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Gene deletion vector pXL05(pKC1139::△olmA1 △olmA4) was used to disrupt oligomycin PKS encoding genes (olmA ) in Streptomyces avermitilis CZ8-73, the producer of anthelmintic avermectins B and the cell growth inhibitor oligomycin, olmA gene cluster in the chromosome was displaced by deletion allele on the plasmid via double crossover. Four of disruptants were confirmed by Southern blotting. Shaking flask experiments and HPLC analyses showed that the four mutants no longer produced the toxic oligomycin, but only made four components of avermectins B, which were avermectin Bla, Blb, B2a, B2b. The yields of avermectins B in these mutants were separately equal to those in CZ8-73. This revealed that olmA genes deletion did not affect the biosynthesis of avermectins. The deletion mutants were proved to be genetically stable, and thus might be promising strains in industrial production of avermectins B.  相似文献   

由于人口迅速增长、资源短缺、环境恶化以及市场消费需求的不断增加 ,我国的粮食生产面临越来越严峻的挑战。据测算 ,到2030年前后我国人口将达到16亿多的高峰值 ,按人均400公斤的温饱型年最低消费水平计算 ,届时全国年需消费谷物将至少达到6400亿公斤 ,以粮食问题为核心的我国农业面临巨大压力。这就要求我国农业科技必须大发展 ,要进行一次新的农业科技革命 ,而农业生物技术就是这场新的农业科技革命的核心与支柱。一、我国农业与农村经济持续发展对农业生物技术的需求1.进一步提高农作物产量的需求提高农作物产量尤其是单…  相似文献   

本书是一本关于转基因科学方面的专著。是在社会框架下讨论了转基因的研究,指出科学、风险管理、决策和社会责任等问题的复杂性及其相互依赖关系,概述了针对转基因的争论以及关键问题,以及农作物转基因方面的诸多问题。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Chinese summer soybean germplasm revealed by SSR markers   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
There are abundant soybean germplasm in China. In order to assess genetic diversity of Chinese summer soybean germplasm, 158 Chinese summer soybean accessions from the primary core collection of G max were used to analyze genetic variation at 67 SSR loci. A total of 460 alleles were detected, in which 414 and 419 alleles occurred in the 80 Huanghuai and the 78 Southern summer accessions, respectively. The average number of alleles per locus was 6.9 for all the summer accessions, and 6.2 for both Huanghuai and Southern summer accessions. Marker diversity (D) per locus ranged from 0.414 to 0.905 with an average of 0.735 for all the summer accessions, from 0.387 to 0.886 with an average of 0.708 for the Huanghuai summer accessions, and from 0.189 to 0.884 with an average of 0.687 for the Southern summer accessions. The Huanghuai and Southern summer germplasm were different in the specific alleles, allelic-frequencies and pairwise genetic similarities. UPGMA cluster analysis based on the similarity data clearly separated the Huanghuai from Southern summer soybean accessions, suggesting that they were different gene pools. The results indicate that Chinese Huanghuai and Southern summer soybean germplasm can be used to enlarge genetic basis for developing elite summer soybean cultivars by exchanging their germplasm.  相似文献   

EST是指作为基因表达标签的一段长度150~500 bp的cDNA序列.EST计划旨通过大规模对随机挑取的cDNA克隆测序,获得、研究大批EST,进而研究生物体生长发育、繁殖分化、遗传变异、衰老死亡等系列生命过程.本文综述了重要麦类作物EST计划的研究进展,包括发展EST分子标记、构建遗传学图谱、分离与鉴定新基因、比较基因组学以及基因表达研究等,并对EST计划在麦类作物研究中存在的问题及应用前景进行了分析.  相似文献   

本介绍了基因工程产品安全性问题的由来及植物基因转化技术的应用领域,综述了转基因农产品(GMC)的各种利弊,并着重对抗病虫害GMC的应用前景进行了分析,详细讨论了抗病虫害基因工程在实际应用中可能存在的问题。  相似文献   

以5种农作物病原真菌为指示菌,从湖北省神农架地区的土壤中筛选得到1株抗真菌放线菌,命名为ⅡR21菌株.经过形态观察、培养特征、生理生化分析和16SrDNA序列同源性分析,初步鉴定该菌株属于链霉菌属.发酵液稳定性研究表明:ⅡR21菌株发酵液在-20℃~80℃范围内具有较强的稳定性;在pH 4.0~7.0范围内,ⅡR21菌株发酵液的抑菌活性比较稳定;紫外光照射对发酵液的抑菌活性没有影响.对放线菌ⅡR21菌株中Ⅰ型PKS基因族中KS基因进行PCR扩增和分析,与其他KS序列相似性比较低,与其系统分类最近的Streptomyces natalensis相似性达77%.  相似文献   

播娘蒿抗寒基因(DsCor)ORF的克隆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低温是植物生长过程中经常会遇到的一种逆境,也是限制农作物产量和分布的一种全球性的自然灾害,植物在经历过短时间的低温处理后,会提高其对寒冷的耐受的能力,近年来,随着植物生理、细胞和分之生物学理论和方法的日益完善,  相似文献   

联合国粮农组织农业专家估计,50年代以来,在提高农作物产量的因素中,增施肥料占40—60%。同样施化肥,但因施用技术、肥料质量、品种不同,而在利用率方面差别就很大。如发展中国家仅30%左右。现将国内外主要的施肥新动向介绍如下: 一、提高化肥利用率 1.氮肥深施国际水稻研究所研制的泥球尿  相似文献   

农作物秸秆是农业生产的主要副产品,产量大、分布广,除了用作燃料、饲料、工副业生产原料和直接还田外,还有许多剩余秸秆没有得到合理利用.农民使用秸秆主要有建房蔽日遮雨、烧活做饭、去暖、养畜、积肥还田等优良传统,但随着人们生活水平的提高,农村生活用能结构发生了改变,传统的秸秆利用方式逐渐被人们放弃,而现代科学的秸秆利用方式和意识还尚未建立起来,致使农作物秸秆出现大量剩余,导致露田就地焚烧,不仅浪费了宝贵的秸秆资源,而且带来了环境污染.  相似文献   

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