membranphospholipiden.  相似文献   

Summary It has been demonstrated by injections of H3-Thymidine into adult and juvenile snails (Helix pomatia) that the mitotic activity in the central nervous system, the connective tissue and epidermis was generally higher in juvenile animals than in adult ones. Data are given for the amount of triated thymidine labelled nuclei in the tissues, which are investigated.  相似文献   

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